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Locations - Scotland

The first cash railway in Scotland was claimed by the Glasgow Herald as Arnotts in July 1885. (However, The Scotsman reported one was on order for Renton's in Edinburgh in April 1885 and M'Laren's and Renton's both introduced them in July 1885.) By November "a number" of systems had been installed in Glasgow "warehouses", three in Edinburgh, and the first north of the Forth was put in at James Spence & Co., Dundee. This was closely followed by Watt & Grant in Aberdeen. The first pneumatic system apears to be at Blakeney & Sons of Dundee in 1887, the invention of Mr W.H. Blakeney, and the first in the North of Scotland was at Falconer's in Aberdeen. The Cash Drapery House of Arbroath advertised an "Electric Cash Railway" opening in September 1891.

ABERDEEN. Army Supply Stores, Castle Street. "Cash Railway, and Premises lighted by the New System of Electric Lighting throughout." Fraserburgh Herald, 1 Oct. 1895, p. 2

ABERDEEN. Isaac Benzie (later Arnotts) , George Street. Closed 25 January 1986. Pneumatic tube system. "They all recall the consternation in the store when the Lamson tubes were done away with and tills installed. This was a suction-operated system of tubes going from every department to the basement. A brass docket carried the cash to six girls in the basement and they sent back the docket with the correct change and the receipt." Aberdeen Press and Journal, 27 Dec. 1985, p. 7
• "I loved the .. little cylinders they put your money and receipt in and sent them shooting up to the office in little tracks then back it came with your change." ('RosemountK' in posting to This is North Scotland Bulletin Board, 2 Jul. 2005)
Video at Scottish Film archive shows the counter terminal and cash office well, ca. 1931.

ABERDEEN. Co-op, 54 Loch Street . "The new central premises of the Northern Co-operative Company erected in Gallowgate and Loch Street are now all but completed... The pneumatic tube system of transmission from cashier to counter has been installed throughout the salerooms." Aberdeen Journal, 3 Apr. 1903, p.4
• "For sale, Lamson Cash Railway Ball Systems, in excellent working order." Aberdeen Press and Journal, 10 Apr. 1920, p. 8. (Presumably not from the central premises.)
• "Cash whizzed around the ceilings in Lampson [sic] tubes, like rattling steam trains." Aberdeen Eevening Express, 28 Jun 2000, p.17
• "The one on the right side was Pneumatic and the returning cylinder would be ejected from the brass tube into a square wire basket. And the other system on the left side of the Arcade was in the Co-opey Shoe department. And that one was different - it consisted of your money being whisked away on a cable that stretched up to the cashiers in a separate room up in the top corner in a mezanine... I think it rolled on two wheels suspended from a 'clothes-line' setup... I seem to recall that they pulled down a lever and it shot away up there like an arrow." Jim Rae in posting to This is North Scotland Bulletin Board, 2 Jul. 2005. The shop was bulldozed in the late 1980s.

ABERDEEN. John Falconer, 65 Union Street. "Extensions when completed will include .. Lamson pneumatic tubes for cash carrying by compressed air." Aberdeen Daily Journal, 5 Aug. 1902, p. 8
• "Ladies are specially invited to see in use the Lamson pneumatic tubes for carrying cash by compressed air - the first installation in the North of Scotland. The system is a very perfect one and will be found most interesting." Aberdeen Press and Journal, 11 Dec. 1902, p. 10
• "Result of competition, 230,148 feet, or 43 miles 1036 yards, being the number of feet travelled on Friday, 23rd December, by our Lamson Cash Carriers. The day being a wet one, the number of feet travelled was much less than either the day previous or the day following. Intimation has been sent to the six successful competitors to call and select their prizes." Aberdeen Daily Journal, 31 Dec. 1904, p. 10
• Pneumatic tube system. Closed around 1960s. M.Anderson-Smith

ABERDEEN. Duncan Fraser, drapers, Schoolhill. Pneumatic tube system. Closed around 1960s. M.Anderson-Smith. "I remember being fascinated by the pulley system." Cath Russell posting to Aberdeen-L list, 2 Dec. 03. Duncan Fraser was 152nd Lord Provost of Aberdeen ca. 1949.

ABERDEEN. R.J. Mackenzie & Fraser, 5 Belmont Street. "Important sale of shop fittings... Cash railway." Aberdeen Press, 20 Apr. 1908, p. 2

ABERDEEN. James Hardy (jewellers), 53 Union Street. "Lamson cash system for sale. Messrs James Hardy & Co., Ltd., Jewellers, 53 Union Street, have for disposal complete Lamson cash compressed air tube system, with two despatch stations and double reception station in office. Cost £80." Aberdeen Press and Journal, 24 Jan. 1929, p.12

ABERDEEN. "Raggie" Morrison, St Nicholas Street. Pneumatic tube system. Closed around 1950s. M.Anderson-Smith

ABERDEEN. Liptons. "A smart cash railway system has been introduced." Aberdeen Press and Journal, 22 Jun. 1908, p. 4

ABERDEEN. Menzies & Sons (outfitters), George Street. "Remember the old-fashioned method whereby money went whizzing round the shop on rails in little containers? The next step was an enclosed affair roughly along the same lines. A new electrically-operated system now installed is placed directly above the pay desk and money merely goes straight down, and the receipt straight up again from the desk." Aberdeen Evening Express, 25 Oct. 1962, p. 10

ABERDEEN. Northern Co-op, Buxburn. "The Northern Co-operative Company opened for inspection a new store in Buxburn on Saturday afternoon... The Company have fitted up a 'cash railway' throughout the whole of the building, and this railway will have its terminus at the cash desk, which is placed in the drapery department." Aberdeen Free Press, 9 Aug. 1886, p. 4

ABERDEEN. Reid & Pearson, George Street. Pneumatic tube system. Closed around 1960s. M. Anderson-Smith

ABERDEEN. W. Tyre and Co., 58-60 St Nicholas Street. "Cash railway will be sold, great bargain." Aberdeen Press, 17 May 1907, p. 2

ABERDEEN. Watt & Grant, 225 Union Street. "Three of these [cash] railways have been fitted up in Edinburgh, two in Dundee, a number in Glasgow, but until just now there has been none so far north as Aberdeen. The firm of Messrs Watt and Grant .. have been the first to introduce the railway to Aberdeen. The special railway consists of two lines of polished wood, the guage being 2¾ to 3½ inches broad. Being very light it is suspended from the roof by wires at such a height as to cause no obstruction, and is rather an ornament than otherwise... There are four stations, or five if the cashier's desk is included. Two of them are placed at each counter... The railway is now in full working order, and is well worthy of inspection. Aberdeen Weekly Journal, 21 Nov. 1885
• "Saloon fitted up with that ingenious invention, "the AERIAL CASH RAILWAY". Aberdeen Free Press, 12 Feb, 1886, p. 8

AIRDRIE, N. Lan. Robert Cowan, 1-3 Louden Street. "The spacious new block of buildings erected by Mr Robert R. Cowan in Louden Street, which is to be opened early next month as a furniture and general warehouse... A novel feature, so far as Airdie is concerned, is the elevated cash desk, which is connected on both sides with the patent cash railway." Airdie & Coatbridge Advertiser, 25 Feb. 1888, p. 4
"Cowan's .. are the first to introduce the Lamson Cash Railway System into this district." Ibid. 31 Mar. 1888, p. 5
• "For sale, or to let, those large and commodious premises situated at 1 and 3 Louden Street, Airdie, and presently occupied by Messrs. Cowans. The warehouse comprises three large flats... fitted with hydraulic hoist, Lamson's Cash Railway, &c." Glasgow Herald, 5 Jun. 1897

AIRDRIE, N. Lan. Orrs (dept. store). Cash carrier. Fiona Miller on Facebook

ALEXANDRIA, W. Dumbar. Co-op. "Currently all sales are processed via Lamson tubes in the Alexandria and Dumbarton shops and on busy days there can be a delay in completing sales transactions. " Lennox Herald, 3 Sep. 1993, p. 26

ALLOA, Clack. Co-op. "The third recommendation was then submitted to the meeting... We would recommend the consideration by the Committee of .. introducing the cash railway system in our High Street grocery department... It was agreed to leave this matter entirely in the hands of the Committee." Alloa Advertiser, 7 Aug. 1897, p. 2. (I don't know the outcome.)

ARBROATH, Angus. Arbroath High Street Co-operative Society, High Street. "The new premises .. occupy the corner of High Street and Church Street... The contractors were as follows: .. cash carriers, The Gipe Carrier Co. Ltd., Holborn, London, E.C." Arbroath Herald, 25 Mar. 1910, p. 6

ARBROATH, Angus. Cash Drapery House. "The Cash Drapery House, 13 Keptie Street, will fire off on Friday, 11th September, 1891, at 9 a.m. with a grand opening demonstration sale... For the convenience of customers, and smart dispatch of business, we have introduced at considerable expense, the latest Yankee notion, the Electric cash railway... A.M.Dundas, proprietor." Arbroath Herald, 27 Aug. 1891, p. 4
"There are three stations in the railway, as fitted up in Mr Dundas's premises, so that cash can be sent to the cashier's box from any part of the shop with remarkable expedition." Arbroath Herald, 10 Sep. 1891, p. 4
"The cash railway has been re-arranged so as to command all the counters." Arborath Herald, 29 Aug. 1895, p. 5

AYR. Coutts. "Coutts in Ayr had one way back in the late 50s and early 60s." Helen Gardner in posting to Facebook

AYR. Hourstons (dept. store), Alloway Street. "One of the finest drapery establishments in the West of Scotland... The cash railway and desks have yet to be placed in the centre of the saloon." Orkney Herald, 20 Nov. 1895, p. 5
• "Until at least the 1970s, Hourstons .. had a pneumatic system which I remember as having quite discreet terminals with a simple lift-up flap." Robbie Murray. Acquired by House of Fraser group, 1949.

AYR. Johnson Bros., 50 High Street. "Has again been re-opened... P.S. American cash railway complete." Ayr Obsever, 13 Mar. 1888, p. 8

AYR. Kilmarnock Equitable Cooperative Society, Main Street. "The store .. had, certainly in the 1950s, a cash railway running to a raised central cashier's station in the centre of the store.  I have clear memories of this as a child, and from your illustrations believe it was probably a Rapid Wire System. My strongest recollection is that it employed some sort of catapult triggered by pulling a hanging rod with a handle, not unlike an old fashioned toilet pull!" Robbie Murray

BATHGATE, W. Loth. Co-op. "The new premises built by Bathgate Co-operative Society, Ltd... Messrs Lamson Store Supply Coy., London, cash railway." West Lothian Courier, 19 Sep. 1902, p. 6

BATHGATE, W. Loth. James Walker, Hopetoun Street. "The new premises .. have all the latest city methods of transacting business, including a cash railway." Linlithgowshire Gazette, 26 Dec. 1896, p. 5

B'ONESS, W.Loth. "We got asked about old-time shopping where the customer's money was put into overhead tin cans... The one I remember from my early boyhood was in Bo'ness, West Lothian... The shop I knew had a U-shaped counter with the entrance door in the open end of the U. Most of the U was counter display, with assistants behind it, but one top end of the U terminated inside a caged office." Dudley Mall website

BONNYBRIDGE, Stir. Scottish Wholesale Co-op. Sturtevant pneumatic tube system with 11 stations. Sturtevant letter of 13/8/29

BROXBURN, W. Loth. British and Continenntal Supply Co., Main Street. "The old established grocery and wine business so long and ably conducted by Mr Wilson .. has been disposed of to The British and Continental Supply Co... They have given instructions for a cash railway to be fitted up." Linlithgowshire Gazette, 8 Feb. 1896, p. 8

BROXBURN, W. Loth. Broxburn Co-operative Society. "The committee .. have now decided to adopt the cash railway, and nine stations will be fixed up throughout the various departments. The rent charged by the Company is £3 2s per station per annum or roughly £28 for the nine stations, but the Society have decided to purchase the system at a cost of £180." West Lothian Courier, 16 Jan. 1903, p. 5
• "The cash railway, which has been in course of erection during the past month in the Co-operative Society's central premises in Greendykes Road, was opened on Wednesday... There are nine stations altogether, the central one being in the fleshing department, betwen the drapery and grocery shops. The cost was something like £20 for each station, so that, including expenses for necessary alterations, the total outlay will be over £200. The work has been carried out by the Lamson Store Service Coy., London. The elevators and the railway have all the latest improvements and are beautifully finished. Two clerkesses are engaged at the central station, and since the opening they have had a lively time of it." Linlithgowshire Gazette, 27 Mar. 1903, p. 8

BUCKIE, Banff. McKays. "I can remember back when I was a wee girl probably not even started school yet.  We regularly visited my Gran who stayed in Buckie Banffshire in Scotland.  On my regular visits to Buckie I would go down town shopping with my Gran, she would allow me to call into 'McKays' a fantastic shop it had everything.  I was always fascinated by the overhead cables that carried money in devices that whizzed above my head back and forth from the tills to the security protected cash desk, I would watch them for ages hypnotised by the sounds and the ambiance of a busy store." Annette Loban website. Also Glynis Flood.
• Still there in the 1970s. Nettie Whitelaw in posting to Facebook, 8 Aug. 2016

BURNBANK, Lan. Burnbank Co-op. Sturtevant pneumatic tube system with 13 stations. Sturtevant letter of 13/8/29

CARLUKE, S. Lan. Carluke Co-op. "Hundreds of people turned out for the opening of Carluke Co-operative Society's new premises in High Street... The cash system was supplied by Messrs Lamson Pneumatic Tube Co." Carluke and Lanark Gazette, 26 Apr. 1935, p. 3
• "Smart girl wanted for Lamson Tube Room." Ibid., 11 Oct. 1946, p. 2

CARNOUSTIE, Angus. Co-op. See Anecdotes.

CLYDEBANK, Dunbar. Co-op, Alexander Street. "They took yer money and put it in some sort of tube and fired it away somewhere then it came back with yer change and stamps." "The Croc" in posting to Welcome to Clydebank Discussion Forum, 11/4/03

COATBRIDGE, Lan. Co-op (drapery), Bank Street. "Here the transport medium was a semi-circular track formed from wooden rods and a vertical hoist at the sales counter. The cash was placed inside a hollow ball, which unscrewed into two halves. The ball was hoisted up onto the track and off it went. The track had points just like railway tracks. These allowed the cash desk to divert the ball to the appropriate sales counter without the need for separate tracks over the full distance. " Monklands Online

COATBRIDGE, Lan. Coatbridge Co-operative Society, Muiryhall Street. "This Saturday afternoon the Coatbridge Co-operative Society's Muiryhall Street premises, which have been reconstructed on elaborate and up-to-date lines, will be finally opened... A Pneumatic Cash Tube System has also been provided." Airdie & Coatbridge Advertiser, 25 Aug. 1934, p. 5

COATBRIDGE, Lan. Hendersons, Sunnyside. "The frontage was made up of five large plate-glass display windows and two doors... From an elevated cash desk there ran a taught wire, at just below ceiling level, to each sales counter. Along this wire ran a little trolley onto which a "cup" screwed. This cup was used to send cash and receipts back and forward over the heads of the customers. It was propelled by means of a spring loaded catapult arrangement at each end. The assistant placed the cash and the sales slip into the cup, screwed it into place on the trolley then pulled the release handle and whoosh, off went the cash to Morag (Mollison, if I remember correctly) in the cash desk." Monklands Online

COATBRIDGE, Lan. Morris (drapers), Main Street. "I believe a similar system [to the Co-op] was in use at Morris the Drapers .Monklands Online

COATBRIDGE, Lan. Reid. "Sale of grocer's shop fittings.. at 155 Main Street, Coatbridge... Shirlaw, Allan & Co. have received instructions from Mrs Reid, who is giving up this Branch, to Sell by Auction .. Lamson Cash Railway." Hamilton Advertiser, 19 Nov. 1921, p. 12

CUPAR, Fife. Co-op.  "I worked in the co-op drapery in Cupar in the school holidays when I was 16 and we used these [cash carriers]." Monica Mackay on Facebook

DALKEITH. Co-operative Society. "The secretary .. replied that at present they had four check clerks, and by the introduction of this [cash railway] system they would save about £28 per annum in wages alone... The Chairman stated that there was a feeling among the members that when this system was in operation in the early days of the Society it was not successful." Dalkeith Advertiser, 20 Aug. 1914, p. 2

DUMBARTON. Co-op."When George Bonner started work at the Co-op fifty years ago wire baskets on overhead cables whizzed money back and forth from the counters to the cash office." Lennox Herald, 28 Aug. 1992, p. 26
"Dumbarton Co-op will introduce new cash tills to all its non-food stores by September 13... Currently, all sales are processed via Lamson tubes in the Alexandria and Dumbarton shops." Ibid., 3 Sep. 1993, p. 26

DUMFRIES. McGowan & Co., 59 Plainstones. "Alterations now completed. All the latest improvements, including Lamson's American cash railway." Dumfries and Galloway Standard, 16 May 1891, p. 2

DUMFRIES. John Luke Scott, Church Place and Queensbury Street. "Opening of a new railway in Dumfries. The latest Dumfries novelty, which differs from the ordinary railway in this respect. They carry people for cash. This carries the cash for the people. John Luke Scott .. will open on Saturday next, April 4th, 1891, the new cash railway system. The only establishment in town that has adopted it for business purposes... American 'Lamson's patent.' Dumfries and Galloway Standard, 4 Apr. 1891, p. 2
• "To be sold by auction... the whole movable fittings, furnishings and working plant .. comprising .. cash railway, with 8 stations." The Scotsman, 17 Dec. 1913, p. 13

DUNDEE. Blakeneys, Nethergate and Whitehall Street. "Thos. S. Blakeney & Sons have the honour to announce that their new warehouse will be opened for business on Tuesday, 4th October... Electro-Pneumatic Cash Carriers are substituted for the stupid Cash Railway." Dundee People's Journal, 17 Sep. 1887, p.7
• "Four floors .. are to be used for business purposes. Adjoining the boiler, and in the corner next the street, is a powerful water engine, with air pumps and capacious air tanks, necessary for the working of the electro-pneumatic cash-carrying apparatus, fitted up throughout the whole premises, the invention of Mr W.H.Blakeney. This is the only house in Scotland in which such a skilful contrivance, vastly superior to the cash railway, has been introduced." Dundee Courier & Argus, 3 Oct. 1887
• "Blakeney's automatic electro-pneumatic cash-carrier. The Messrs Blakeney have completed the erection of electro-pneumatic tubes through the whole of their extensive premises in Whitehall Street, Dundee. The system adopted for sending and receiving is pressure and vacuum respectively - that is, a cash carrier is placed in the tube at the counter and drawn to the desk by vacuum and returned by pressure. From each department of the warehouse - and there are about ten - there are two tubes, all of which converge in the central desk, placed at an elevation of about seven feet from the ground floor. At the end of each tube is an electric apparatus, consisting of a concave spring placed in such a position that the bend protrudes into the tube. On the carrier being inserted the spring completes the electric current of that particular tube with the bell and number at the desk. The girl in charge, operating the 'three-way transformer' causes a vacuum, which allows the atmospheric pressure to force the carrier towards the desk. On the carrier arriving there it closes the apreture through which the the air has been passing. A slight hissing noise, caused by the in-rushing air, then ceases, and the attendant is made aware that the carrier has arrived. To return the carrier to the counter, it is simply pushed into the tube at the desk end, the aperture closed, and again, through the medium of the 'transformer', pressure is put on, and the carrier is almost instantaneously in the hands of the salesman... The power is generated by a 2-horse gas engine, which actuates pressure and vacuum pumps. These fill and empty two steel 'containers' to the extent of 10 lb. on the pressure and about 7 lb. on the vacuum... The Messrs Blakeney consider that they will effect a saving of about £30 a year, as they will now be able to dispense with the whole of the cash boys... The Messrs Blakeney have also fitted up a clever system of speaking tubes... Both systems have been devised by Mr William Blakeney... Mr Blakeney has patented both systems." Dundee People's Journal, 3 Dec. 1887, p.4

DUNDEE. D.M. Brown, 80 High Street. "The premises have been furnished throughout with a cash railway, which is now so essential an adjunct to a large retail business." Dundee Evening Telegraph, 18 Dec. 1894, p. 3

DUNDEE. James Dawson (drapers), 30,31,32 and 34 Reform Street. "I advertised a fortnight ago my intention of having the automatic cash railway in full working order. This has now been accomplished and I cordially invite inspection." Dundee Advertiser, 24 Nov. 1885, p.2

DUNDEE. Draffen & Jarvie, corner of Nethergate and Whitehall Street. Pneumatic tube system at time of WW2. Rev. Robert Bell
• "Girl leaving school 31st January required for cash tube section." Dundee Evening Telegraph, 25 Jan. 1947, p. 6

DUNDEE. Geddes, 168 Hawkhill. "For sale, by public auction .. Cash Railway." Dundee Courier, 5 Sep. 1903, p. 2

DUNDEE. William Hunter & Co., Wellgate. "Modern Electric Lighting, Cash Tube System, and Electric Lift have been installed." Dundee Courier, 2 May 1935, p. 37

DUNDEE. Thomas Justice & Sons, Whitehall Street. "The firm has also installed the Lampson [sic] tube system to deal with cash payments made at all counters in the basement, ground floor, and first, second, and third storeys." Dundee Courier and Advertiser, 1 Dec. 1938, p. 3

DUNDEE. Menzies, Albion House, 40 Nethergate. "Every one wishes Mr. Menzies good luck today when he launches out in his new venture at Albion House... The cash railway is by a single wire along which the money runs noiselessly to the cash-box." Evening Telegraph (Angus), 13 Nov. 1903

DUNDEE. William Millar. "Mr William Miller of the Supply Stores, Nethergate, seems determined to have his establishment equipped with all the most modern improvements... In his Commercial Street premises Mr Millar has in use the patent ball arrangement for communicating between the counter and the cashier's room, but in his new establishment he has introduced a simpler means for effecting the same purpose. It is styled the Lamson wire system... Wires having a gradual decline are stretched from the cashier's desk to the counter, and the pulling of a handle sets in motion an arrangement similar to that of a catapult, with the result that the box, to which a book can be attached, is propelled along the wire. The apparatus is easily worked, and the system has the advantage of being quick and almost noiseless." Dundee Advertiser, 21 Sep 1893, p. 5

DUNDEE. Peebles Bros., Whitehall Street. "The Messrs Peebles Brothers, grocers and Italian warehousemen, who have recently opened large and handsome premises in Whitehall Street, have introduced the Lamson cash railway for conveying moneys from customers in any part of the shop to the cashier. There are two sets of railway tracks suspended from the ceiling." Dundee Courier, 10 Jan. 1887, p. 2
• (25 West Port.) "The unprecedented and rapidly-increasing success which has attended the Whitehall Street establishment of Messrs Peebles Brothers, grocers and teamen, induced the firm .. to open a branch in the west end of the city... The feature of the establishment is the cash railway, which is Lamson's rapid wire system, being the only instance in which this has yet been adopted in the city. According to this system there is a single wire sloping upwards towards the cashier.. the box in returning descending of course bi its own weight." Dundee Courier & Argus, 13 Mar. 1891

DUNDEE. Smith Bros., Murraygate. "Young lady (pref. exper.) for Lamson cash tubes... Apply personally, or in writing, to Secretary, Smith Bros. (Dundee), Ltd., Murraygate, Dundee." Dundee Evening Telegraph, 19 Sep. 1949, p.6

DUNDEE. James Spence, Reform Street. "The invention is called the Lamson Cash Railway... A number of these railways have been introduced into Glasgow warehouses, and three large establishments in Edinburgh, and to our enterprising local firm of Messrs James Spence & Co. is due the credit of being the first north of the Forth to introduce the invention. Workmen from the Company's factory in America have been engaged for several days in putting up the lines, and this morning the system, which pervades every department on the ground floor, as well as on the floor above, will be in operation... At the stations, fifteen in number, elevators are attached to the down track. " Dundee Courier & Argus, 11 Nov. 1885.
• "Introduction of the American Aerial 'cash railway' in Dundee. The first north of the Forth. James Spence & Company are gratified by the great interest manifested by the public in this novel invention." Dundee Advertiser, 10 Dec. 1885, p. 8.

DUNDEE. Strathay House. (Adam Smail, outfitter), High Street. "The whole of the showrooms are .. in direct communication with the cashier's office and desk on the street floor by means of speaking tubes and a delivery tube for cash with a returning lightning elevator for change." Dundee Courier, 21 Apr. 1891, p. 4

DUNDEE. Supply Stores. See "William Millar" above.

DUNDEE. G.L. Wilson. Cash carrier. Liz Taylor Lafferty in posting to Facebook
• The University of Dundee archives has a file on "cash tubes" at G.L. Wilson. The store closed c.1972.

DUNFERMLINE. Co-op. "The Co-Op in Dunfermline. Randolph Street is long gone but all the shops on both sides were the co-op...and every payment was sent via the tubes to the cash office on the top of the building. I used to be fascinated watching the brass bullets whiz up and down bringing change and receipts!." David Michael Webb on Facebook

DUNFERMLINE. William Low, grocers, 2 Bridge Street. "The new electric cash railway in full swing." Dunfermline Saturday Press, 9 May 1891, p. 4

DUNFERMLINE. Nisbet & Son (Jubilee House), tailors, 111 High Street. "We have just had fitted up the ball system of the Lamson cash railway, which can now be seen in full working order." Dunfermline Saturday Press, 31 Dec. 1892, p. 4

EAST KILBRIDE. Co-op. "Felt prehistoric even back then in the 1970’s!" Ginny Griffin on Facebook
 • " Yes, remember it well. In the Co-op department store in East Kilbride." Anne Bruce on Facebook

EDINBURGH. Peter Allan, South Bridge. "Smart girls, age 14 or 15 years, to train for cash desk, pneumatic tube system. Apply personally to cashier." Edinburgh Evening News, 21 June 1945, p. 1

EDINBURGH. Bargain Store. "The Bargain Store at the bottom of the High St had these too.....i was mesmerized by them when i was a bairn." Isobel Cameron in posting to Facebook

EDINBURGH. Barratts. "I had a Saturday job in Barratts shoe shop at the bottom of the Mound between 1968 or 69 and 1972 and we had that system too, for sending the customers' money down to the cash desk in the ladies' dept. on the lower floor from the gents' department on the ground floor. We thought it a bit old fashioned even then!" Nigel Bailey in posting to Facebook

EDINBURGH. Blyths. "Girl required ... must be familiar with cash tube and comptometer work. Apply Blyths Limited, 16-34 Earl Grey Street. Scotsman, 24 Apr. 1936, p. 1

EDINBURGH. Bon Marché, North Bridge Street. "On the Jeffrey Street level .. are .. motors for working numerous goods and passenger lifts, and for compressing air for the Lamsome [sic] cash tubes with which the Bon Marché is freely fitted." Scotsman, 16 May 1901, p. 4

EDINBURGH. C. & J. Brown. "I remember working with them in C & J Browns in there accounts dept I loved that shop." Marion Bolton on Facebook

EDINBURGH. C & A, Princes Street. Pneumatic tube system. Catherine in posting to Forth 2 Message Board, 30/9/04
 • "I had a Christmas job there in about 1987 - they still had them then!" Gillian Harp in posting to Facebook, 21/3/17

EDINBURGH. "The big Co-op", Gorgie Road. Cash carrier. Ned in posting to uk.people.silversurfers newsgroup, 10/11/03

EDINBURGH. Co-op, Burntisland. "For sale .. six-stationed Lawson [sic] pneumatic cash tube plant, as new." Edinburgh Evening News, 2 Jul. 1935, p. 2

EDINBURGH. Cranston & Elliot, 47 North Bridge. "The public are respectfully invited to inspect the new cash railway." Edinburgh Evening News, 24 Jul. 1885, p. 1
 • "The [Indian] visitors ... were greatly interested in the cash railways." Scotsman, 2 Aug. 1902, p. 8

EDINBURGH. Fifty Shilling Tailors, 39, 40, 41 South Bridge. "Commodious shop premises with upper and lower showrooms, at present tenanted to the Fifty Shilling Tailors. Central heating, cash tubes." Scotsman, 8 Apr. 1931, p. 2

EDINBURGH. R.W. Forsyth, 5 Meuse Lane. "R.W. Forsyth, Limited, require smart hand; preferably with some experience of cash tubes." Edinburgh Evening News, 16 Jul. 1907, p. 1

EDINBURGH. Goldbergs. "My mum had an account at Goldberg's. I remember her receipts arriving by Lamson tube. I actually thought she got her shopping free!" Julia Hall on Facebook

EDINBURGH. Jenners, Princes Street. "A notable addition has been made to the architecture of Princes Street by the completion of the handsome block of buildings for Messrs Charles Jenner & Company... Newton-Walker pneumatic tubes have been introduced. The ready-money cash office is placed in the St David Street basement, and from this office twenty-?? brass tubes radiate to various points in the different floors. Leather carriers are inserted containing cash and duplicate bills, with an opening in the tube, and by simply closing the aperture with a brass shutter a valve is opened through which the imprisoned air impels the carrier to its destination." The Scotsman, 7 May 1895, p. 5
• "Jenner's and Patrick Thomson's and other stores had the common Lamson Paragon in which cash & chitty went in a cartridge from counter to counting-house and back via vacuum tubes. All this exposed plumbing did nothing for the shop's decor. The noise of cartridges hurtling along and bursting out into receival baskets was part of the department store atmosphere then. Edinburgh History website
• " Used this in Jenner's in 1969 when I worked in the Book Department, which was in the basement and the counting house was on the top floor." Malcolm Thomson in posting to Facebook

EDINBURGH. Lawsons. My mum had a cleaning job at Lawsons in Lothian Road, they had the vacuum tube things, I was quite mesmerised by it all. Fenton Breedley on Facebook

EDINBURGH. Leith Provident Co-operative Society, "In 1968, Leith Provident's 1911 department store on Great Junction Street was still operating a then unusual overhead wire system that transported a customer's payment and dividend number from the sales assistant to the cashier, returning change and receipt." Wikipedia article for Scotmid

EDINBURGH. Leith Provident Co-operative Society, Easter Road. "The respondents are proprietors of premises .. which consist of a tenement with two shops .. as well as a shop which they had bought in an adjoining tenement... The only actual internal communication between the three shops was a cash railway." Edinburgh Evening News, 24 Oct. 1896, p. 5

EDINBURGH. Leith Provident Co-operative Society, Granton Road. Cash ball system in 1940s. Douglas Beath
"I remember them clattering round the 'track' in Leith Provident where my mum, dad and grandad all worked." Linda Mackintosh in posting to Facebook

EDINBURGH. McIntyre's, 37-41 Nicolson Street. "A pneumatic cash tube service [has been] introduced." Edinburgh Evening News, 15 Mar. 1935, p. 20

EDINBURGH. M'Laren, Son & Co., 325-333 High Street. "Completion of building of the new Lamson cash railway. This novel invention has now been introduced in the undermentioned establishments: M'Laren, Son & Co. ... Renton & Company." North British Advertiser, 25 Jul. 1885, p. 1

EDINBURGH. Musselburgh and Fisherrow Co-op Society, Whitehill Street, New Craighall. "There is a cash railway service throughout the shops." Mid-Lothian Journal, 4 Sep. 1908, p. 4

EDINBURGH. Renton & Co., 12-14 Princes Street. "The rebuilding of the premises occupied by Renton & Company, Princes' Street, is now completed... The most notable features are .. introduction of the Lamson cash railway." The Scotsman, 29 April 1885, p. 11 (This is the earliest mention of a British system in the British Newspaper Archive.)

EDINBURGH. St Cuthberts, Bread Street. "St Cuthberts bread street (the store) had these [cash carriers]." Lynda Lou Ewing on Facebook
• "I remember this in the bread st Store a long time ago." Barbara Kermack on Facebook

EDINBURGH. John Smith, Fredrick Street. "My mother was a buyer for John Smith in Fredrick St (it had a golden spinning wheel out side) had them, loved the sound they made." Lyndsay Smith in posting to Facebook

EDINBURGH. Patrick Thomson, North Bridge. Purchased by Scottish Drapery Corporation in 1926 and that was bought by House of Fraser in 1952. Photograph of exterior. "The new location of the linoleum hall is on the basement floor, next to the Lamson cash tube station." Edinburgh Evening News, 7 Apr. 1910, p. 6
• "Cash desk operator, afternoon, required for tube room." Edinburgh Evening News, 23 May 1962, p. 14
• Pneumatic tube system in early 1970s. Posting to soc.history.what-if newsgroup, 10/12/02. See also Jenners above.
• "I later worked in Patrick Thompson's Gown Department.  We all wore black and had to attend customers in the fitting rooms, trying the dresses on.  There was a pipe system that ran around the whole shop, and you took the cash, placed it in a small tube and it would we transported upstairs to the accounts department." EdinPhoto website
• " Used these in the accounts department of PT's. We had to check the slips the customer signed against their account to make sure they were not in the red! Could never understand how they got back to the correct department." Myra Howie on Facebook

EDINBURGH. Start-Rite. "The Start-Rite Shop [had a cash carrier]... can't remember it's name in the 70s." Cath Coutts in posting to Facebook

EDINBURGH. William Renton & Co., 12-14 Princes Street. "Lamson automatic cash carrying system... Renton & Company have arranged with the inventors to have one of these Systems (which have not yet been introduced into Scotland) constructed for them in Boston, U.S.A., and they expect to have it fitted up in their establishment next month." Scotsman, 29 Apr. 1885, p. 11. This is the earliest occurrence of "cash railway" in the British Newspaper Archive.
• The system had been "introduced" by July 1885 - see EDINBURGH - M'Laren above.
• "There are 12 separate lines, and they pass over the various counters so as to serve every part of the warehouse." Edinburgh Evening News, 3 Jul. 1885, p. 4
• "The dynamo, from which the electricity for the cash railway was supplied, was completely wrecked." Scotsman, 2 Dec. 1909, p. 6

EDINBURGH. Smalls, Princes Street. "I used one [pneumatic tube system] in Smalls the dept store on Princes Street." Janet Storey on Facebook

EDINBURGH. Stevensons. "Clerkess .. for drapery dissections and cash railway (pneumatic) &c. .. The 'New' Stevenson's, 60 Princes Street. The Scotsman, 1 Mar. 1916, p. 4

EDINBURGH. Thorntons. "Young woman .. to take charge of cash tube system. Apply .. Thornton & Co., Limited, 78 Princes Street. Scotsman, 17 Nov. 1917, p. 3

EDINBURGH. Turnbull & Wilson (drapers), 60-61 South Bridge. "Plan & elevation showing layout of pneumatic tubes. Titled: By the Lamson Pneumatic Tube Co. Ltd. Insc: 'Turnbull & Wilson. Drapers. S. Bridge, Edinburgh. 2¼ Cash Tube System. 11 Stns. Drg. No. 27677". Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland database

EDINBURGH. John Wilson & Son (Belfast), 41 Shandwick Place. "Wanted operator, senior for cash tube system." Edinburgh Evening News, 7 Jul. 1951, p. 2

FALKIRK, Stirl. Bishops (dept. store). Cash carrier in 1950s. Pat Egerton

FALKIRK, Stirl. Camelon Co-operative Society. "Girl for cash desk (Lamson railway)." Falkirk Herald, 6 Jan. 1917, p. 6

FALKIRK, Stirl. Falkirk and District United Co-operative Society, Vicar Street/Bank Street (now Clydesdale Bank). Falkirk's new super store .. was formally declared open on Saturday afternoon... Cash tube system - Lamson Pneumatic Tube Co Ltd, Glasgow." Falkirk Herald, 19 Mar. 1038, p. 4

FALKIRK, Stirl. William Low, Kirk Wynd. "On Saturday there will be opened in Kirk Wynd, Falkirk, by Messrs Wm. Low & Co., a new grovery and provision warehouse... Novelty has been introduced in the form of an electric cash railway." Linlithgowshire Gazette, 13 Aug. 1892, p. 6

FRASERBURGH, Aber. Army Supply Stores, Castle Street. "The above fine new building will be opened by us this week. Everything the most modern in the city. Cash railway." Fraserburgh Herald, 1 Oct. 1895, p. 2

FRASERBURGH, Aber. Benzie & Miller, 15-32 Mid Street. "B & M's latest extension... One of the most important additions is the Pneumatic Cash Tube Service which is the newest type made by the Lamson Co. Over 2,000 feet of pneumatic tubing have been used in this installation. All departments even in the farthest corners of the shop will be served by the central cash desk on the second floor." Fraserburgh Herald, 17 Jul. 1934, p. 5
• "Lamson service in B & M's new store. You will not have to 'walk to the desk' in this store, all transactions completed the Lamson way... Cash carrier systems of every description for drapery and other establishments... Lamson Pneumatic Tube Co., Ltd., 132 Cheapside, London, E.C.2." Ibid.
• "The cash rails have been dispensed with and the cashier's office is now connected with every department by means of pneumatic tubes which operate with perfect silence." Edinburgh Herald, 2 Oct. 1934, p. 3

FRASERBURGH, Aber. Co-operative Society. "The new cash desk .. will be situsted in the Drapery Department and will receive cash by Lamson carriers from all departments." Fraserburgh Herald, 11 Nov. 1930, p. 4

FRASERBURGH, Aber. London House, 33 Broad Street. "We have introduced at considerable expense the new Cash Railway System, which enables us to serve customers quickly. This is the only Cash Railway in the District." Fraserburgh Herald and Northern Counties Advertiser, 29 Nov. 1898, p. 2
• (?Later became Marshall & Co.) "Sale by public auction .. Cash railway." Fraserburgh Herald, 11 Aug. 1903, p. 5

FRASERBURGH, Aber. Maitland, 23 Cross Street. "Maitland's department store in Fraserburgh had money tubes like that!" Facebook: Fiona-Jane Brown

GLASGOW. Allans (shoes), Gordon Street. Pneumatic tube system. Davie posting to Talking Scot forum, 28/10/05

GLASGOW. Anderson (Polytechnic), Argyle Street. "The cash ball railway system has been introduced some time ago by Mr Anderson, and customers have not long to wait for change. Some three hundred salesmen and saleswomen are employed in the Polytechnic." North British Daily Mail, 1 Dec. 1888, p. 4

GLASGOW. Arnotts, Jamaica Street. "To Messrs. Arnott & Co., Jamaica Street, belongs the honour of having first introduced into Scotland a method of carrying cash to the cashier which will prove of immense benefit to the public and the proprietor... The Lamson Cash Railway, as the new system is called, is a Yankee notion, the invention of a merchant in Lowell, Mass." Glasgow Evening Post, 3 Jul. 1885, p. 2
• Described in great detail by the Glasgow Herald.
• Shop closed in March 1994. Glasgow Herald 3 Mar. 1994

GLASGOW. Bow's Emporium, 65 High Street. "The interior .. is appointed and equipped with every convenience .. including a complete set of speaking tubes and a cash railway." Glasgow and its environs (London: Stratten & Stratten, 1891) p. 209

GLASGOW. Buist, Cunningham & Co. (Grand Central Warehouse), 10-16 Jamaica Street. "Reopening of the Grand Central warehouse... Messrs Buist, Cunningham & Co... have opened their remodelled warehouse... A new installation of the cash railway has been erected." Falkirk Herald and Linlithgow Journal, 21 Sep. 1895, p.8

GLASGOW. A butcher, Jamaica Street. Gipe system. A correspondent

GLASGOW. Colosseum. "The aerial cash railway in operation at the Colosseum." Glasgow Evening Citizen, 9 Nov. 1885, p. 4

GLASGOW. Co-op, Bothwellhaugh. Wire system. Iwitness website

GLASGOW. Co-op, Snowden Street/Rutherglen Road, Gorbals. "I clearly remember going to that Co-op shop with my ma and standing in amazement as the money my ma gave for her messages was put into a wee kind of cup and it was attached to overhead wires and the person who had served us then gave it a nudge and it would whizz on these overhead wires up to the cashier who was sitting at a till above everyone... I always thought in my youthful eyes that this wee cup whizzing about wasslike something out of a space book comic and it reminded me of the space ships in 'Flash Gordon'. Danny Gill. Emah Roo: Sooside memories (Lulu, 2016), p. 40

GLASGOW. Co-op, Govan. "They sent your money upstairs to the cash office in a kind of vacuum thing." Annette M. posting to Talking Scot forum, 28/10/05

GLASGOW. Co-op. "The Co-op in Carmyle Glaagow" [had a cash carrier]. Sadie Bell in posting to Facebook

GLASGOW. Co-op, Scotstoun. Cash carrier. Maureen Smyth in posting to Facebook

GLASGOW. Co-op. Shettleston Co-operative Society in Glasgow's East End still had this [pneumatic tube system] in the late 1960's - early 1970's. Archibald MacIntyre in posting to Facebook

GLASGOW. Co-op, Thornliebank. Wire system. WEA Salt of the Earth website

GLASGOW. Copland & Lye (dept. store), 165-167 Sauchiehall Street.  "Our Cash Railway System is being pushed on with all possible speed, and it is expected to be completed next week. It is being executed by the Lamson Cash Railway Company." Paisley & Renfrewshire Gazette, 25 July 1885, p. 8
• "Copland and Lye pay £160 royalty for their shop in Sauchiehall-street, the Yankees charging a royalty of 18 per cent. on each station annually. Mr. Lye informed me that it more than earned its money, and draws heavily on Saturday nights." Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser, 16 Oct. 1886, p. 7
• "It was one of several large stores in the city to use a pneumatic cash transfer system which was fascinating to watch in operation. The sales person would write up your purchase and then enclose the details together with your payment in a cylindrical canister which was then loaded into a tube and conveyed at high speed on a cushion of air to the cashier’s office. After a brief delay, the canister would be returned to the sales counter in another tube, complete with the receipt and any change." Photograph of exterior at Glasgow History website

GLASGOW. Dallas, 166-170 Cowcaddens Street. "I remember well using the Vacuum Tubes when I worked in a store called Dallas's at the Coocaddens hunners eh years ago. You would put your sales slip and the money inside the tube, turn it so that it closed and then WOOOSSHHHH - up the pipe it went. It was terrible on a Saturday cos you had to wait ages for it to come back down." Annette R. posting to Talking Scot forum, 28/10/05

GLASGOW. James Daly, 60 and 62 Trongate. "The large premises of James Daly .. have been fitted up with the cash railway." Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 13 Nov. 1885, p. 2

GLASGOW. Eastern Co-op Society, Dalmarnock Road. "Tomorrow afternoon the opening ceremony will take place... All the shops will have a cash railway arrangement." Glasgow Evening Post, 31 Mar. 1893, p. 7

GLASGOW. Thomas Finlay & Sons, 1097 Dumbarton Road, Whitechurch. "Grocery and provision business, as carried out successfully for the past 16 years by Mesrs Thomas Ginlay & Sons... Finely fitted up, including Cash Railway." Glasgow Herald, 19 Nov. 1900, p. 13

GLASGOW. Granite House (Millinery), Trongate/Stockwell Corner. "The new cash railway. To facilitate business, we have introduced this wonderful invention." Glasgow Evening Citizen, 30 Oct. 1885, p. 4

GLASGOW. Lewis's. "Lamson pneumatic tubes for the speedy handling of all cash and credit transactions are installed throughout Messrs. Lewis's stores at Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and Glasgow." Yorkshire Evening Post, 15 Sep. 1932, p. 10

GLASGOW. Lyons (toy shop), Sauchiehall street. "The ground floor, where the tiny overhead railway bearing cash from the counter to the cashier was a diversion in itself." R. Trollope. Starting from Glasgow. Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1998, p.46

GLASGOW. A. Massey & Sons, 430 Springburn Road. "Massey's was right across the road from the Co-op department store..I can still see these cash tubes whizzing overhead and whizzing all the way back with the change." Reminiscences of Springburn

GLASGOW. Moore, Taggart & Co. (Tontine House), Trongate. "The innovations about to be introduced into the warehouse include Messrs Lawson [sic] & Co.'s new cash railway." Irvine Herald, 3 Oct. 1885, p. 4

GLASGOW. Ogg Bros., 2-20 Paisley Road Westl. "Girl (about 17) for cash desk: thoroughly expert in the Lamson Cash Railway system." Glasgow Herald, 25 Feb. 1893, p. 2

GLASGOW. Paisleys, 82 Jamaica Street/96 Broomilaw. "Had a pneumatic tube system when they closed in 1979." They took over Walter Wilson (see below) which was adjacent. Stewart C. Russell.

GLASGOW. Pettigrew & Stephens (dept. store), 181-193 Sauchiehall Street. "Considerable space is occupied by .. the powerful motor required in working the system of pneumatic cash tubes installed throughout the length and breadth of the building." Hamilton Herald, 16 Aug. 1901, p. 12
• "The Lamson Pneumatic Tube cash system is certainly one of the wonders of the establishment... Six lady cashiers are kept constantly busy receiving the flying cylinders and returning them with the necessary change." Thomson's Weekly News, 3 May 1902, p. 10
• Opened 1901. Seven floors. Pneumatic tube system. Moss and Turton

GLASGOW. Frank Reilull (?), 520 Springburn Road. "Public sale of provision merchant's stock and fittings... 5-wire patent cash railway." Glasgow Herald, 4 May 1896, p. 13

GLASGOW. Rowan & Co., 104 and 108 Argyle Street. "For sale, these shop and warehouse premises presently occupied by Messrs Rowan & Co., Ltd., Men's and Boys' Outfitters... Fixtures and fittings (including Lamson Cash Tube System). Scotsman, 1 Jun. 1921, p. 2

GLASGOW. Shaw, Walker & Co., 14 Union Street? "We have adopted the latest improvements .. in the shape of the Henderson post cash railways for the shop." Coatbridge Express, 18 Nov. 1896, p. 3

GLASGOW. "Francis Spite & Co., family grocers, St. Enoch-square .. have just introduced this clever system of arranging their cash payments with customers. It may be recalled that Messrs. Arnott & Co., Jamaica-street, were the first firm in the city to test the efficacy of this American invention, and since then several contracts have been arranged in some of the large towns in Scotland. The Messrs. Spite, however, have led the way in so far as grocery establishments are concerned." Renfrewshire Independent, 21 Nov. 1885, p. 5

GLASGOW. Wallis, Argyle Street. CAsh carrier. Margaret Martin in posting to Facebook, 8 Mar. 2021

GLASGOW. Watt Brothers, 119 Sauchiehall Street. Lamson pneumatic tube system "removed during a refit a few years ago". Photo of removed terminals Andrew Massey.
"I used to work with the vacuum tubes to the 'counting house' as Watt Brothers grandly termed it... and that was only in the 1980's." Wilma M. posting to Talking Scot forum, 28/10/05

GLASGOW. Walter Wilson (Colosseum), Jamaica Street. Second cash carrier in Scotland, also installed in 1885. Moss and Turton. "Following Walter's death, the Jamaica Street emporium was bought over, first by Dallas's, then by Fraser's, before eventually becoming part of their neighbouring Paisley's department store." Evening Times
• "It need hardly be said that every known device for expediting barter is introduced into the business, and the latest of all, the Lamson Cash Railway, can be seen in full." Wilson, Arthur. Walter Wilson, merchant, justice of the peace and magistrate of the City of Glasgow, 1849-1917, p.34

GOREBRIDGE, Midloth. Gorebridge Co-operative Society, Engine Road, Hunterfield. "Applications are invited for .. Cash Girl to take charge of Cash Railway." Dalkeith Advertiser, 24 Jul. 1958, p. 8

GOREBRIDGE, Midloth. Gorebridge Co-operative Society, Newtongrange. "The new branch premises at Newtongrange of the Gorebridge Co-operative Society .. were formally opened on Saturday afternoon... Cash railways are provided throughout the entire premises." Dalkeith Advertiser, 8 Oct. 1908, p. 2

GREENOCK. Lipton's, Cathcart Street. "Shop fittings, by public roup... Cash railway (four branches). Greenock Telegraph, 25 May 1909, p. 1

GREENOCK. R. MacSymon, Argyle Street. "This morning one of our representatives paid a visit .. to Messrs MacSymon & Co.'s large wholesale warehouse .. where the system is now in full working order... The total length of railway art Messrs MacSymon & Co.'s is 225 feet." Greenock Telegraph, 10 Nov. 1885, p. 2
• "The rapid and accurate conveyance of money to the cashier, and the return of the change to the assistants, employed in large wholesale and retail establishments was a question satisfactorily solved by the introduction of that ingenious American invention well known as the lamson cash railway system. One of the first to adopt it in this country was the enterprising firm of Messrs R. MacSymon & Co., wholesale and retail produce merchants, Greenock, who had the apparatus fitted up in their commodious premises in Argyle Street where it has been in operation for some years back. Since the introduction of the system various improvements have from time to time been effected upon it by the patentees, the latest being that of the Lamson rapid wire system." Greenock Telegraph, 2 Nov. 1889, p. 2

GREENOCK. J.G.Rowan & Co., Cathcart Square "intimate that they are having fitted-uo in their warehouse at Cathcart square, the new invention known as the cash railway system." Greenock Telegraph, 11 Nov. 1885, p. 1

GREENOCK. Smith's Warehouse, 14 Cathcart Street. "Extensive alterations and additions are being carried out at Smith's Warehouse, Cathcart Street... The Lamson Store Service, Ltd., London, are fitting up a special service of their rapid wire system of cash railway." Greenock Telegraph and Clyde Shipping Gazette, 25 Nov. 1904, p. 3

HAWICK, Roxb . Hawick Co-operative Store Co., 63-67 High Street.  Lamsons claimed that the Co-op's system "fitted by their own joiner" infringed Lamson's patent - see Court Cases.
• "Shoppers collected stamps which could be exchanged for goods, and the various departments communicated with each other via pneumatic tubes." British Listed Buildings website." A striking, late-19th-century, French Renaissance-style former department store." Closed in 1987 and sold to developers.

HUNTLY, Aberdeenshire. Reid & Gordon. Pneumatic tube system. M. Anderson-Smith

INVERNESS. Arnotts. Cash carrier. Angela Mackay in posting to Facebook

INVERNESS. Gillanders, Queensgate. "Mr Gillanders' commodious and admirably arranged grocery premises in Queensgate have just been fitted up with what, we believe, is known as a 'cash railway'. This is an ingenious and telegraphic looking system of wires running overhead... The whole apparatus, which is known as the 'Lamson Rapid Wire Cash System', is handsomely fitted up in brass and steel... To the best of our knowledge, Mr Gillanders has the credit of introducing it to the Highland Capital. Inverness Courier, 22 Jul. 1890, p. 4

INVERNESS. John Young, Union Street. At the opening on 11 April 1935, "Mrs Mackenzie [wife of the Provost] ceremonially despatched the first cash carrier by the pneumatic tube - the first such installation in the Highlands - to the cashier's desk." Inverness Courier, 4 Jan. 2003 - Old Inverness.

IRVINE, Ayrshire. 'The store', Ayr Road. Cash carrier. Mima Hay in posting to Facebook

KILMARNOCK, Ayrshire. Hugh Lauder & Co., The Emporium, King Street. "The ingenious and time saving cash railway may be seen in full operation, with its money balls running to and fro between the cash desk and every counter." Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, 25 Nov. 1887, p. 8
"The basement [contains] .. an ingeniously constructed vacuum pump driven by a variable speed motor for operating the cash tube system which operates all through the warehouse." Kilmarnock Herald, 15 May 1936, p. 2

starKILMARNOCK, Ayrshire. Mason Murphy (furnishers), 79-80 Portland Street. Pneumatic tube system. At least 15 tubes are visible at one point. (Lindsay Lennie)

starKINROSS. John & J.H.Sands (hardware), 58 High Street. A rare surviving example of a cash lift in the UK, in use from about 1920 to 1988 and still in working order. Stuart Skinner

KIRKCALDY, Fife. Cameron, 230 Links. "Articles for sale... Cash carrier, running on single wire, 2-station, 24ft., in perfect order, with all fittings." Fife Free Press & Kirkcaldy Guardian, 13 May 1922, p.1

KIRKCALDY, Fife. Co-op. "Kirkcaldy Co-op was an imposing emporium, the nearest thing to a department store... Its most impressive feature, to me, was its pneumatic cash system... This system always reminded me of a mouth organ with its alternative sucking and blowing, and the whole operation was the height of technical sophistication." Anne Ewing. Leaving the land (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2011), p.160

KIRKCALDY, Fife. Graftons (ladies' outfitters). "The money went in a tube system and upstairs to the cash office." "Lindalou40" posting to to Daily Mail chat, 11 Aug. 2005

KIRKCALDY, Fife. William Low, 42 High Street. "The new electric cash railway... Wm. Low & Co., the national grocers, have pleasure in announcing that they have completed the above arrangements.. at their Kirkcaldy establishment." Fife Free Press, 12 Dec. 1891, p.5 (If this was really an electric system is a very rare example in Britain.)

KIRKINTILLOCH, E. Dunb. Alexanders. "The management of Alexanders Stores .. have just installed at their Kirkintilloch premises a cash carrier system... The carriers travel on a single wire, and are propelled to and from the cash desk by a catapultic process." Kirkintilloch Herald, 19 Aug. 1938, p. 2

KIRKINTILLOCH, E. Dunb . Kirkintilloch Equitable Co-op. Sturtevant pneumatic tube system with 11 stations. Sturtevant letter of 13/8/29

LANARK. Co-op. "After a long discussion, it was decided to adopt the cash railway system in all the Society's departments." Hamilton Herald and Lanarkshire Weekly News, 10 May 1895, p. 5

LAURIESTON, Kirkud.. Co-op. Pneumatic tube (?) system in 1950s. "The cashier sat in an elevated glass cubicle." Pat Egerton

LEVENMOUTH, Fife. Co-op. "For those to young to know about the automatic change system in the Coop In the grocery dept. there was an overhead wire system where the clerk put your bill and money in a small container this was sent to the cashier cage and any change that was due was returned the same way." Big Rab in posting to East Fife Football Club forum

LOCHGELLY, Fife. Co-op, Bank Street. "Cash transfer pulley system". Lochgelly Memories
• "Smoke was now issuing from the drapery shop as well, carried through it is presumed by the openings in the wall for the cash railway which acted as an air course for the fire." Cowdenbeath & Lochgelly Times & Advertiser, 16 March 1910

MARKINCH, Fife. Markinch Co-operative Society. "War-time vacancies... Cashier (Lamson cash system) ... Applications .. to be sent to Managing Secretary, 56 High Street, Markinch. Dundee Courier, 6 Apr. 1942, p.1
• "Not only was Mr Dow caaled upon to look after the bakery plant and boilers, but his services were also available for repairs to the plant in the .. central cash tubes." Fife Free Press, 11 Jun. 1949, p. 8

MONTROSE, Angus. Montrose Co-operative Society, High Street. "The new grocery premises of Montrose Co-operative Society form a very worthy addition to the shop architecture of the High Street... A further modern convenience is the provision of a pneumatic cash carrier plant, executed by the Lamson Pneumatic Tube Co., a most useful connection between the shop assistant and the cash office." Montrose, Arbroath and Brechin Review, 5 July 1935, p. 6
• "To ensure efficiency .. a Lamson Pneumatic Cash System has been installed. This forms a means of all transactions being carried to a carefully planned cash desk situated at the front of the Centre Saloon." Montrose Standard and Angus and Mearns Register, 11 Feb. 1938, p. 6

MOTHERWELL, Lan. Co-op. "This week a new railway was opened in Motherwell. It is a cash railway in one of the Co-operative departments." Motherwell Times, 27 Jan. 1899, p. 3

MOTHERWELL, Lan. Liptons, Brandon Street. "The premises are fitted up with a cash railway system." Motherwell Times, 21 Aug. 1908, p. 5

MOTHERWELL, Lan. Stuart M'Lees & Co. (The Warehouse), 8, 10 and 12 Windmillhill Street. Inauguration of the new cash railway." Motherwell Times, 16 Sep. 1904, p. 2

NEWMAINS, Lan. Co-op. "The Lamson centralised cash system has been introduced by Newmains and Cambusnethan Cooperative Society at their central premises... All the shops are connected with this office by means of pneumatic tubes." Wishaw Press, 5 Jun. 1931, p. 8

PAISLEY, Renf. Robert Cochran & Sons, Smithhills Street. " Messrs. R. Cochran & Sons have just completed an extraordinary extension and reconstruction of their formerly large premises... The warehouse .. has the Lamson rail and rapid wire cash carriers." Paisley & Renfrewshire Gazette, 2 Nov. 1907, p. 6. Became Arnotts and was acquired by House of Fraser in 1964. Closed in 2004.

PAISLEY, Renf. Co-op, Springbank Road. "When the order was completed the total was added up and the cash placed inside a small Cylinder which then whizzed overhead on a Pulley across to the Cashier Kiosk in the corner." Lad O' Pairts website
• "We didn't have a machine that catapulted money up to the cash desk [in the dairy], though, it was only in the bigger grocers next door." Nancy posting to Talking Scot forum, 31/10/05

PENICUIK, Mid-Loth.. Co-op. "It was also agreed to adopt the pneumatic tube cash railway system, which, it is believed, in comparison with the present system of having cash boxes in every department, will lead to increased efficiency and accuracy." Mid-Lothian Journal, 19 Aug. 1904, p. 5
• " Permission was granted to the Co-operative Society to open up the ground between their new central and the fleshing premises for the laying of an electric cable and tubes for a cash railway." Midlothian Journal, 14 Oct. 1904, p. 5

PERTH. Caird's. Cash carrier. Margaret Gellatly in posting to Facebook

PERTH. D. Conacher, 115-119 High Street (draper, dressmaker and clothier) . "First in Perth to introduce the very latest British cash railway conveyer." Dundee Courier, 21 May 1906, p. 7

PERTH. City of Perth Co-operative Society. "Wanted, girl to learn pneumatic cash tube work." Perthshire Advertiser, 23 Jan. 1946, p. 2
• "Co-op drapery premises to be improved... Practically nothing had been done there since the building was erected in 1906... There would be the consequential alterations in the heating, lighting, and Lamson cash tube stations." Ibid., 7 Apr. 1951, p. 9

PERTH. McEwan's. Cash carrier. Margaret Gellatly in posting to Facebook

PERTH. St John's Drapery House. "Mr W.Menzies.. yesterday opened St John's Drapery House at No.4 St John's Place. The premises.. have been thoroughly remodelled .. a complete system of cash railway being introduced. Dundee Courier & Argus, 27 Mar. 1890

PETERHEAD. James Williamson, Longate/Ellis Street. "The building has a frontage to Longate of 28 feet and to Ellis Street of 108 feet... A 'cash railway' with 'stations' in each compartment, will run to the cashier's desk, situated in the centre of the floor." Buchan Observer, 2 Jul. 1895, p. 5

PORT GLASGOW, Renf. Co-op. Rapid Wire system about 1961. Posting to newsgroup, 25 Nov. 1996

PORTOBELLO, Mid-Loth. Co-op. "The committee's recommendation that a cash railway be put into the different shops was accepted." Mid-Lothian Journal, 31 Oct. 1902, p. 5

RATHO, West Loth. Co-op. "Hillwood Co-operative Society are just completing extensive alterations on and additions to their central premises at Ratho Station... Advantage is being taken .. to put in a cash railway throughout the buildings." West Lothian Courier, 9 Oct. 1903, p. 3

ROSLIN, Mid-Loth. Co-op. "Had this [cash carrier] system in the Co-op in Roslin. It worked on one level and the wire was strung across just above head level and went into the counting house." Evelyn Russell in posting to Facebook

SALTCOATS, Ayr. Co-op, Vernon Street. "Little cups, into which your payment was put, were screwed into a 'carrier' on a pulley rope. This little contraption was sent on its way to a centrally placed cashier by the pull of a rope. Your change came back in a short while along with your receipt documenting your co-op number." Betty Woodland in post to Threetowners website, 19/11/2000.

SOUTH QUEENSFERRY, W. Loth. Hillwood Co-op Society, Shore Road. "Opening of fine range of shops at South Queensferry... A cash carrier system had been installed to serve all departments." Linlithgowshire Gazette, 17 Jul. 1936, p.5
• " I remember a similar contraption in the 'St Cuthberts' (Scottish co op) shop in South Queensferry, in the late 60s early 70s, but just for cash." Colin Wylie in posting to Facebook

STONEYBURN, W. Loth. Co-op. "On Friday last West Calder Co-operative Society opened handsome new branch premises at Stoneyburn... The contractors were as follows ... cash railways, Lawson [sic] Store Service co., London." Midlothian Advertiser, 20 Jan. 1922, p. 2

STIRLING. McAree Bros, 53/59 King Street. A lease was signed in 1934 for a Rapid Wire system at 35 shillings p.a. for each station. In 1937 this was replaced by a new system with chromium-ebony finish. A "Junior" pneumatic tube system was also installed powered by two ¾ HP motors at £6.16.6 per station rental. In 1955, due to increasing business, Lamsons quoted for the two Junior units to be replaced by a Lamson 1001 X 3 stage turbine. The cost was £197, or a new leasing agreement at 15 guineas for each of the two stations. Mrs Young

STIRLING. Robertson & Macfarlane. "Lamson's cash railway in full operation... Robertson & Macfarlane, grocers, Stirling and Alva." Bridge of Allan Gazette, 20 Nov. 1886, p. 1

STONEHAVEN, Aber. Ramsays (drapers). "An overhead pneumatic cash trolley system is provided." Stonehaven Journal, 16 Oct. 1913, p. 2

THURSO, Caith. Central Ready-Money Drapery Warehouse (James Shearer) , Rotterdam Street. "The cash railway has been fitted through the entire warehouse by the Lawson [sic] Store Service Co., of New York and London, and is now in working order." Caithness Courier, 23 Nov. 1888, p. 3

TILLICOULTRY, Clack. Co-op. "A recommendation from the committee that the Lamson Cash Tube System be installed in the Central premises on a deferred payment system was agreed to." Devon Valley Tribune, 7 jun. 1927, p. 3
• "At present the 'Lamson' cash system was being installed in the central premises." Ibid., 13 Sep. 1927, p. 3

TRANENT, E. Lothian. Tranent Co-operative Society. Built in 1943. "In it’s time it had a Lamson pneumatic tube system or cash railway used for moving money and invoices around the large store." School & College Listings website
• "Tranent co-op had these 70 years ago. State of the art and secure." Gordon Paton on Facebook

WICK, Caith. William Nicolson (grocer), High Street. "The shop is fitted in the most modern and convenient style with three stations for rapid cash railway." John O'Groat Journal, 10 Jan. 1896, p. 6

star indicates systems which are still there (as far as I know) though they may not be working.