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ShopsBEDFONT. Edmonds, High Street. "Edmonds also had the cash office up stairs, there was a tube that went to the office from the shop floor with the cash and the change came back down to the shop floor, they did knot keep cash in the shop." Ray Norwood in posting to RMweb 4/12/13 BURNT OAK. Co-op. Cash carrier in the 1940s. Bren Thompson Simpson in posting to Facebook EALING. W.J. Daniel and Co., 102 Uxbridge Road. "Miss Lydia woods .. went towards the other end of the counter to use the cash railway." West Middlesex Gazette, 20 Feb. 1932, p. 11 EDGWARE. Stanley J.Lee (drapery emporium). Wire system. "Vicar to Dad's Army: the Frank Williams story". Also Join me in the 1900s website ENFIELD. Co-op. Cash carrier. Shirley Best in posting to Facebook FELTHAM. Sainsburys. Cash carrier. (Posting to uk.rec.subterranea newsgroup, 8/3/00) HARROW. Stanley Lee (dept. store). "The money taken whizzed round in little cash carriers, at ceiling height, and brought your change." Harrow East website HARROW. Sopers (dept. store). Pneumatic tube system. Rev. Robert Bell HOUNSLOW. Trebles. Church Parade, High Street, next to the junction with Lampton Road. Closed in 1963. "Treble’s was very old-fashioned, even in my day ... The best thing, though, was the payment system, which used a ‘cash railway’. The assistant would take your money, it was placed in a little metal container and whizzed away to the cashier via overhead wires; receipt and change returned the same way." Peoplegen website HOUNSLOW. Alice & Jennie Wood, High Street. "A. and J. Wood's, the family drapery shop, which has stood on the site of an old cottage at the western end of Hounslow High Street for more than 55 years, is shutting down tomorrow... The shop has retained its character right until the last, even keeping the old overhead 'railway' system of sending cash from the counters to the cashier's box. (Although in recent years this was only to fascinate little children.)" Middlesex Chronicle, 22 May 1959, p. 8 MILL HILL. A draper's shop. "There was a draper's shop opposite Woolworths, which had a brown, lino floor and the assistant put the money in a cylindrical tube which was attached to an overhead wire. The tube went whizzing across to the cashier, who sent back the receipt and any change in the same way." Mill Hill Preservation Society website NORTHWOOD. Co-op. Cash carrier. Harold Jones in posting to Facebook. SOUTHALL. Edmonds. "They had the cash tube fly across top of shop to cashier cash .and change came back on wire tube.where money was put in..for customer" Yvonne Butler posting to Southall Message Board, 8/1/14 SOUTHGATE. Evans and Davies. "Evans and Davies had an ingenious system for payment... There was a central cash desk from which radiated overhead wires to the various counters, along which went small, round, screw top wooden containers." R. Mott and B.M.Griffith Williams. A Southgate boyhood. (Edmonton Hundred Historical Society), p. 19 UXBRIDGE. Carrick and Coles. "The enterprising firm of Messrs. Carrick and Coles, of Uxbridge, have adopted Lamson's American cash railway system throughout their various departments." Uxbridge & W. Drayton Gazette, 15 Dec. 1888, p. 5 UXBRIDGE. Co-op."The shop assistants would write out the Co-op cheque and add the customer's number. As there were no tills the money was sent up to a cash office via an air-powered Lamson chute. Customers then had to wait for their change to come whizzing across overhead." Yours [magazine], 10-23 Mar 2009. UXBRIDGE. Randalls, 7-9 Vine Street. Lamson pneumatic tube system with seven Pneu Art terminals and cash desk. Restored to working order in 2013. I visited on 6 July 2011. Photographs. Shop closed 31 December 2014. Guardian website 30/12/14. The building was sold to a property developer, Inland Homes, and it is understood that the pneumatic tube system is to be at least partly preserved. UXBRIDGE. Suters (later Owen Owen), High Street. "By the opening of the second of the three sections of Messrs. Suter's great store .. another ten thousand square feet have been added to the floor spaace... One room of large dimensions will have the name of the Central Cash Railway Station. This is the terminus for cash received from some forty stations, and represents a masterpiece of organization." Uxbridge & W. Drayton Gazette, 3 Dec. 1937, p. 29 UXBRIDGE. Warren and Beck. "Cashier required, used to Lamson pneumatic cash desks. - Apply to the Manager, Warren and Beck, Ltd., High-street, Uxbridge." Uxbridge & West Drayton Gazette, 20 Nov. 1936, p. 2 WEALDSTONE. Sainsburys. Cash carrier in mid-1950s. (Lynne Tann-Watson) WEMBLEY. Killips, High Road/Lancelot Road. "The money on wires system I remember was in Killips' store in Wembley - long since gone." (Viv in posting to Whirligig message board, 21/11/04)