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The first ball system appears to be at Arnotts in Belfast, following the visit of Charles Storey of Lamson's in May 1885. The first one in the South was at Queen's Old Castle, Cork in October of that year. The takeup of Lamson systems in the first four years is indicated in the quotation for WEXFORD: Haddens. Arnotts in Dublin installed a Bostedo pneumatic system in 1897 - the first in Ireland and the second in the United Kingdom.
A newspaper report of 1947 advertises a Belfast office for Lamsons at 18 Waring Street. Belfast Telegraph, 26 Feb. 1947, p. 4
ShopsANTRIM, R.J. McMillan. "We have received insructions from R.J. McMillan, Esq. (who has disposed of his drapery business) to sell ... 2 Lamson Paragon Cash Railway System (complete). Belfast News-Letter, 27 Feb. 1948, p. 2 ARDEE, Louth. McGees. "I remember that [cash carrier] system in McGees of Ardee." Ursula McDonald in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook ARMAGH. H.G.Leeman, Alma House. "We believe that we are correct in surmising that 'the Electric' [carrier] has only been already introduced into some three of the leading firms, namely drapers, in the prosperous and enterprising town of Belfast, and it was only on last week that the enterprising owners of 'The Alma House' had a similar article brought into their establishment in Armagh... We have had an opportunity of casting a glance at 'The Railway' of Messrs. Leeman & Co. ... From him [the cashier] to al parts of the shop to and fro are sent 'the balls' containing 'the dockets' and cash." Armagh Standard, 22 Jan. 1886, p. 2. (These sound like cash ball systems, not electric.) ARMAGH. A. Lennox & Sons. "A Lamson Cash System, consisting of four wire and two foot pneumatic stations, for sale. Can be seen in working order." Belfast News-letter, 12 Dec. 1939, p. 8 ATHLONE. Burgess. "American Lampson [sic] cash carrier system for sale, comprising five points and office, central. Seen Burgess Ltd." Irish Times, 4 May 1962, p.14 ATHLONE. Lesters (Lysters?), Pearse Street. Wire system. (Rubberlegs posting to forum, 21 Jan. 05)
BALLINA, Mayo. McCawley's, Garden Street. "Lady book-keeper wanted .. to take complete charge of office, cash-carrier system, etc. Apply .. to McCawley's, Garden St., Ballina, Mayo." Irish Independent, 10 Nov. 1950, p. 12 BALLINA, Mayo. Strong’s (dept. store), Garden Street, "operated a cash railway, probably a Lamson rapid wire system, .. which had at least four lines through in the 1950’s." Pat Curley BALLINAGH, Cav. Connollys. "I remember them [cash carriers] as a child in Connolly's Ballinagh." Annette Flynn in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook BALLINASLOE, Gal. Cullens. "I also remember the shop assistants used to put the customer's cash in a little container and send it flying across the shop to the till on a overhead wire and wait for the change ta come whizzing back." Lee Lynch in posting to Ballinasloe Forum, 23/9/11
BALLYCONNELL, Cav . Richardson (later McGoldrick). "My father's business in Ballyconnell was RM Richardson & Sons, later Richardson Stores Ltd. We had this cash received system and the little bogies were propelled to the cash office next door along with a cash receipt. The cashier, who also ran the jewellery store, received the payment and sent back the correct change to the relevant department for the customer." Ian Richardson in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook BALLYHAUNIS, Mayo. John Conry (drapery, grocers). "Mr John M. Conry is retiring from business... The shop fittings consist of .. Lamson's Cash Railways (4 stations)." Irish Independent, 12 Jun. 1920, p. 13 BALLYHAUNIS, Mayo. Richard, Henry and Son. "Required, a trained Lady Book-keeper, to take charge of books and cash under [?] wire system." Irish Independent, 17 Apr. 1916, p. 6 BALLYMENA, Ant. [unknown] There was a shop with a cash railway in 1888 - see WEXFORD: Haddens. BALLYMENA, Ant. T.G.Alexander (drapers). Rapid Wire and pneumatic tube system until closure a few years ago. (E.Beirne) BALLYMERE, Ant. Stewarts (drapers). Still using Rapid Wire system in 1977. Daily Mirror, 21 July 1977, p.20 BELFAST. Anderson & McAuley, 1-7 Donegall Place and 2-16 Castle Street. "Having adopted the pneumatic tube cash system, we have two cash desks for sale; almost new." Northern Whig, 7 Dec. 1905, p.12 BELFAST. Arnotts, Bridge Street. Installed July 1885 and decribed in detail by the Belfast News-Letter. Presumably ordered in May with 37 stations and erected by Charley Storey on his visit from the US - see Lamsons. BELFAST. Burts. "Messrs. Burts, Ltd., 57, York Street, Belfast in liquidation... I have been instructed to sell by auction... Cash Railway System, 4 stations, and in perfect order." Northern Whig, 4 Sep. 1929, p. 1 BELFAST. Co-op, York Street. "Features of big Co-operative Society's extension... The Lamson system of pneumatic tubes will connect all floors with a central cash station on the second floor. The Lamson system of vacuum cleaning will also be used. The appearance of the interior of the building will not, however, suffer from the presence of so many pipes and conduits, for all of them .. will be concealed within a mock ceiling on each floor." Belfast News-letter, 25 Apr 1931, p. 10 BELFAST. J.P. Corry (builders merchants and hardware). "There were also mechanical systems that took canisters with money and dockets along wires suspended from ceilings. The counter hand attached the tube to the wire, pulled a wooden handle and a spring catapulted the tube along the wire to its destination." 'Marshmallow' in posting to Belfast Forum, 14 Dec. 2014 BELFAST. William Dobbin & Co. "An interesting feature is the Lamson Cash Railway, which rapidly conveys all cash to a central desk from nine different stations." Belfast Telegraph, 14 Sep. 1907, p. 6 BELFAST. Don Association (woollen manufacturers), 24-26 Donegall Place. "The fine premises .. have been fitted up in the most modern style, with .. a cash railway, which extends throughout the concern." Northern Whig, 29 Nov. 1888, p. 8 BELFAST. Forster Green & Co., 1-3 High Street. "By order of Messrs. Forster Green & Co., Ltd., who are relinquishing their retail business ... To be sold by auction sale ... Complete railway overhead cash system." Belfast News-Letter, 19 Jan. 1920, p. 10 BELFAST. Grafton Stores, 10 Donegall Place. (Late Lowry & Co. Ltd.) "The birth of a new business... New cash carrier system to meet the demands of an expanding business." Belfast News-Letter, 22 Jun. 1923, p. 12 BELFAST. Keogh's (General Drapery Warehouse), William Street, "Sale by auction of .. General Drapery Warehouse... Cash railway." Belfast Telegraph, 25 Apr. 1931, p. 2 BELFAST. Liptons. "Wanted. Girl for our Cash Desk; one accustomed to cash railway preferred. - Lipton, Ltd., High Street, Belfast. Belfast News-Letter, 11 Mar. 1910, p. 3 BELFAST. M'Coy & Sons (drapers), Smithfield. Lampson's [sic] patent Cash Railway for 6 stations, suitable for large retail business; grocers' and drapers' mahogany counters. Belfast News-Letter, 8 Jun. 1920, p. 10 BELFAST. W.J. McManus & Son, 60 North Street & 2 Lr. Garfield Street. "W.J. Mcmanus & Son's new shop is equipped with Lamson pneumatic cash tubes." Belfast Telegraph, 26 Feb. 1947, p. 4 BELFAST. Newells, 41-51 Royal Avenue. "Modern methods for a modern store. Newells have a centralised cash-credit sanction system installed by Lamson Engineering Co. Ltd." Belfast Telegraph, 13 Sep. 1954, p. 3 BELFAST. E. & W. Pim, Castle Street. "The new palatial premises of E. & W. Pim, Ltd... There is a cash railway system of the most modern type." Belfast News-Letter, 29 Nov. 1920, p. 6 BELFAST. Prices, Albertbridge Road, Mountpottinger . "I also remember the overhead system for handling the cash. From memory the money was loaded into a container then a cord was pulled and a spring type mechanism sent the thing off at high speed on overhead wire rails to a central cash office." Yourpete in posting to Belfast Forum, 5/6/08 BELFAST. Reids (shoe shop). Think Reid's Shoe Shop, Sandy Row, Belfast still has [one]! Sharon Mushtaq on Facebook BELFAST. Robbs, 1-15 Castle Place. "Shop assistants were not allowed to handle money. In Robb's, lattices at ceiling height were used to convey the cashboxes carrying money and bills of purchase from the various departments to the cashier's office, and the receipts back to customers." Culture of Northern Ireland website. New building 1877; closed in 1973; demolished 1988. BELFAST. Robertson, Ledlie, Ferguson & Co. (food specialists), Bank Buildings. "In response to a number of our customers. the Directors wish to state that they have now installed the Lamson Overhead Cash System, which they hope will meet with the approval of all, and facilitate purchasing in our Food Section." Northern Whig and Belfast Post, 24 Dec. 1923, p. 7 BELFAST. Robinson & Cleaver (Royal Irish Linen Warehouse) Donegall Place/Donegall Square North. "Air pumps for supplying compressed air, and exhaust for Blackeney's patent pneumatic tubes, which take the place of the cash railway, and carry the cash from all parts of the house to a central desk on the ground floor." Ulster Echo, 30 Apr. 1888, p. 2 BELFAST. Sinclair's, Royal Avenue. "A few of these [cash carriers] in Belfast in the 50s/60s... Sinclair's in Royal Avenue if I remember." Helen Robb on Facebook BELFAST. Warnocks, 8 Royal Avenue. "Lamson Paragon Pneumatic Tube System. 12 stations in p.m.o. with full equipment, suitable for carrying cash or papers. For appointment to view, apply to: Warnocks Ltd." Belfast Telegraph, 18 Mar. 1965, p. 21 BUNCLODY, Wex. Mulrennans, Main Street. "My Aunt & Uncle’s shop in Bunclody, Co Wexford had that system in their shop too." Brigid Canning in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook CAMPILE, Wex. Co-op. "There used to be a system like this [cash carrier] in the Shelbourne Co-op in Campile. I remember being absolutely fascinated by it as a little lad. Unfortunately though, this building was demolished recently." Fatswaldo posting to Boards.IE forum, 3/8/11 CARLOW, Carl. David Henry. "I have been instructed by Mr. David Henry, who is retiring, to sell by private treaty .. his modern three-storeyed business premises, situated in .. 140 Tullow Street, Carlow ... with modern Cash Railway." Belfast News-Letter, 16 Aug. 1919, p. 1 CARRICK-ON-SHANNON, Leit. John Flood. "John J. Flood's One-Price Warehouse .. counts as a tourist attraction its six station wire cash railway system.". Installed "at the turn of the century". Guardian, 7 June 1969, p.10. See also Anecdotes. CARRIGALLEN, Leit. Eileen & Bridgie Smyth. "I believe Eileen & Bridgie Smyth , Main St Carrigallen, had one [cash carrier] in their millinery shop." Maureen Gormley in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook CASTLEREA, Rosc. E.J.McDermot. Two photographs of cash office at Magnum Photos website taken in 1983. Rapid Wire system with approx. 6 lines. Three go through holes in one wall of the office and three through the wall at right-angles. CAVAN. Byers. "I rem. them Kevin in County Cavan Stores and Byers their shop was near Maurice Bradys." Veronica Clarke in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook CAVAN. County Cavan Stores, Main Stret. "A strong room and csh carrier system are installed." Irish Times, 4 Jun. 1947, p.8 CAVAN. George Fagans. "I remember Fagans and Providers and I was always fascinated by those little speeding cups." Monica Argue Bahm in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook CAVAN. Providers. "Providers had same [wire] system." Tony Finlay in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook CLIFDEN, Gal. Tweed shop. Pneumatic tube system ca. 1960. "I was transfixed by the thing - the very concept of it, and the hissing noise, followed by the very satisfactory thud as the tube came back with the change in it. Terrific stuff for a 9-year old!" Andrew Darwin CLONES, Mongh. Morgans. "Also [cash carrier at] Morgan's in Clones." Daniel Joseph McGowan in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook COOKSTOWN, Tyr. Hughes, Arcade. "For sale... Three-point Cash Railway." Mid-Ulster Mail, 9 Nov. 1940, p. 1 COOTEHILL, Cav. Fred Carnew’s in Cootehill had one [cash carrier] also. John Mahood in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook CORK. Alexander Grant & Co., Patrick Street. "Now Messrs. Alexander Grant and Company of Patrick-street have the railway in full working order in their extensive concerns... By the erection of the railway Messrs. Grant and Co. will be enabled to work on half their former staff of cashiers, and thereby effect a saving of £120 a year, so the change will soon pay for itself." Cork Constitution, 10 May 1886, p.2 CORK. Liptons, Patrick Street. Photograph of exterior.
"Daniel O'Connell & Co., plumbers, gasfitters, sanitary and electrical engineers ... have fitted up the new cash railway at Messrs Lipton, Ltd., Patrick Street. Cork Examiner, 18 Dec. 1901. p. 4 CORK. Munster Arcade (dept. store), Patrick Street. "The office was on a gallery overlooking the ground floor and all the containers could be seen vanishing up there." Daniel Crowley. The shop traded until the 1970s. Photograph of exterior at Cork City website. CORK. Queen's Old Castle (dept. store), Grand Parade. "The enterprising Queen's Old Castle Company have just had erected in their extensive establishment on the Grand Parade this realy wonderful and ingenious system, which has been designed by W.S. Lamson... It is composed of a number of miniature overhead railways, suspended from the ceiling of the shop, all of which run into the cash office... Along these tracks run a number of hollow wooden balls ... There are five different lines in this system and from four to eight balls on each line... Mr M.S.Giles, who has been erecting the system in the Queen's Old Castle, has now finished his work ... and today the system will be put into practice." Cork Constitution, 11 Sep. 1885, p. 2 (More details on the Cash Ball page.) DROGHEDA, Louth. A. Davis & Co. "Cash railways". Drogheda Conservative, 3 Mar. 1888, p. 8 DUBLIN. Blackwoods, corner of O'Connell Street and Wine Street. Wire system. Now Tohers chemist. Staff at Bad Ass cafe DUBLIN. Burgess. Pneumatic tube system. Centurion posting to forum, 23 Jan. 05 DUBLIN. William Case, grocers. Pneumatic tube system. Centurion posting to forum, 23 Jan. 05 DUBLIN. Burlington Restaurant, St Andrew Street. "Mr Thomas Carless, proprietor of the Burlington Restaurant, St Andrew-street, was summoned at the suit of Inspector Talbot for having his premises open for sale at prohibited hours ... I do not think there is any payment made over the bar in the premises. It is all by the cash railway." Freeman's Journal, 19 Jan. 1889 DUBLIN 1 . Arnotts, Henry
Street. "[The Lamson cash railway] is now working in the Glasgow and Belfast establishments of Arnott and Co., whose enterprise in this respect will to-day be equalled by the Dublin house." Irish Times, 24 Aug. 1885, p. 6 DUBLIN 1. Boyers, North Earl Street. Cash Ball system still in operation in 1960. (Nesbitt) DUBLIN. Burlington Restaurant, 27 St Andrew Street. "In the Southern Division of the Police Court... Mr Thomas Corless, proprietor of the Burlington Restaurant, St Andrew-street, was summoned .. for having his premises open for sale at prohibited hours... For any drink obtained money is paid across the counter, and not to the 'cash railway'. That is for the other parts of the establishment." Freeman's Journal, 19 Jan. 1889, p. 7 DUBLIN 1. Clery's department store, O'Connell
Street. Lamson wire system - part now in Bad Ass Cafe (E.Beirne). "Those cash pullys [sic] were totally amazing. I worked in the cash office and they were dumped into this office, with us locked in. We made change, produced a receipt, all by hand and sent the thing whizzing thro the roof again... Wonderful ... I still remember the smell of that place. Considering the size of Clerys, it was a tiny room in the basement." Mykids Mom posting to Dublin Today, 8/9/08 DUBLIN. John Delahunt. (Now Delahunt restaurant.) "Yesterday Alderman Delahunt gave further proof of his enterprise by opening high-class grocery, wine, and general provision stores in No. 39 Lower Camden street... Every modern device for facilitating the transaction of business has been introduced, including the new cash railway system." Freeman's Journal, 11 July 1907, p. 5 DUBLIN. Findlaters (grocers). "At that time the Findlater family business was thriving, with 20 large grocers' shops around Dublin where cash and bills whizzed along on overhead cables linking the counters and the accounts department." website DUBLIN. Frawleys, 32-36 Thomas Street. "Kelletts was one of the last places along with Frawleys of Thomas St to have the overhead pulley thingys for the cash". Womblemum posting to Dublin Today, 5/9/08. Closed in 2007. DUBLIN. Gleesons, Camden Street. "For sale. Lamson 'Rapid' Wire cash carrier system (4 stations), in perfect working order." Irish Times, 15 Feb. 1949, p.8 DUBLIN. Gorevans. Wire system. Gatsby in posting to, 22/1/09 DUBLIN 1. Guineys, North Earl Street/Talbot Street. Wire system. (Staff at Bad Ass Cafe and red68 posting to, 22/1/09) DUBLIN. Henry Street Warehouse Co. "There had been, however, exceptional expenses incurred .. - prepayments for cash railway system recently introduced." Dublin Daily Express, 25 Aug. 1888, p. 7 DUBLIN. W.Holmes, George's Street. "Lamson 'ball' cash carrier for sale: can be seen in use before being removed." Irish Times, 18 Aug. 1931, p.2 DUBLIN. D.Kellett, South Great George's Street and Exchequer Street. "Entire valuable shop fittings and equipment [for sale]. Lamson 24-tube cash system." Irish Times, 8 Aug. 1959, p.13 DUBLIN. Johnstons, O'Connell Street. Pneumatic tube system. Now closed. (Staff at Bad Ass cafe) DUBLIN. McBirney & Co., Aston's Quay. "The Chairman .. then mentioned that they had just erected in the establishment the 'cash railway'." Irish Times, 31 Aug. 1885, p. 3 DUBLIN. Shelbourne House. "On Tuesday and yesterday Messrs. Battersby and Co., auctioners, offered for sale .. cash railway .. of Shelbourne House, Merrion Row, where an extensive drapery business was carried on until last April." Evening Herald (Dublin), 9 Sep. 1926, p. 2 DUBLIN 2. Bad Ass Cafe, 9-11 Crown Alley. Lamson Rapid Wire system. Taken from Clerys department store. When I visited in June 2003, some lines were in working order and could be used to carry customers' orders to the bar. In June 2009 one line was still operational. DUBLIN 1 . William Todd. "Wm. Todd & Co. beg to announce that the pneumatic tube cash system is now working throughout their George-st. establishment." Munster News, 32 May 1911, p. 2 DUBLIN. Todd Burns (drapers), 47 Mary Street. See Pim below. Joyce's sister, Mary, worked there in 1907. DUBLIN 2. Thomas Dockrell Sons & Co., 38 South Great George's Street. "We have a quantity of Lamson cash tubes, money containers, wall brackets and fittings for sale." Irish Times, 9 Jul. 1962, p.20 DUBLIN 2 . J.T.Pim, 4 South Great George's Street (later became
Penneys dept store). "Cash & docket whooshed in wooden can
on wire in Pims and Todd Burns shops, Dublin." Michael O'Kelly in
annotation to Finnegan's Wake p.232: posting
to FWAKE-L list, 26/07/91 DUBLIN 2. Walpoles, 13 Crown Alley. "Walpoles ensure good customer service with Lamson cash tubes." Irish Times, 18 Apr. 1961, p.5 DUBLIN 6. Lees, Rathmines. "The Lees system was polished brass. I have memories of the carrier being sucked into the bowels of the building and then waiting patiently. Eventually, you could hear the system pressurise, and with a loud "schlop" the carrier would come flying out into the basket." 'Grandad ' from Headrambles site DUBLIN 6W. Floods, Terenure. "Terenure was still a village then. The main grocery shop was Floods. That's long gone now... When the time came to pay, you gave him the money. He would put it, and the bill into a wooden jar that was then clipped into an overhead wire system. He would pull a handle, and the wooden jar would go flying across on its wire into the cash office which was high on the opposite wall." Head Rambles website DUBLIN 7. Heathers, Arran Quay. "There was a very popular drapery shop on Arran Quay in the Twenties. The name was Heather's and it was quite a large shop. My mother went there quite often and I liked to go with her and watch the aerial boxes which were used to convey money from the counter to the cashier's office. The change caame back along the wire without much delay. Inside was also the receipt. It was always a mystery to me how these small circular boxes could speed along the wires. There were always chairs at the counters for the customers." Paddy Crosbie. "Your dinner's poured out!" Memoirs of a Dublin that has disappeared by a former teacher. Dublin: O'Brien, 1981, p.146. Photograph of exterior on p.147. DUNDALK, Louth. N. Carolan & Co., Earl Street. (Closed May 1970.) "Overhead the mechanical courier, that little round box, containing the money for the purchase, which on the pull of a wire handle by the assistant, sped with alacrity along a complex of steel wires to the cash office in the centre of the shop, and from where, like magic, it was returned with change and receipt intact." Drogheda Argus and Leinster Journal, 4 Mar. 1988, p. 14 DUNGANNON, Tyr. Alexanders. "I remember Alexander’s in Dungannon N.I. used a compressed air system." Harry Patterson in posting to Facebook DUNGANNON, Tyr. Manchester House. "For quick sale. Pneumatic cash tube system, four stations and terminal. Cash desk with electric motor and exhauster. William S. Johnston, The Manchester House, Dungannon." Belfast Telegraph, 21 Feb. 1968, p. 11 DUN LAOGHAIRE, Dub. Cullens. " Hadn't they got a real high counter in the shop and the money was send up to the top on wires (like McCullaghs)? They didnt trust anyone." Grammer in posting to Dun Laoghaire board 23/12/09 DUN LAOGHAIRE, Dub. Findlaters .. had a wonderful system of those whizzing overhead little money carriers. Tolo posting to Dublin People Forum, 30/7/03. "Findlaters also used the wire system to send the money to a cashier high up in an overhead office to pay and to get the change. It was facinating to watch to us kids." Chiropodist in posting to Dun Laoghaire board 24/12/09 DUN LAOGHAIRE, Dub. McCullaghs. See DUN LAOGHAIRE. Cullens DUNMORE, Gal. [unknown] There was a shop with a cash railway in 1888 - see WEXFORD: Haddens. ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. Chambers (hardware), Church Street. (Later S.D.Kells) "A photo of the mechanical pulley device that was used to swish through the shop to convey payments and change/docket (receipt) to and from the cash office." Old Enniskillen on Facebook ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. D.F.Clarke. Cash carrier. Elaine Bowie in posting to Facebook ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. J. Cooper & Co. , 30-31 High Street. "Sale of counters, display cases [etc.] ... Cash Railway System, 3 lines. Belfast News-letter, 10 Mar. 1955, p. 1 ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. Robert Dickie. Cash carrier. Joan Nelson on Facebook ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. Wesley J. Elliott (drapery), 22 High Street. Rapid wire system with two lines to central office. System removed many years ago and shop recently closed. Gordon Dudgeon ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm.Fergusons (gents' outfitters). Wire system. Frank Ormsby. The darknes of snow. Hexham:Bloodaxe, 2017, p. 16 ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. Galligans. Cash carrier. Frances Curry on Facebook ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. Jordans (grocers). Cash carrier in 1940s. Aj Rogers on Facebook ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. Liptons. "I remember one [cash carrier] in Scotts and one in Liptoms [sic]." Martin Shannon in posting to Facebook ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. O'Reillys, Town Hall Street. Cash carrier. John Curley on Facebook ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. John Richardsons, East Bridge Street. "Wilson's had our old one and Richardson's had a more modern version - eggs got sent through for the craic occasionally .... Oh the smell!!!" Jane Richardson in posting to Facebook ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. Scotts. "I remember one [cash carrier] in Scotts." Martin Shannon in posting to Facebook ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. Thorntons, The Diamond. Noreen Hart on Facebook ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. Tully's (now Topshop). Wire system in 1980s, now at Enniskillen Castle Museum (see below). Gordon Dudgeon ENNNISKILLEN, Ferm. G.E. Wilson's (drapers). "I remember one like this [the one in Enniskillen Museum] in Wilson's drapery shop." Declan McCaughey on Twitter FERMOY, Cork. P. O'Brien. "Large drapery business for sale. Mr P. O'Brien is finding it necessary to give up business... The shop .. is fitted up with .. Cash Railway, etc." Freeman's Journal, 28 Aug. 1920, p. 8 FERNS, Wex. John Bolger (general merchant), Main Street. Wire system connecting three departments to an office in the centre of the shop." Mick Doran who worked there in 1953. FOULKSMILLS, Wex. Co-op. "The Co-op building in Foulksmills had one [cash carrier] too... The building hasn't changed in a long time." 'Mahatma coat' in posting to Boards.IE, 3/8/11 GALWAY. Alexander Moon. 8-station Cash Ball system, installed in November 1894. It was still running until 1965, when Lamsons acquired part of it. Two museums were said to be interested in displaying parts.(Lamson News) GALWAY. F.W.Woolworth, Eyre Square. Opened 1953. "Equally fascinating was the system for taking cash. It was placed in a metal cylinder which was shot through a series of tubes to a central office, and moments later came back with your change and receipt." Old Galway website GALWAY. Another shop with a wire system in 1962. Paul Hadley GRANARD, Long. Larry Kiernan. "[Cash carriers] Were in Larry Kiernans hardware in Granard." Maureen Mcenerny in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook IRVINESTOWN, Ferm. Maguires. Helen Robinson on Facebook KELLS, Meath. James O' Ferrall. "J. & G. Brophy have received instructions .. to sell by public auction .. all that the extensive and old-established business of family grocers .. carried on as James O'Ferralls, situated in Castle Street in the town and parish of Kells, County of Meath... The other shop is fitted in a most up-to-date manner including cash railway system." Irish Independent, 28 Sep. 1935, p.12
KENMARE, Kerry. A long narrow shop. Wire system with a long run. Not being used but in working order in 1965. [Could be the same as above?] Paul Hadley KILKENNY. Arthur Wilsdon (grocers). "To be sold by public auction.. by instructions of Mr. Arthur J. Wilsdon .. the splendid business premises, nos. 42 and 43 John St., Kilkenny... Cash office with Lamson Paragon Aerial Cash Railway." New Ross Standard, 18 Sep. 1925, p. 1 KILLARNEY, Kerry. Hardware shop and another shop with working wire systems in 1965. Paul Hadley KILRUSH, Clare. O'Shea. "Superior residential drapery business for auction.. for the legal representatives of Mr. Seamus O'Shea... also cash carrier rail to office. Irish Times, 14 Jan. 1972, p.1 with photo of shop: Patrick O'Shea, draper, outfitter.
LARNE, Ant. Alexanders (toys, paint and wallpaper, curtains, nursery goods). Rapid wire system. "The wires ran from a central cash kiosk to the paint department and up to an office on the first floor. The system was destroyed when the shop was firebombed in 1977 although it had not been in use for some time before that." Johanne Alexander LARNE, Ant. Tweedy Acheson. "Had a rail system where the money was placed inside a ball which rolled from the first floor down to the cash handling area. I think there was a second system in use in that shop too but I cannot recall any detail of it." Johanne Alexander LIMERICK. Cannock & Co. "The most extensive system in the south of Ireland (33 stations)." Munster News, 13 Jan. 1886, p. 2 LIMERICK. Keogh's, 48 William Street. "Highly important sale by auction of the very valuable old-established general drapery warehouse (known as Keogh's)... Fitted with Cash Railway. Belfast Telegraph, 25 Apr. 1931, p. 2 LIMERICK. Spaights, Henry Street. "Pulley system" in 1940s-50s.. Limerick website LIMERICK. William Todd, O'Connell Street. "The Lamson cash railway is now working throughout William Todd & Co.'s entire establishment. They respectfully invite an inspection of it." Munster News, 9 Jan. 1886, p. 2 LISBURN, Ant. Beckett Bros., 45-47 Bow Street. "Messrs. Beckett Bros. .. have instructed us to sell by auction .. Lamson Cash Carrier." Belfast News-Letter, 26 Oct. 1928, p.1 LISBURN, Ant. Co-op. Pneumatic tube system. Gillian Taylor on Facebook LISBURN, Ant. R. & D. Thompson, Chapel Hill/Dublin Road. "For sale owing to shop alterations, Lamson rapid wire cash system. Almost new. Apply - R. & D. Thompson, Ltd." Belfast News-Letter, 2 Nov. 1951, p. 3 LISNASKEA, Tyr. Reggie Allens. Cash carrier. Pauline Channing in posting to Facebook LISTOWEL, Kerry. Carrolls. Cash carrier. Sile Walsh in posting to Facebook LISTOWEL, Kerry. McKennas (hardware), 3 Market Street. "I can still hear the clack and whizz of the cash balls... It went quiet sometime in the 60s when the cash registers were brought in." John McKenna LONDONDERRY. John Cooke &Co., Waterloo Place. "For sale. Lamson Cash Tube System (serves three departments). Can be seen in operation at John Cooke & Co. (Derry) Limited." Ireland's Saturday Night, 7 Sep. 1963, p. 9 LONDONDERRY. Edminston & Co. (hardware and toys). "When you paid your money it was put in a little container that moved along a wire to the cashier, who sat in a raised kiosk, and your change and receipt came back the same way." Alison Stewart on Facebook, 15 Feb. 2020 LONDONDERRY. Mullholland & Co. "The Lamson Company, London, have fitted up the new 'rapid wire system', in addition to the cash railway, for transmitting cash and bills to and from the cashier's desk in the centre of the warehouse. The rapid wire communicates with twelve stations in this spacious warehouse." Derry Journal, 24 May 1893, p. 8 LONDONDERRY. J. J. Pollock & Co. (tailors and outfitters), City Arcade. "Messrs. J.J. Pollock & Co. have .. introduced into their large establishment, and accordingly into the city, a most improved 'cash railway system'... The patent is known as Lamson's, the invention is American... The customer sees his money placed inside a parti-coloured ball and put into a wire cage, which the shop assistant hoists to a wire railway along which it rolls to the central cash box... The system will extend over the chief counters in the shop, both on the ground floor and the upper storeys." Londonderry Sentinel, 18 Feb. 1888, p. 3 LONDONDERRY. William Thompson, Shipquay Street. "For sale. National Cash Register .. replaced by cash tube system." Londonderry Sentinel, 26 Jun. 1956, p. 1 LOUGHREA. Stratton's. "Having sold Mrs. Stratton's drapery establishment, I am now instructed to sell by public auction on the premises at Main Street .. cash railway." Irish Independent, 30 Oct. 1948, p. 10 LURGAN, Arm. [unknown] There was a shop with a cash railway in 1888 - see WEXFORD: Haddens. LURGAN, Arm. Carson. "I worked In Carson & Co grocery shop. We used the same method, we had four lines going. I worked in the office sending back the change." Pat Lutton on Facebook LURGAN, Arm. Gilchrists. "Anyone recall the staff of Gilchrist's putting the customers money into the wooden ball and screwing it closed and pulling the chain and sending it up to the cashier in the top office ? Wellworths bought the store and opened in Lurgan in 1971, Heaton's is now on the site." Old Lurgan Photos on Facebook LURGAN, Arm. Menarys. "Remember Menarys having one they had a shop in market Street somewhere," Ann Nelson on Facebook LURGAN, Arm. Uprichards. "Uprichards hardware shop had the same, and i think Halls butchers too if i remember right !!!" Alan Hampton on Facebook MARYBOROUGH, Laois Kelly and Co. "Lamson Cash Railway for sale, four stations." Irish Independent, 3 Oct. 1950, p. 11 MONAGHAN, Mongh. W.A. McCaldin. "A complete Cash Railway System, five lines, good condition [for sale]." Irish Independent, 12 Jan. 1950, p. 2 MONAGHAN, Mongh. Pattons. "I remember that system in Pattons in Monaghan. I loved going into the shop just to see it working." Frances Daly in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook MULLINGAR, Wmth. Nooney & Son. "Cash might be sent to the office by the assistant going with it or by means of the cash railway." (Relating to court case at Mullingar District Court). Roscommon Messenger, 18 Oct. 1930, p. 4 NENAGH, Tipp. Hodgins. "They had one of them cash carriers in hodgins too." Paul McCarthy on Facebook
NENAGH, Tipp. Two shops with working wire systems in 1965. Paul Hadley NEW ROSS, Wex. Patrick Hickey. "Important sale of residue of furniture, shop-fittings, etc. .. for Messrs Patrick Hickey, Ltd., 57/58 South Street, New Ross... Lanson [sic] Cash Carrier." New Ross Standard, 15 Sep. 1972, p. 23 NEW ROSS, Wex. Kate Murphy, North Street. "Sale of furniture, overhead cash railway, etc... by direction of Mrs. Kate Murphy." New Ross Stansard, 1 Jun. 1928, p. 1 NEWRY. R. Foster. "On Thursday last Messrs Foster & Co's Arcade, Hill Street, was crowded with country folk, who had visited the place principally to see the cash railway system, which was that day in full working order for the first time." Newry Telegraph, 20 Feb. 1886, p. 3 NEWRY. Newell Bros., Market Square. "A new cash railway of eight stations has been provided." Newry Reporter, 5 Apr. 1906, p. 5 NEWRY. William Rafferty. "For sale. (1) A Lamson cash railway, 130 feet in the straight, in prefect working order... To be seen on application to William Rafferty, Water Street, Newry. Belfast Telegraph, 23 Jun. 1909, p. 1 NEWTOWNARDS, Down. [unknown - could be Warden's?] There was a shop with a cash railway in 1888 - see WEXFORD: Haddens. NEWTOWNARDS, Down. F.C. Glasgow & Son, 41 High Street. "We have received instructions from the directors of F.C. Glasgow & Son to sell their entire stock, fixtures and fittings on their premises ... Lamson Cash Transmission System." NEWTOWNARDS, Down. James Mairs. "I have received instructions from Mr. James Mairs to sell by public auction .. those magnificent centrally-situated drapery premises in High Street, Newtownards ... A Lamson Cash Railway and a heating system are installed." Belfast News-Letter, 29 Oct. 1926, p. 16 NEWTOWNARDS, Down. Warden's. Cash ball system. 'Platypus' in posting to group, 14/12/04 OMAGH, Tyr. C.A.Anderson & Co. (where Salad Bowl and HSBC are now.) "Another recollection that I had of the older shop which had a sort of an emporium feel about it was the overhead box system which whizzed from the counter to the office with the cash. The premises were re-built in 2003." Geograph Ireland website OMAGH, Tyr. E. J. & F. Crawford. "We have adopted the instantaneous cash railway, which will greatly facilitate all business transactions." Tyrone Constitution, 13 Apr. 1888, p. 2 OMAGH, Tyr. James Eakin & Sons, Dublin Road. "Urgently required one 'Rapid Wire System." (Presumably an additional propulsion.) Belfast News-Letter, 26 Oct. 1973, p. 13 OMAGH, Tyr. J.R. Pollock & Co. "Lamson pneumatic cash system. Two-unit, complete with motor (new August 1959). Prefect condition. £75 o.n.o. J.R. Pollock & Co., Omagh." Belfast Telegraph, 17 Feb. 1965, p. 14 PORTADOWN, Arm. [unknown] There was a shop with a cash railway in 1888 - see WEXFORD: Haddens. PORTADOWN, Arm. R. Corbett & Son, 11-21 Market Street. "Lamson pneumatic cash system. 21 stations, tubes, turbine and motor. Good condition. R. Corbett & Son." Belfast Telegraph, 31 July 1973, p. 10 PORTADOWN, Arm. Forbes & Co., Market Street. "One of the most ingenious and efficient systems of Cash Railway we have ever had the pleasure of inspecting has just been fitted up in the new drapery establishment of Messrs G.R. Forbes & Co." Portadown News, 23 Mar. 1907, p. 5 PORTADOWN, Arm. Jackson, Market Street. "For sale, two Lamson Cash Railway Stations, condition as new, can be inspected at any time by appointment." Belfast Telegraph, 2 Apr. 1942, p. 1
PORTRUSH, Ant. White House. "What about the great cash system of pipes and little metal canisters that whizzed around the shop with dockets and receipts. (Describing late 1960s). Ruth Wood in "Your place & mine", October 2004. ROCKCORRY, Monagh. "Campbell’s of Rockcorry [had a cash carrier]." Wilma Bennett in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook ROSCOMMON. Irish House. "Important auction .. at the Irish House, Main Street, Roscommon .. (per instructions of Messrs. Igoe and Co., who have retired from business)... The shop fittings include .. Cash Railway. Sligo Champion, 4 Jul. 1964, p. 14 SHERCOCK. "JJ McEntees in Shercock had this system. James Donovan, Mickey McPhillips and Benny Smith were the store assistants sending the cash out in the flying cup and Loretta McCaffery was the receiver in the office. It was lovely to watch the cup zipping along the wire at speed." Tommy Lambe in posting to Cavan Old Irish Photos on Facebook SLIGO. W.T. Johnston. "The Johnstons bought 6, Knox Street and No. 8 in 1825... One remarkable feature of the shop was the Lamson Pneumatic Tub [sic] System used to convey cash to the office." Sligo Champion, 8 Jun. 1984, p. 9 SLIGO. Henry Lyons & Co. "Lamson cash railway now running between the different stations." Sligo Independent, 6 Jun. 1891, p. 2 SLIGO. M'Donagh, Castle Street. "A cash railway is being fitted up." Sligo Champion, 16 Dec. 1905, p. 4 STRABANE, Tyr. Camus Co-op Agricultural Soc. "I have been favoured with instructions from the liquidator to sell by public auction on the premises at Butcher-street, Strabane .. all that valuable premises... The purchaser shall have the opportunity of procuring the .. Cash Railway. Londonderry Sentinel, 11 Jan. 1925, p. 1 STRABANE, Tyr. Linton and Robinson, Abercorn Square. "The old pneumatic pulley system". Removed in 2004 when the shop was modernised. (BBC Your Place & Mine website) TANDRAGEE, Arm. Robert Emerson. "I have received instructions from the Executoes of the late Mr Robert Graham Emerson, deceased .. to sell by public auction .. cash railway." Portadown News, 31 May 1919, p. 2 TRALEE, Kerry. Munster Cash Company. "Opening of a New Railway in Tralee, Munster Cash Company. Owing to increased Cash Trade we have errected on our premises Lamson's Cash Railway, which conveys cash to a central station and brings back the change in two seconds. This is one of the greatest wonders of recent American inventions. Everyone should see it on Saturday, when it will be in full working order." Kerry Centinel, 14 Jan. 1887 TRALEE, Kerry. Four shops with wire systems in 1965. One system had a curve and was disused: the other three were active. Paul Hadley TULLAMORE, Ofly. Patrick & Henry Egan, grocery and ironmongery depts, Bridge Street. "Neither pains nor expense has been spared in order to make the arrangements of the establishment as complete as possible, the cash railway system being adopted throughout." (Dublin, Cork and South of Ireland. London:Stratten, 1892, p.113). "In the centre of the shop is situated a cash desk, which is connected by the Lamson system of wires with all the several departments of the house, for the immediate despatch of all cash receipts." Offaly Historical & Archaeological Society, quoting Kings Co. Independent, 1914. WATERFORD. James Hearne, 63-64 Quay. "We are erecting a second cash railway and a second cash desk to cope with the great increase in our business since we opened the new ironmongery department, the new furniture show rooms, and the new hat room." Waterford Standard, 26 May 1909, p. 2 WATERFORD. Kelly & Wilson (grocers and provisions merchants). "The only house in the trade in Waterford having adopted the great American cash railway system." Waterford Standard, 7 Mar. 1888, p. 2 WATERFORD. Phelan Bros., 7-8 George's Street. "Important sale of business premises in which Messrs. Phelan Brothers conducted an extensive Retail and Wholesale Draper's Business... Immediately after will be sold the shop fittings. Lampson [sic] cash carrier system, comprising 5 curved stations and 4 straight stations, cost £150." Irish Times, 27 Feb. 1926, p.13 WATERFORD. Robertson, Ledlie, Ferguson & Co., 53 & 54 Quay. "The great American cash railway. The latest innovation of the drapery trade... Robertson, Ledlie, Ferguson & Co., Lmtd., having made arrangements for the introduction of the Lamson cash railway system into their warehouse and as they have only a very limited time before the Engineers and Workmen will be busily engaged in erecting the Machinery, they have determined to realise the remaining portion of their Winter Stock." Waterford Standard, 18 Jun. 1888, p.2 WEXFORD. Dunnes, Main Street. "There was a [sic] old fittings and parts of a vacuum transit system of old dunnes on the main street." Sandula in posting to Boards.IE, 31/7/11 WEXFORD. Haddens, Main Street. "Messrs. W. & G. Hadden, drapers of this town, evidently believe in keeping abreast of the times. As is generally known, their establishment in Main-st. has been greatly enlarged and improved in recent years .. and they have now introduced a new feature of an important kind. This is what is called a cash railway ... There are four balls attached to each station... Messrs. Hadden's system comprises twelve stations - eight in the ground floor and four upstairs - and a drop station. The latter forms a communication between the ground floor and the first floor, and by means of it the valls from the latter descend through an ingenious contrivance in the shape of a net... The Lamson Cash Railway System is the name of that described. It is supplied solely by the Lamson Store Service Company... WEXFORD. Shaws. "Shaws in Wexford in the old days had a vacuum system with tubes running all over the place. All gone now as the old building was demolished to make way for the current store." 'Radio Retro' in posting to Boards.IE, 31/7/11 WEXFORD. Woolworths. "Woolworth's (where Penney's is now) also had the vacuum system but it was out of use when I saw it as a young lad." 'Radio Retro' in posting to Boards.IE, 31/7/11 Museums