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J.W.Quackenbush & Son, 160 E Broadway, Eugene OR

The shop ws opened by Mr Quackenbush in 1902 as a hardware store. He died in 1970 and his wife in 1972. It is now divided into the Ambrosia Restaurant, a second-hand bookshop, and other businesses. Parts of the system remain. From the photographs, it looks like an Air-Line two-wire system.

Mr Quackenbush operating a propulsion. Photograph from Eugene Register-Guard.

Mrs Quackenbush despatching the change. Photograph from Eugene Register-Guard.

A propulsion located in what is now the bookshop.

Another view of the propulsion.

Two propulsions. Photograph from Wikimedia.

The equipment at the former cash office on a mezzanine floor. This looks as though it is now part of the restaurant. Photograph from Wikimedia.