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(N) = North Island, (S) = South Island
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ShopsThe first shop in the colony to have a cash railway was the Drapery Importing Company (D.I.C.) in Dunedin in May 1889. It was referred to as "The Patent Rapid Service Cash Railway System" and sounds like the Rapid Wire system. It was followed by D.I.C. in Dunedin and Smith and Caughey in Auckland (March 1890). There were cash ball systems but surprisingly they seem to have come after the wire system, the first being installed (by Lamsons from Australia) at Lonargan's in Christchurch in December 1892. The system installed at Milne and Choyce in Auckland in 1909 had seventeen stations and was the largest at the time. The first pneumatic tube system to be installed in Australasia was claimed to be at Stanges in Christchurch in 1895. It was installed by someone from the "Crown Ironworks". Bonningtons of Christchurch are said to have had the first Lamson pneumatic tube system and a Bostedo system was installed at the Direct Supply Company, Auckland in 1899. A Perfection cable system was installed in George and Kersley's drapery shop in 1903. By 1913 there were only about five cable systems in New Zealand - see GISBORNE: William Pettie. (Cable systems were also rare in the UK.) The last operating system in New Zealand was at Penroses in Dunedin, which closed in July 2009. N = North Island, S = South Island. ASHBURTON (S). Barrett (drapers), East Street. "Auction sale... 4 point 'Lamson' cash carrier." Ashburton Guardian, 4 Oct. 1938, p. 8 ASHBURTON (S) . Mitchell & Turner (drapers). "Having let a contract for the installation of an up-to-date cash carrier, we now have to make such arrangements as will give room for the workmen. Rather than prepare fresh fixtures for the stock affected, we have decided to make a complete clearance of our huge stock of plain and striped flannelettes." Ashburton Guardian, 31 Mar. 1905, p.2 ASHBURTON (S). New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association., East/Havelock Streets. "Up-to-date cash railway service throughout our retail departments This system (which will shortly be put into operation) will facilitate our cash business, and will no doubt be grately appreciated by our many clients." Ashburton Guardian, 11 Jun. 1913, p.1 AUCKLAND (N). Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co. "Fixtures and fittings for sale... Pneumatic tube cash system." Nelson Evening Mail, 27 Jan. 1936, p. 1 AUCKLAND (N). E.C. Browne (mercers), 104 Queen Street. Auctions ... Cash railway system, with electric motor and starter." Auckland Star, 28 Mar. 1936, p. 5 AUCKLAND (N). George Court, Karangahape Road. Business established by George and Frederick Court in 1886. Joined by John Court in 1889. By 1902, George and John were operating three shops (Frederick had retired) and agreed to dissolve the partnership. George remained in Karangahape Road and John took over the two Queen Street shops. AUCKLAND (N). John Court (dept. store), 202 Queen Street. "The Lamson Paragon Company have substituted for the old nine station cash system a 24 station pneumatic cash system, operated by electric motor, and with all the latest improvements connecting all departments with the cash office on the top floor." Auckland Star, 1 Apr. 1911, p. 11 AUCKLAND (N) . D.I.C. (Drapery Importing Company). Pneumatic tube system. Evening Post [Wellington], 7 Oct. 1909, p.2 AUCKLAND (N). D.S.C. (Direct Supply Company). "The Company has been formed for the purpose of carrying on the business of general house furnishers, drapers and outfitters... The new venture has purchased the well-known business and stock-in-trade and other assets of the Auckland Direct Importing Company (Limited), known as the D.I.C. .. with the lease of the premises at the corner of Queen and Victoria-streets... A cash railway is on the floor about to be fitted up, which will connect with all the departments at top and bottom of the premises." Auckland Star, 22 Mar. 1893, p. 2 AUCKLAND (N). Hallenstein Bros., Queen Street. "A modern style of cable cash system has been installed and works smoothly and rapidly." Auckland Star, 13 Mar. 1914, p. 6 AUCKLAND (N). Milne and Choyce, Queen Street. "The magnificent new shop which Messrs. Milne and Choyce, Ltd., are to open in the heart of Queen-street on Monday next .. is still another proof of the great progress that Auckland is making... The cashiers' desk is situated at a fairly high altitude, and is fed from no less than 17 stations by the ball cash railway system. This is the largest installation of the kind in New Zealand." New Zealand Herald, 4 Sep. 1909, p. 8 AUCKLAND (N). Phillips and Impey, Queen Street. "We require an experienced female cashier... Experience with cash railway system would be an advantage." Auckland Star, 10 Jul. 1945, p. 1 AUCKLAND (N). J.H. Porter & Co. , 60 Queen Street. "Wanted to sell... The 5 station cash railway." Auckland Star, 17 Oct. 1912, p. 1
AUCKLAND (N). Smith & Caugheys, 253-261 Queen Street. "With their wonted courage Messrs Smith and Caughey, city drapers, have introduced into their establishment what is known as the 'American Cash Railway'... The D.I.C. Drapery Company of Christchurch and Dunedin are the only other places in the colony where it is in use... Instead of cash girls being employed, a species of light aerial tramway is adopted, and small wooden cash boxes are propelled along it to and from the counters and the cashier's desk. The motive power is given by means of indiarubber springs. Slender steel wires radiate from the cashier's desk to the sales stations, all coming in overhead. The cars pass along these wires until they reach their destination at either end, where they automatically interlock with a fixed spring motor and come silently to rest... The speed of the car, as well as the distance to be traversed by it, are regulated by simply adjusting a button upon the cord, and a speed of 100 ft in from 3 to 4 sec is easily attainable. Nearly 4,000 of these cash railways are now in use - chiefly in America - and no less than 28 of the principal shops in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, and Brisbane have adopted this method of sending cash from salesmen to cashiers... The cost to Smith and Caughey of this wonderful invention to erect it all over their two shops has been £200, a startling sum for a new departure like this... The carriages travel if needed a distance of 300 feet all over the establishment. As the mechanism was at work yesterday, customers were at first astonished at the running musical vibrations of the 'railway', but when they saw the process, and their change and receipt coming in a few moments rapidly back to them, they wondered, as they had never seen on this fashion before." Auckland Star, 30 Apr. 1890, p.2 CAMBRIDGE (N). Ajaz (cafe). Had a wire system at one time borrowed from Cambridge Museum but no longer there. John Doone CAMBRIDGE (N) . Calverts (drapers
and mercers), Victoria Street. Rapid Wire System. "By now [1965]
the Lamson Cash Railway had become a tourist attraction." In 1985
the building was sold to the Post Office. The cash railway was acquired
for Cambridge Museum in 1988. Two stations went to The Grapevine in Alpha
Street. In 2003 two stations were installed in the Museum by Lamson Engineering
NZ, Auckland. Cambridge
Museum website. CHRISTCHURCH (S) . J. Ballantyne & Co., Dunstable House, Cashel Street. "To-day Messrs Ballantyne and Co. open the additions which have lately been made to their premises... All departments on the ground floor are served by Lambson's [sic] cash railway system, connected with the cashier's office in the centre of the building." Lyttleton Times, 11 May 1895, p. 3 CHRISTCHURCH (S). Beath and Co. "The building throughout is fitted with the Lamson pneumatic tube system for carrying cash and documents and the cash desk which forms its terminal point is also on this [first] floor." Lyttelton Times, 17 Dec. 1912, p. 5 CHRISTCHURCH (S). Black, Beattie & Co. The Right hand two thirds of Criterion House were originally the premises of the Drapers Black, Beattie and Company. This was the first building in New Zealand to be fitted with a pneumatic document carrying system, which connected the shop counters with a central cashier to whom the customer's payments would be dispatched. The Cashier would then return the change and receipts to the shop assistants in cartridges that were driven along overhead pipes by compressed air. Flickr website with photo of exterior. CHRISTCHURCH (S). Bonningtons (chemist), 199 High Street. Bonningtons moved there in 1883. "Bonnington House had a Lamson pneumatic cashier machine installed – the first in the Southern hemisphere. The shop counters were connected by tubes to a central cashier to whom the customers’ payments would be despatched. The cashier would then return the change and receipts to the shop assistants in cartridges that were driven along overhead pipes by compressed air." Lost Christchurch website CHRISTCHURCH (S). W.F. Burns & Co. "Great unreserved auction sale .. on the shop premises, corner Cashel & Colombo Sts. (lately occupied by W.F. Burns and Co., drapers)... The elaborate Lamson cash railway system (fitted up in sections), which can be easily removed and packed." Sun (Christchurch), 25 Aug. 1917, p. 16 CHRISTCHURCH (S). Careys. "The Lamson cable cash railway which takes the vouchers and the money from the saleswoman to the office is fascinating. The little cars travel at amazing speed, negotiating impossible seeming corners, silently... It is operated by a small electric motor in the office." Press, 24 Feb. 1912, p. 6 CHRISTCHURCH (S). W. Congreve and Sons, Colombo Street. "Auction sale... on account of Messrs Congreve and Sons, Ltd... Five-track Lamson despatch cash railway system." Lyttelton Times, 22 Jun. 1918, p. 4 CHRISTCHURCH (S) . Frank A. Cook. See Court Cases and Other Accidents, 1919
CHRISTCHURCH (S). Hay's (The Friendly Store), Gloucester Street. "Hay's, Ltd. .. have a vacancy in their Lamson Cash Desk for an Intermediate or Senior Lady Cashier." Press, 25 Jul. 1949, p. 10 CHRISTCHURCH (S). Industrial Co-op Society and S.R.Ingold (same shop?), Colombo Street. "To let .. those very fine two-storey premises .. lately occupied by the Industrial Co-op. Society and S.R. Ingold as a draper's shop, together with .. the Cash Railway, etc." Lyttleton Times, 5 Jan. 1907, p. 16 CHRISTCHURCH (S). Lonargan and Co., Waterloo House, Cashel Street. "During Mr T.M. Lonargan's recent visit to Europe he examined the various cash railway systems in vogue, and found that the one which was in most general use .. ws Lamson's patent. He forthwith made arrangements for supplying Waterloo House with the system. which is now installed... The system differs entirely from any hitherto introduced to the Colony, its principle being that of a self-acting overhead railway line, on which balls containing the cash and acount run from the different stations to the cash desk... The Lamson Store Service Company, of Boston and Chicago, have now fitted up all the principal retail establishments of the world with their patent, which they lease to their clients and undertake to keep in good order... They have established a branch in Sydney under the management of Mr C.O. Kemp, who has supplied the service in use at Messrs Lonargan and Co.'s, which has been erected by Mr H.C. Le Bas, an experienced employee of the Company." Star, 1 Dec. 1892, p. 3 CHRISTCHURCH (S). N.Z. Farmers' Co-op Association, Cashel Street. "The Farmer's invite applications .. for a position which is now vacant in our Lamson Cash Desk." Press, 24 Jun. 1959, p. 25 CHRISTCHURCH (S). W. Strange, Victoria House. "Messrs W. Strange and Co., of Victoria House .. have just had completed an improvement which is the first of its kind to be introduced into Australasia. This is the Pneumatic Cash Carrier. The old system of the assistant leaving his department to go to a cash desk .. has been superseded by the wire travelling carriers, and later the ball railway system. The pneumatic is superior to both of these, inasmuch as it is instantaneous. The system in Messrs Stange and Co.'s is worked by a three-quarter horse-power vertical gas engine, placed in the basement floor. This provides the power for working the twenty pneumatic tubes or pipes which form the system working the different departments. One pipe is placed in a convenient position in each of the departments, and when it is desired to send the duplicate accounts and the cash to the desk on the first floor, to which all the pipes converge, they are placed in a small leather box and inserted in the pipe. A hinged flap, which serves also as a receptacle for the box when returned, is shut up, fitting into a spring catch, which holds it in place, and the box speeds on its way literally on the wings of the air... Some idea of the extent of the installation may be gathered from the fact that one of the pipes is over 200 ft long... Over one thousand bills a day are dealt with... At present the compresed air being brought in from the chamber where the gas engine is placed is impregnated somewhat with the fumes, but it is intended to alter this and have the air brought in from the outer atmosphere... The installation was put in by Mr Troup, of the Crown Ironworks." Press, 11 Nov. 1895, p.6 CHRISTCHURCH (S). Whitcombe and Tombs (booksellers), Cashel Street. Photograph of interior showing a Rapid Wire propulsion and possibly section of cash ball system on Lost Christchurch website. DANNEVIRKE (N) . Co-op. "It is now about thirteen months since the Dannevirke Co-operative Association's premises were partially destroyed by fire... The directors decided to.. erect new and more convenient premises... The building.. has a frontage of 57 feet to High Street and 77 feet to Station Street... The Association has had installed direct flight cash carriers. By this system every counter is connected with the cashier's office... The system here installed is admitted to be the best known." Bush Advocate, 8 Dec. 1902, p.2 DANNEVIRKE (N) ?. McDowell and Power. Messrs M'Dowell and Power are installing an up-to-date cash railway system in their premises, in order to cope with their rapidly-increasing business." Bush Advocate, 4 Jul. 1911, p. 4 DUNEDIN (S). Arthur Barnett. Sold in 2015. "In busy periods, she received money and dockets via the pneumatic Lamson metal tubes which ran through the store and sent back the correct change in return capsules." Otago Daily Times, 14 Sep. 2015 DUNEDIN (S). Campbells, 82-86 George Street. "Auctions... 1 cash railway system complete." Evening Star, 12 Sep. 1929, p. 12 DUNEDIN (S) . D.I.C. (Drapery Importing Company), High/Rattray Streets. "Another American invention, the cash railway, has been introduced to the colony, and the D.I.C. Company has been the first to adopt it, having had a 10-station cash railway fitted up in their warehouse... A species of light aerial tramway is adopted, and small wooden cash boxes are propelled along it to and from the cashier's desk. The motive power is given by means of india-rubber springs. Slender steel wires radiate from the cashier's desk to the sales stations... An easy downward pull of a few inches upon a cord pendant from the machine puts the spring in operation and automatically releases the car... The apparatus in D.I.C's premises has been fitted up by Mr E.G.Emery, who has introduced the cash railway to this colony on behalf of Mr E.G.Rowlands, of Melbourne, the sole proprietor of the invention for the Australasian colonies... Mr G.S.Brodrick, the manager of the Dunedin Loan and Finance Company, has been appointed agent for this colony " Otago Witness, 16 May 1889, p. 15 DUNEDIN (S). Mutual Stores, Queen's Buildings, Princes Street. "We have always aimed to make our stores attractive... We have to that end adopted the Cash Railway System." Otago Witness, 18 Oct. 1905, p.33 DUNEDIN (S) . Penrose (drapers), George Street and St Andrew Street. "The Lamson cash railways have also been introduced throughout the building." Otago Witness, 26 May 1909, p.43. EKETAHUNA (N). Wairapa Farmers Co-operative Association. "I understand that it is the intention of the W.F.C.A. .. to introduce the cash railway system." Wairarapa Daily Times, 27 May 1901, p. 4. Photograph of exterior. FEILDING (N). John Cobbe & Co. "Like many people who lived in Feilding 40 or 50 years ago, Mr Scott fondly remembers the aerial cash register. The customer's cash was placed in a brass cylinder and attached to an overhead wire along which it whizzed to the central office. Change was sent back to the counter where the salesperson gave it back to the customer." Manawatu Standard website FEILDING (N). J. Darragh, The Arcade. "Owing to the increase in cash business at the Arcade, Mr J.Darragh has now fitted up his premises with the cash railway system which greatly facilitates the quick service of customers." Fielding Star, 5 Dec. 1899, p.2 FEILDING (N). McGruers. "Every time the cash carrier reaches our cash desk, another bargain sale is recorded, \nother client supplied with bargain values." Fielding Star, 1 Feb. 1927, p. 3 FEILDING(N). Spence and Spence's. "The office has been moved to the back, and the cash railway system installed... The four cash railways to the different sectons effect a great saving in time and limb wear." Feilding Star , 15 May 1913, p. 2 GERALDINE (S). Morrison Bros. "Messrs Morrison Bros., Geraldine, have this week installed a patent cash railway throughout their extensive premises... Branches of the railway run to the hardware, grocery, clothing, manchester, and millinery departments, and the cash station is erected within the main office... The cash and slip carriers are sent forth on their mission and returned again by means of a sort of elastic catapult, which is released by pulling a handle." Temuka Leaer, 8 Apr. 1911, p. 2 GISBORNE (N) . Adair Bros, Lowe Street. "Progressive and up-to-date, Messrs Adair Bros. have always endeavored to keep pace with the times... The shop has a depth of 120 feet. The width is 40 ft... Entering from Gladstone road , on the right-hand side is the fancy counter... Next comes the dress department... At the third counter is the Manchester department... Then we enter the showroom... On the opposite side of the store is the clothing department. A cash railway runs throughout the store, adding to the briskness of the scene." Poverty Bay Herald, 2 Jul. 1903, p.2 GISBORNE (N). E. Chrisp and Son. "The firm has just moved into a handsome new warehouse in Gladstone Road, next the People's Picture Palace... A cash railway runs from the counters, while there is also tubular communication with the upstairs departments." Gisborne Times, 16 Oct. 1915, p. 7 GISBORNE (N). Common, Shelton & Co. "The overhead cash railway has been introduced into the warehouse of Messrs Common, Shelton, and Company, and is working with admirable results. The system, which is new to Gisborne, has been inspected by a large number of persons." Poverty Bay Herald, 10 Sep. 1900, p.2 GISBORNE (N) . Melbourne Cash (drapery). "This firm commenced business in Gisborne a few years ago... The large and commodious premises of Messrs W.J.Cox and Co. have been taken over by the Melbourne Cash proprietary... A useful provision is a cash railway system, which has been installed in every department... All the departments are on one floor." Poverty Bay Herald, 27 Oct. 1913, p.6 GISBORNE (N) . William Pettie.
"Messrs Wm. Pettie and Co. have just installed the latest American device for carrying cash. The installation is known as the electric cable cash carrier, of which there are less that half a dozen in the Dominion... In these days something better is required than the old familiar system of rolling balls... The apparatus in question has taken a little over four weeks to install, and every counter in the premises is served. There are three lines from the cashiers' officers, each with several 'stations' for the respective counters. The system comprises over a thousand feet of cable. It is worked by an electric motor, and the 'cars' travel at the tremendous speed of 1000 feet per minute... The carrier has been installed by Mr E.A.Linton, engineer for the Lamson Despatch Co." Poverty Bay Herald, 16 Dec. 1913, p.4 GORE (S). H. and J. Smith. "A new feature as far as Gore business premises are concerned is the installation of the cash railway or trolley system. The cashier's desk is situated about 10ft from the floor at the centre and extreme end of the building and has a complete view from this point of vantage over the whole shop. There are five trolley-ways running from the various departments to the cashier." Mataura Ensign, 12 Mar. 1913, p. 7 GREYMOUTH (S). W.McKay and Sons, Mawhera Quay. "The best appointed draper's shop on the West Coast... A noteworthy feature in connection with the alterations is the installation of the Lamason [sic] ball cash railway which is understood to be the only one in operation on the West Coast... The cashier is accommodated in an elevated office to which the balls containing the coin and the account are conveyed by means of the railway." Grey River Argus, 6 Sep. 1906, p.3 GREYMOUTH (S) . Christopher Smith. "Mr Cambridge, who has installed the cash railway system in Chris. Smith's drapery establishment, leaves for Christchurch this week." Greymouth Evening Star, 10 May 1904, p. 3 GREYMOUTH (S) . Thomas and McBeath, Mawhera Quay. "Messrs Thomas and McBeath, the oldest established firm of drapers on the West Coast, have just had installed in their extensive drapery emporium, Mawhera Quay, 'The Lamson Cash Railway System,' and yesterday our representative had the contrivance fully explained and also had the pleasure of seeing it work. . The system is both labour saving and time saving. It has been connected from the oflice to the millinery, clothing, fancy, and haberdashery, and Manchester and Dress departments, and will enable customers to get more quickly attended to and also enable the staff, to get through more sales and thus give satisfaction both to the public and the firm alike. The speed is secured by the appliance at each end which works like a catapult but with such force that immediately the assistant pulls the handle at his end it flies to the desk where a hook holds it steady while the casket is removed and replaced by a spring attachment. The hook acts : automatically at each end thereby saving 'both assistants and the cash clerk any trouble in lifting the casket. Another immense advantage of the appliance as that it is lightly constructed and the supports for the wire hang from the roof and cannot get in the way of anyone, moreover, being made of brass with omamental standards it is an attraction rather than otherwise. Mr Hicks, the representative of the Company in Wellington who are agents for the invention, has made an excellent job of the railway." Grey River Argus, 5 Dec. 1908, p.3 HAMILTON (N). Goodfellow (The Big Cash Store), Victoria Street. "From this firm of general providers may be had hardware, groceries, and boots... The fact that te latest overhead cash railway system and a telephone system .. are installed indicate the up-to-dateness of the appointments." New Zealand Herald, 7 Jul. 1910, p. 7 HAMILTON (N) . Hamilton Hardware. "Discusses unusual overhead cash system." Hamilton Public Library Youth Oral History Colection HASTINGS (N). Ballinger Bros. (grocers and provision merchants). "The firm has been fortunate in securing the handsome new building .. at the corner of Heretaunga and Warren streets... In the office is an upraised desk, on which is the cash register, which works in conjunction with the Lamson patent cash railway. The latter has three stations, one at the provision counter and the other two at the grocery counter." Hastings Standard, 10 Mar. 1911, p. 7 HASTINGS (N). Benton's, Heretaunga Street. "Tenders (in writing) will be received by the Receiver for purchase of the Stock .. of Benton's Ltd... Arrangements can be made .. for the transfer of the leasehold premises .. including fixtures, counters and cash carrier." Hawke's Bay Tribune, 24 Jan. 1931, p. 4 HASTINGS (N). Hawkes Bay Farmers' Co-operative Association, Queen Street. "The cash railway system has recently been installed in this [grocery] department." Hastings Standard, 2 Dec. 1913, p. 3 HASTINGS (N). Maddison & Co. "Messrs Maddison & Co have now completed furnishing their new and commodious shops... They have lately installed the cash railway system - which is the first of its kind in Hastings." Hastings Standard, 21 Sep. 1907, p. 3 HASTINGS (N). Roachs. "The store equipped with Lamson cash tubes and vacuum cleanig plant for better service." Hawke's Bay Tribune, 30 Sep. 1922, p. 7 HASTINGS (N). H.K. Thomson, Heretaunga Street. "Estate of H.K. Thomson, of Heretaunga Street, Hastings, draper & clothier, bankrupt... Lot F: Lamson cash railway. £145 0 0." Dominion, 6 Feb. 1918, p. 10 HAWERA (N). C.C.Ward & Co. (drapers and merchants), Devon Street. "While the work of extension was in progress, advantage was taken to instal .. an up-to-date cash railway system leading from the individual sales counters to the cashier's desk." Hawera Star, 4 Jul. 1924, p. 4 INVERCARGILL (S). John Edmonds [?] (hardware), Tay Street. Pneumatic tube system in 1968. (Ivan Russell) INVERCARGILL (S). Lewis's. "Our newly installed Pneumatic Cash System, which is equipped with the most up-to-date Gravity Type Cash Desk, supplied by the Lamson Cash Service .. is the most up-to-date cash service in Southland. The service is run by an auto control 7 h.p. Motor, and tubes lead to every counter in our Store." Southland Times, 8 Dec. 1925, p. 16 INVERCARGILL (S). McGruer, Taylor & Co., Dee/Esk Streets. "The office on the first floor will be connected with all the sales departments by Lamson's pneumatic tube despatch system for the transmission of cash and the return of change." Southland Times, 6 Oct. 1913, p. 2 INVERCARGILL (S). H & J.
Smith Ltd. (Progressive Stores), Tay Street. "One of the greatest time savers in connection with our business is the Pneumatic Tube System ... the first of its kind in Southland." Western Star, 16 Mar. 1923, p. 2 INVERCARGILL (S). Thomson and Beattie (drapers), Tay Street. "The increased space combined with the use of the Electric Cable Cash Carrier will make shopping more comfortable." Southland Times, 7 Aug. 1914, p. 4 LEVIN (N). W.M.Clark. "With the growth of the business, Messrs W.M.Clark, Ltd., have always kept abreast of the times and the latest move .. is to discard the old method of change-giving and instal the latest overhead cash railway system... Every department is served by the new installation, which comprises nine stations, all communicating with a central cash desk, where some very up-to-date equipment has been erected, so that one cashier can not only give an expeditious cash servive to the whole nine stations, but can also carry out the necessary booking of entries." Horowhenua Chronicle, 4 Apr. 1929, p. 5 LOWER HUTT (N). E. Feist & Co. "Lamson cash railway. Wanted to sell, cheap for cash, Ball system Cash Railway, 4 stations, suitable for draper." Evening Post, 10 Aug. 1907, p. 1 MANAWATU. Holben and Kirk, 71 Rangitikei Street. "We have one station Lamson Cash Railway for sale at £4 10s." Manawatu Standard, 31 Jul. 1936, p. 10 MARLBOROUGH (S). W.B. Girling & Co. "A feature of these alterations is the addition of a cash railway, commonly known as 'the ball system'. Marlborough Express, 25 Sep. 1911, p. 8 MARTINBOROUGH (N). Pain & Kershaw, The Square. "A slick overhead pulley system fired steel canisters to the central concealed cash office. No cash was kept at the counters. This sorted out those pesky Wild West Wannabies from doing stickups." Photographs of exterior. P & K website MASTERTON (N). C. Smith (draper and outfitter). "An American cash railway system, with five stopping stations, keeps each department in touch with the cashier." Wairarapa Daily Times, 18 Noc. 1903, p. 6 MATAURA (S). MacGibbon and Gore, Main Street. "Messrs J. MacGibbon and C. Gore propose comencing operations forthwith in .. restoring their premises which were destroyed by fire some three months ago... It is intended to install an up to date cash railway through the whole of this floor, by which means all departments will be brought into direct communication with the cashier's desk, which is to be situated near the main entrance." Mataura Ensign, 26 Apr. 1904, p. 2 NAPIER (N). Hallenstein Bros. (men's outfitters), Queen Street. "A modern style of cable cash system has been installed." Auckland Star, 13 Mar. 1914, p. 6 NAPIER (N). Kirkcaldie & Stains, Hastings Street/Emerson Street. "The building boasted .. 3000 feet of Lamson tubes." Wikivisually website NAPIER (N). Marsdens (bookshop). "I remember them [cash carriers] vividly from when we went to town in Napier - Marsdens Bookshop had one that travelled the length of the shopand so did Hallensteins menswear store. The canister would whizzzz overhead so fast that as a child I always ducked!" RosieB in posting to NotOverThe Hill blog, 5 Apr. 2010 NELSON (S). Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co. "The firm have had installed into the building the Lamson Store Service Company Ltd's Cash Railway... The wires run from room to room, around corners, and from floor to floor." Nelson Evening Mail, 26 Sep. 1902, p. 2 NELSON (S). W. & A. Warnes, Anstice Buildings. "Closing down sale... All goods must go, including a 5 station (Lamson) cash railway, in perfect order. Originally cost £18 per station." Nelson Evening Mail, 30 Mar. 1932, p. 7 NEW PLYMOUTH (N). C.C. Ward & Co. (drapers and merchants), Devon Street. Wire system on ground floor and pneumatic tube system between second and third floors and the cash office on the ground floor. Danea Cowell. NEW PLYMOUTH (N). White and Sons. "This morning the Lanison [sic] Dispatch Company completed the installation of a 'wire' cash carrier system at Messrs. White and Sons', the finest of its kind in New Plymouth." Taranaki Herald, 11 Oct. 1910, p.6 OAMARU (S). R. Brown (Polytechnic Drapery), Thames Street. "The current will be used also for heating purposes and for working the cash carrier." Oamaru Mail, 18 Jul. 1913, p. 5. OAMARU (S). John Bulleid & Co. "The ball cash railway system which has been installed in the premises of Messrs John Bulleid and Co. was set in motion yesterday afternoon... The system comprises 12 stations, each department being reached from a cash desk and distributing station in the office... The installation is one of the largest of its kind in the Dominion, the longest of the six double lines running from the desk being 120 feet and the shortest 40. The responsibility of installing the system was entrusted to Mr G. Donald, of Sydney, as representative of the Lamson Despatch Company, Wellington. Oamaru Mail, 21 Dec. 1910, p. 3 OAMARU (S). North Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association, Coquet Street. "In the centre of the second floor of the old building a new cashier's desk has been built, and the Lamson cash system installed. There are twelve stations connected with the central office and the whole system gives complete satisfaction, working very rapidly and with a minimum amount of noise." North Otago Times, 24 Oct. 1916, p. 8 OTAGO (S) . Brown Ewing & Co. "Lamson's system of cash railways prevails on both floors where retail business is transacted." Otago Witness, 19 Dec. 1906, p.13 OTAGO (S). D.I.C. (Drapery Importing Company). "At the beginning of the year extensive remodelling of the premises in Princes Street taken over by the D.I.C. from the firm of Herbert, Haynes was completed... The Grinnell sprinkler and a cash tube system were installed." Otago Daily Times, 13 Oct. 1924, p. 10 OTAGO (S). D.S.A., George Street. "The Lamson Pneumatic Cash Tube system is installed throughout the store." Otago Daily Times, 11 Sep. 1926, p. 19 OTAGO (S). Penrose, corner of George Street and St Andrew's Street. "The Lamson cash railways have also been introduced throughout the building." Otago Witness, 26 May 1909, p.43 OTAGO (S). F. & R. Woods, 15 Princes Street. "On account of Messrs. F. and R. Woods Limited (in voluntary liquidation) ... Lamson cash dispatch system. Evening Star, 6 Apr. 1935, p. 18 PAHIATUA (N). A. Pringle, Main Street. "To keep well abreast of the times has ever been the aim of Mr A. Pringle, whose big emporium in the Strand block has become increasingly popular as a shopping centre... The interior of the establishment will be renovated and re-arranged. A six-station Lamson cash carrier will also be installed." Pahiatua Herald, 28 Feb. 1928, p. 5 PALMERSTON NORTH (N). G.H. Bennett (booksellers and stationers), Broadway. "There is an elaborate cash railway service running to all parts of the building from the cashier's office, and we are informed it is the first of its kind to be installed in a bookseller's shop in New Zealand." Manawatu Standard, 21 Jul. 1909, p. 5 PALMERSTON NORTH (N). Bon Marché (C.M. Ross & Co.), The Square. "C.M. Ross and Co. .. announcing the opening of their annual Xmas Fair and cash railway system at their establishment tomorrow." Manawatu Standard, 9 Dec. 1903, p. 4.
PALMERSTON NORTH (N). Holben & Kirk, 71 Rangitikei Street. "Lamson cash carrier, two stations, complete, £12 15/-." Auckland Star, 5 Dec. 1932, p. 1 PALMERSTON NORTH (N). Manawatu Bargain Store, The Square. "Auction sale... 4 station cash railway complete." Manawatu Standard, 17 Auf. 1929, p. 16 PALMERSTON NORTH (N). Moris, Paget and Davidson (M.D.P.) provison merchants. "The premises in Main-street are being arranged departmentally, grocery and general storekeeping on one side and agriculture and horticulture on the other... Cash railways will shortly be errected, giving an up-to-date appearance." Evening Post [Wellington] 4 Nov. 1909, p.11 PALMERSTON NORTH (N). Premier Drapery Co. (P.D.C.). "The spacious new premises for the Premier Drapery Coy., Ltd., have now reached the final stages... The Sturtevant pneumatic tube installation, of English design, provides the cash-carrying system of the P.D.C., 15 stations being distributed on the various floors, where the delivery pipes are cleverly hidden. The central office for this system is situated on the ground floor adjacent to the fresh-air suction plant." Manawatu Times, 21 Dec. 1929, p. 10 PALMERSTON NORTH (N). Leopold Simmonds. "Additions and alterations of his premises have recently been found necesary... The office is next reached where the cashier receives all moneys through the medium of one of the latest cash railway systems." Manawatu Standard, 10 Mar. 1894, p. 5 PALMERSTON NORTH (N) . C. Smith, Broadway. Lamson system with eleven stations for sale. Evening Post, 6 Apr. 1929 PUKEKOHE (N). Farmers' Union Trading Company. "Wanted. Young lady for cash desk (cash railway system)." New Zealand Herald, 24 Jul. 1920, p. 12 STRATFORD (N). J.K. Amesbury (drapers), Broadway. "The latest Lamson cash carrier system has been installed." Stratford Evening Post, 24 Dec. 1924, p. 6 STRATFORD (N). R.D.Lewers, Manchester House, Broadway. "The premises of Mr R.D. Lewers, draper and clothier, Broadway, have been re-modelled since the fire... A larger cash-desk has been installed in the centre of the shop. The Lamson system of carrying money runs from each counter to the cash desk." Stratford Evening Post, 27 Aug. 1924, p. 8 TAURANGA (N). Harleys. "Harleys in Tauranga had the same [pneumatic tube] system back in the day." Roger Adams in Historic Photographs on Facebook TE AROHA (N). Hetheringtons (drapers and outfitters). "The installation throughout the whole of the building of a Cash Railway is an innovation for Te Aroha, no such up-to-date system for dealing with sales being elsewhere in existence in the town." Te Aroha News, 8 Jul. 1911, p. 2 TE KUITI (N). Green and Colebrook, Rora Street. "The whole store has a frontage of 75 feet by 119 feet deep, making it the largest store in the province outside Auckland... A large cash desk and the cash carrier system is being installed, and will deal with all cash transactions in every department." King County Chronicle, 29 Apr. 1911, p. 5
TIMARU (S). Ballantines. "I remember Ballantines, Timaru New Zealand having this sort of [pneumatic tube] system in the 1940s/50s." Diane Morris in posting to Historic Photographs on Facebook TIMARU (S) . C.F.C.A. (Canterbury Farmers) department
store. "The directors of the Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association met .. to enquire into the cause of the fire which destroyed their business premises on Wednesday, Feb. 5th... The smoke was coming into the passage from where the cash railway ran overhead." Temuka Leader, 13 Feb. 1908, p. 3 TOKO (N). James Gray and Sons. "Arrangements have been made with the Lamson Despatch Co. to instal an up-to-date cash-carrier system." Bruce Herald, 23 Dec. 1912, p. 4 WAIMATE (S). G.J. Shackleton. "Mr G.J. Shackleton has installed a patent automatic cash carrier at his drapery establishment. Wires from each counter carry the cash to the office and the receptacle returns with the coupon and the change." Waimate Daily Advertiser, 15 Jan. 1913, p. 3 WAITARA (N) . Rennie & Co., McLean Street/Queen Street. "Messrs. Rennie and Co.'s new premises are now rapidly approaching completion. They are being erected on the site of the old buildings, which were destroyed by fire in December last year... It is also intended to instal the cash railway system throughout." Taranaki Herald, 4 May 1911, p. 8
WANGANUI (N). George and Kersley (The Economic). "It is a most interesting sight to go into the premises of Messrs. George and Kersley and watch the overhead cash railway at work. The whole house is fitted up with what is known as the 'ball system' and for the arcade .. a specially fast system, viz., the Lamson Premier, is set up. Messrs. George and Kersey made arrangements some months ago for the Australian agents to send experts from Sydney to fit up their Wellington and Wanganui houses with these railways... The expert fitting up the railways says that he has never fixed up a longer one without a break either in Australia or New Zealand. The one we refer to comes from the show room to the office, a distance of 123 feet." Wanganui Chronicle, 5 Nov. 1902, p. 2 WANGANUI (N) . Littlejohns (drapery emporium). "The noise of the cash railway overhead tells you that here brisk business is being done." Wanganui Herald, 28 June 1905, p.8 WANGANUI (N). McNiven's (drapers), Victoria Avenue. "Tenders are invited by the Liquidator for .. shop fittings, including .. cash railway." Auckland Star, 27 Mar. 1929, p. 3 WANGANUI (N). Sperrings, Victoria Avenue. "Messrs Sharpe, North & Co. have been instructed .. to sell by public auction .. a new Lamson Pneumatic Cash System, 8 stations." Manawatu Standard, 14 Apr. 1934, p. 12 WANGANUI (N). Warnocks. "Today (Saturday) another new business opens its doors in Wanganui, viz., 'Warnock's' in the premises recently occupied by Messrs, R.H. White and Co. ... A cash railway of up-to-date pattern radiates to all parts of the shop from the cash desk." Wanganui Herald, 16 Apr. 1910, p. 6 WANGANUI (N). R.H.White (drapers), The Avenue. "The cash railway cars in use at Mr R.H.White's establishment are the centre of much interest to the younger generation just now." Wanganui Chronicle, 16 Sep. 1902, p. 2 WELLINGTON (N) . Bruce Woollen Co., 63 Cuba Street. "For sale. Lamson cash railway system, 4 station. Apply Manager, Bruce Woollen Co." Evening Post [Wellington], 27 Apr. 1943 WELLINGTON (N). D.I.C. (Drapery and General Importing Company), Brandon & Panama Streets. "The business premises of .. the D.I.C. situated in Brandon and Panama streets, will be opened tomorrow, just having been completed... Eighty feet from the front is a very striking feature in the building, and this is the cash desk and cash railway, with wires running to all parts of the building, and to every department. The railway is a very interesting piece of mechanism... It has been very much appreciated in the Christchurch and Dunedin warehouses of the company." Evening Post [Wellington], 23 Sep. 1891, p.2 WELLINGTON (N). Farmers. Cash carrier. Gavin Sowry in posting to the Gnatterbox, 13/1/07 WELLINGTON (N). E.Feist, Lower Hutt. "Lamson cash railway. Wanted to sell, cheap for cash, Ball System Cash Railway, 4 stations, suitable for draper. Apply to E. Feist and Co., Lower Hutt." Evening Post [Wellington] 9 Aug. 1907, p.1 WELLINGTON (N). George and Kersley (The Economic), Lambton Quay/Brandon Street. See WANGANUI above. WELLINGTON (N). S. Hempton, 71 Thompson Street. "Cash carrier, 2 stations, as new, cost £40; price £15." Evening Post (Wellington), 30 Aug. 1922, p. 1 WELLINGTON (N) . Hood Bros., 110-112 Lambton Quay. Lamson cash carrier with three stations for sale. Evening Post (Wellington), 14 Mar. 1930
WELLINGTON (N). Leiberziets (model trains), High Street, where Books and More are. Cash carrier. (Gavin Sowry in posting to the Gnatterbox, 13/1/07) WELLINGTON (N). Nash's Leather Arcade, Cuba Street. "Wanted to sell, cash desk and Lamson's 2-station Cash Railway, cheap." Dominion, 15 Oct. 1919, p. 1 WELLINGTON (N). D.S. Patrick, 195 Cuba Street. "There's the new cash railway installed to save delay in handling moneys." Evening Post [Wellington], 18 Aug. 1911, p.9 WELLINGTON (N). Chrstopher Smith, Cuba Street. "A vast amount of thought has been expended .. from the compress [sic] air cash tubes from every counter assistant to the central battery." Evening Post (Wellington), 30 Sep. 1914, p. 2 WELLINGTON (N). James Smith, 15 Cuba Street. "Messrs James Smith and Sons, of The New House, have just had installed in their premises the service known as The Lamson Ball Cash Railway System." Evening Post (Wellington), 7 Jan. 1903, p. 5 WELLINGTON (N) . Te Aro House. Lamson wire system. Extensive report of installation in Manawatu Herald, 5 Apr. 1892, p.2 . WELLINGTON (N) . Veitch and Allans. "The Lamson Store Service Company has just installed in the drapery establishment of Messrs. Veitch & Allan a cash railway on a system new to Wellington... The lines have been erected by Mr. A.H.Simmonds, an engineer sent over for the purpose by the Lamson Company's Sydney agency." Evening Post (Wellington), 31 Dec. 1894, p.3 WELLINGTON (N). Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Association (W.F.C.A.), Lambton Quay. "Opening of permanent quarters in Wellington... A cash railway, now on its way from America, will shortly have its connections centred in this little [cash] office." Evening Post (Wellington), 30 June 1898, p.2 WELLINGTON (N). Walsh, Lambton Quay. "Lamson cash railway for sale, practically new; half-price." Evening Post (Wellington), 30 Sep. 1921, p. 3 WHANGAREI (N). J.W. Court, Cameron/Walton Streets. "Messrs J.W. Court Ltd's spacious new building .. is a monument of confidence in British victory... The well-equipped office .. includes the headquarters for the Lamson pneumatic cash system." Northern Advocate, 29 Mar. 1941, p. 8 WHANGAREI (N). D.W. Jack & Co. (drapers). "Mr. Broderick, manager of the Lamson Despatch Company of New Zealand, was in Whangarei on Thursday... The company has also received instructions from Messrs. D.W. Jack and Company to instal the Ball Cash Railway system as soon as the additions to the building are completed." Northern Advocate, 7 Sep. 1912, p. 5 WHANGAREI (N) . D. Meikle (draper and clothier). "Mr Meikle decided to shift his business [from Auckland]... A week saw the whole of the dismantling of .. a cash railway system." Northern Advocate, 10 Oct. 1923, p. 4 Museums
DUNEDIN (S). Otago Settlers Museum. "The museum held many of the artefacts which had evoked these special memories, including .. 200m of vacuum pipes used in the Lamson system at Penrose's. It was planned to include some of the pipes in a new exhibit, and it was hoped to get part of that delivery system running again at the museum." Otago Daily Times website with photograph.
WELLINGTON (N). Museum. See WELLINGTON. Kirkcaldie and Stains above.