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Wilsons of Carlisle

Agreement between Lamsons and W.Wilson & Son

First page of the agreement, dated 7 November 1885, between the Lamson Cash Railway Company of Boston, Mass. and W.Wilson & Son of Carlisle. It covers any required number of ststions, each station consisting of an elevator, return box and four carriers.

The rental is for three years at $18 per station. (This is before the opening of Lamsons' British office.)

The agreement is signed by Louis H.Mahn, General Agent for Europe.

Receipt from Lamsons

Receipt from the Lamson Store Service Co. Ltd. dated 22 March 1893 for £18/12/00 being the annual rental for six stations at £3/2/00 each. Signed by J.M.Kelly.

Letter from Kelly of Lmsons

Letter from J.M.Kelly to Wilsons' solicitors confirming that they will remove the system on or about 30 January 1894 following the death of John Wilson.