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The first firm to adopt a cash carrier after Lamson established an agency in Australia was Lassetter and Co. in Sydney in October 1889. The first pneumatic tube system in Australasia was at Edward Hordern's in 1898 (by Bostedo) and in 1905 it was claimed that Anthony Hordern's was the largest in the world with 15 miles of tubes. Outside of Sydney, the earliest systems were at Robertsons, Lismore and Daltons, Orange in 1908.
T.H. Marks of Mudgee installed a cable system in 1903 and Sweet Bros. installation in Newtown was said to be the largest cable system in the Commonwealth. Unusually A.C. Reid of Moree changed from a lever-worked wire system (?Gipe) to a ball system in 1910, while the general trend was the other way. The Beehive in Bendigo (Vic.) also changed from a wire system to a ball system in 1891 because it allowed more than one transaction to be in process at the same time.
ShopsALBURY. Abikhairs, corner of Swift and Olive Streets. Opened in 1928 and closed in 1996 when Walter Abikhair retired at 96. "A popular trend was flying foxes for money, a ‘rail’ system that enabled stores to store their cash in a separate office. The register clerk would put the customer’s money and a receipt for their purchase in a ‘train’ and it would shoot off along the rail to the manager in the office, who would give the correct change and then send it back along the rail to the register clerk and customer. The system was in place in Abikhair’s Emporium for many years... The Albury Regional Museum sought and was awarded funding, and arranged to purchase the store’s unsold stock, old advertisements and office paraphernalia." Albury City Council website. ALBURY. Canns, Dean Street (about opposite the Art Gallery). Wire cash carrier. Scott Bishop and others on Facebook, 24/9/12 ALBURY. A.G. Daniel (drapery). "Mr. Daniels .. has just completed the erection of a much more commodious building... The cash railway is laid on throughout the whole building." Albury Banner, 31 Mar. 1905, p. 23
ALBURY. Haberechts. "Haberechts used this also back in the day." Facebook, 24/9/12 ALBURY. David Jones. Cash carrier. Trevor Capper in posting to Facebook ALBURY. Mabel Clay, 517 Dean Street. "Wanted to sell... Complete showroom fixtures and fittings, now in use at our Albury store. Also Lamson cash carrier system, four stations." Argus (Melbourne) 3 Feb. 1939, p.14 ALBURY. K. McLennan and Co., Dean Stret (drapers). "The above old established firm having decided to relinquish trading .. has instructed us to invite tenders for the purchase of the business... The working plant is of the usual drapery requirements, including cash railway system." The Age (Melbourne), 15 Jan. 1930, p. 7
ALBURY. G.C. Parker. "This [cash railway] system .. may be seen in full operation at the establishment of Mr. C.G. Parker in Dean-street... It may be described briefly as a series of elevated railways suspended from the ceiling, radiating from a central cashier's stand to the different parts of the shop... No recent invention has reached so great a popularity in so short a time." Albury Banner, 20 Jun. 1890, p. 22 ALBURY. Strand Emporium (John Thomas), Dean Street (mercers and gents' outfitter). "The click of the cars on the cash railway punctuates the greetings of customers." Albury Banner, 24 Dec. 1897, p. 24 ALSTONVILLE. L.R. Street (general store). "For sale .. Cash Railway." Northern Star (Lismore), 6 Jul. 1927, p. 1 ARMIDALE. W. Curtis, Beardy Street. "The new premises .. have now been practically completed... All the latest improvements, including a cash railway system of six stations, have been installed." Armidale Express, 26 Jun. 1908, p. 5 ARMIDALE. C.H. Hayes & Sons, Beardy/Marsh Streets. "We have installed an up-to-date cash railway. This will be in readiness for the opening of our Spring Show." Armidale Express, 16 Sep. 1913, p. 5 ASHFIELD. James Wilson (ironmonger), Liverpool Road. "In the assigned estate of James Wilson ... Tenders are invited... Lot 16 - Shop fittings, comprising .. Cash Railway." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 18 May 1917, p. 1 AUBURN. E. Webber (drapers). "To purchase, 3 or 4 stations of The Lamson Cash Carriers." Sydney Morning Herald, 8 Nov. 1920, p. 11 BALLINA. F.D. Felton. "Closing down sale... Lamson Wire Cash Railways." Northern Star (Lismore), 14 Jan. 1935, p. 8 BALMAIN. Scott & Co. (The Strand). "From the front alignment to the rear of the show-room measures 130 feet by a width of 31 feet... The whole of the premises are now fitted with Lamson's cash railway system." Balmain Observer, 22 Nov. 1902, p. 3 BATHURST. John Meagher & Co. John Meagher and Co.'s warehouse is certainly one of the largest in the Western district... This enterprising firm has branch houses in the Southern district... The different establishments are provided with cash railway and catapult systems. Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser, 28 Nov. 1896, p. 1141 BATHURST. E. Webb and Co., George Street. "Cash is received at, and receipts distribured from, the cash desk through Lamson's patent cash system by gravitation and also by the catapult arrangement; all cash communications coming to the cash clerk on the ground floor." National Advocate (Bathurst), 20 Aug. 1890, p. 2 BEGA. R.W.Bull & Co., Church Street. "Thoroughly up-to-date spacious drapery and clothing depatrments .. the cash railway system." Sydney Mail, 24 Sep. 1902, p. 774 BEGA. Co-op Store. "Furnished with a delightful overhead cash-carrier which zooms overhead at a perilously low altitude." Account of 1963.
BROKEN HILL. P.Livesley. "Mr Vt. E. Greyman, of the Lamson Store Service-Company, Grenfell-street, Adelaide, is at present in Broken Hill making installations of wire cash carriers... P.Livesley (one station)." Barrier Miner, 25 Oct. 1929, p.2 BROKEN HILL. J.P.Martin, The Block Corner. (Martin took over the premises from Drapers Limited.) "The improvements at J.P. Martin's are now in their final stages... A new cash railway system is to be installed." Barrier Miner, 19 Oct. 1925, p. 2 BROKEN HILL. H.S.Middleton. "Mr Vt. E. Greyman, of the Lamson Store Service-Company, Grenfell-street, Adelaide, is at present in Broken Hill making installations of wire cash carriers... H.S.Middleton (four stations)." Barrier Miner, 25 Oct. 1929, p.2 BROKEN HILL. Pellew and Moore. "The firm .. which has made the most daring alterations up to the present is Messrs. Pellew and Moore... This expense is apart from the fittings, etc., which include the cash railway (14 stations at a cost of £35 a station). " Barrier Miner, 4 Nov. 1905, p. 5. (Presumably the cash ball system.) BROKEN HILL. Saunders. Cash ball system. "A series of elevated railways [are] suspended from the ceiling, radiating from a central cashier's stand to the different parts of the shop, and passing over the various counters so as to reach from one end of the building to the other -a distance of over 100'... Mr. Saunders is to be congratulated on the enterprise he has shown in being the first to introduce the 'Lamson' cash delivery in Broken Hill. Barrier Miner, 13 Nov. 1890, p.3 BROKEN HILL. Torpys. "Mr Vt. E. Greyman, of the Lamson Store Service-Company, Grenfell-street, Adelaide, is at present in Broken Hill making installations of wire cash carriers... Torpy's (five stations)." Barrier Miner, 25 Oct. 1929, p.2 BRUSHGROVE. T. Henderson (Commercial Stores). "Mr T. Henderson is having the Lamson cash railway system installed in his Commercial Stores here, which should facilitate and concentrate his business. Workmen are busily employed getting the necessary adjustments into position." Clarence and Richmond Examiner, 16 May 1914, p. 4 BULLI. Polytechnic Stores. "Mr Davidson, of the Polytechnic Stores, has had a travelling cash railway fitted throughout his premises." Illawarra Mercury, 2 Nov. 1901, p. 2 BURRANGONG. J.T. Small. "Visitors to Mr. J. T. Small's emporium will be struck by the enterprise of the proprietor in having the cash railway fitted up on the premises. The railway is one that saves a lot of running about for change. as it is so fitted that different change cups, for each department, are sent on their mission with the quickest despatch, and by simple, but effective mechanism, each cup, which is about the size of a cricket ball, finds its way to each department in a few seconds of time." Burrangong Argus, 14 May 1890, p. 2 BYRON BAY. Old foodstore, corner of Lawson and Jonson Streets. Wire system - cash office was upstairs. Byron Bay website. "A gravity-and-elastic-powered version... The money would shoot up a wire to the first floor... The cashier tripping the catch at their end let the thing run back downstairs." Ivan Reid in posting to group, 16/12/04. CASINO(?). G.M. Bales & Co. "A cash railway system is in use throughout the buildings." Casino and Kyogle Courier, 23 Dec. 1908, p. 2 CASINO. Glynns, Canterbury Street. "This spacious building embodies all the features that go to make up a modern trading house... Here [the office] is also the central point of a modern cash railway system." Richmond River Express, 29 Apr. 1927, p. 2 CASINO. H.B.May. Opened in 1900 as clothiers and mercers. "A 'cash railway', the merry sound of which reminds one of the Sydney shops, has also been installed throughout." Richmond River Express, 28 Aug. 1903, p. 4 CESSNOCK. Co-op. "Blueprint plan, No. 4307 of Proposed Lamson Ball Cash Railway System. Cessnock District Co-op. Society, Vincent Street, Cessnock. Drawn by J.W. 4.6.1931." Index of Pender archives COBAR. Alley and Phillips (merchants and general stores), Marshall/Linsley Streets. "During my stay in Cobar, the premises of the above firm .. were completed.... Everything is up-to-date .. with its cash raiway system." Australian Town and Country Journal, 4 May 1904, p. 31 COFFS HARBOUR. Bray and Co. (general merchants). "They commenced business at Coffs Harbour on October 4, 1908... [Quoting booklet of 1917] 'Electric light and Lamson's Cash Railways are installed throughout the premises.'" Bananacoast Opinion, 12 Sep. 1974, p. 7 COOLAMON. Co-op. Wire system. Shop is now IGA store. Up-to-Date Store COOLAMON. W.A.Iverach. Moved there from Up-to-Date Store in 1932. Now a newsagents with false ceiling. Wire system. Some parts in store. Personal visit
COOTAMUNDRA. Ryan and Inson."Messrs. Ryan amd Inson have made sundry improvements to the store taken over from Mr. Attwood. A cash railway has been installed." Cootamundra Herald, 21 Jan. 1918, p. 2 COPMANHURST. Roche. "Mr. D.J. Roche has had installed at his new store premises a Lamson's patent 'cash railway system', which will facilitate business considerably." Clarence and Richmond Examiner, 25 Feb. 1913, p. 2 CORAKI. C.J. McRae (Federal Store). "I am establishing a cash railway system in the Federal Store... A present valued at £1 will be given to the biggest cash purchaser using the railway on opening day." Richmond River Herald, 6 Dec. 1907, p. 1 CORAKI. J. Sheridan, Richmond Terrace. "The finishing touches are this week being placed on Mr. Sheridan's new business emporium... The Lampson [sic] cash railway system has been installed, and links up every department in the store." Richmond River Herald, 3 Oct. 1919, p. 2 CROOKWELL. B. Jenkins, Goulburn Street. "Gigantic auction sale... Cash railway." Crookwell Gazette, 12 Jun. 1935, p. 5 CROOKWELL. White Bros. "We have also added an up-to-date Rapid Cash Railway System, so that you won't have any wearisome waiting for change." Argyle Liberal and District Recorder, 13 Dec. 1907, p. 5 CROWS NEST. ? I remember a similar one [cash carrier] in a shop in Crows Nest, a suburb of Sydney. Would have been in the 1950s. James Wyatt CUDAL. Caleb Parker. "With the exception of a few minor details, such as fixing up cash railways, .. Mr Caleb Parker's new store is now completed." Leader (Orange, NSW), 20 Sep. 1901, p. 3 DELUNGRA. George Loch. "'Progression' is the motto that Mr. Geo. Loch, merchant .. has adopted. His latest innovation is the instalation of a cash railway. This vast modern convenience and economiser of time ws erected last week by Mr. Harman R. Lamson, mechanic of the Store Service Co." [This may mean Mr. Harman of the Lamson Store Service Co.] Inverell Times, 24 Dec. 1918, p. 4 DENMAN. Campbell's. "The main store in Denman was Campbell's... The invoice and the customer's money were placed in a screwtop container which was then attached to an overhead pulley. One pull by the shop assistent and the money would fly over our heads to an office above, where the cashier opened the receptacle from its flying fox, placed the required change therein and, with a sharp pull on the dangling handle, sent the money whizzing back to the counter and customer. Fascinated little girls watched in trepidation." Joy McKean. Riding this road: my life - making music and travelling this wide land with Slim Dusty. (Hachette, 2014) ch. 3 DUBBO. Marcus Clark & Co. "The store, with a staff of 60 .. and 20,000 square feet floor space, is one of the largest and most modern in the country... An up-to-date cash tube system has been installed, connecting with all main departments in the store." Dubbo Liberal, 22 Apr. 1939, p. 6 DUBBO. Western Stores. "An extensive cash railway system will be part of the equipment, and this will lead from all departments to the cashier's office." Dubbo Liberal, 14 Jan. 1921, p. 7
GLEN INNES. Walter E. Lightfoot (men's mercer), Empire Building, Grey Street. "The largest shop is in the centre of the building and is occupied by Mr. Walter E. Lightfoot... A Lamson cash railway is also in evidence." Glen Innes Examiner, 21 Nov. 1918, p. 6
GLEN INNES. Walter Lightfoot, Empire Building, Grey Street. "A Lamson cash railway is also in evidence." Glen Innes Examiner, 21 Nov. 1918, p. 6 GLEN INNES. J.F. Utz. "Mr. Utz .. was the first to introduce the cash railway in his store... One old chap ... was amazed to see his money put into a ball and sent rolling around the store to the office." Glen Innes Examiner, 12 Oct. 1939, p. 9. (Mr Utz died in 1912.) GLEN INNES. Warley & Co. "Warley & Co. have recently effected some marked improvements to the interior of their store. The old cash office has been demolished, and is now erected on the second floor, which is connected with an improved cash railway system from all parts of the store." Glen Innes Examiner, 28 Jan. 1915, p. 6 GLOUCESTER. S. Brookes and Co. "Business has been growing apace with Messrs. S. Brookes and Co. . .. They have also had installed a cash railway system." Gloucester Advocate, 1 Dec. 1917, p. 2 GOULBURN. Australian Stores. "Messrs. w. Lane and Co. of the Australian Stores, Auburn-street have made some extensive improvements and alterations to their premises... On Saturday the cash railway system was introduced. The system is Lamson's of Boston, is of the ball type, and is connected with all parts of the building. The gradient is 5/16 of an inch to the foot... The system is of the latest design, being specially adapted for going round corners." Goulburn Herald, 10 Apr. 1890, p. 3 GOULBURN. Goulburn Co-operative. "The plant to be sacrificed consists of .. Cash Railway [etc.]." Goulburn Evening Penny Post, 28 May 1936, p. 8 GOULBURN. Premier Stores (Furner Bros. & Jones) "Messrs. Furner Brothers and Jones .. have also introduced the [Lamson ball] system into their stores." Goulburn Herald, 10 Apr. 1890, p. 3 GOULBURN. Charles Rogers, Auburn/Montague Streets. "The cash railway system is used throughout the building. This is a patent which is generally paid for by the year in the shape of rent, but Mr. Rogers has bought out the complete rights for his establishment." Goulburn Evening Penny Post, 5 Oct. 1901, p. 6 GRAFTON. F.R. Blood, Prince/Pound Streets. "The improvements also include an elevated cash desk of the latest type with a Lamson Paragon catapult, capable of transporting cash and dockets to and from every section of the premises." Daily Examiner (Grafton), 22 Sep. 1932, p. 1 GRAFTON. Cheapside Palace Stores (Frank Dean & Co.), Prince Street/Pound Street. "The abovenamed new stores were duly opened last week... Arrangements have been made for a cash railway service." Clarence and Richmond Examiner, 15 Jun. 1901, p. 2. GRAFTON. City Stores (J.T. McKittrick), South Grafton. "The buildings which Mr J.T. M'Kittrick is erecting to replace the stores destroyed by fire in February last... The cash railway system will be introduced, a novelty for Grafton." Grafton Argus, 25 Sep. 1899, p. 2 GRAFTON. Moneysavers. "Our entire store has been fitted with Lamson's cash railway system, which will ensure a quick service to our numerous customers." Daily Examiner (Grafton), 6 Apr. 1925, p. 2 GRANVILLE. ? 35 Good Street. "Three Lamson catapult cash railway stations, price new, £15 per station; will sell £2 per station or £5 for the three. About 60 ft of steel wire go with the station." Sydney Morning Herald, 16 Jun. 1928, p. 5 GRENFELL. R.W.Bradley & Co. "In order to cope with the increasing trade in all departments the above firm found it necessary to enlarge their business premises... In connection with the office a cashier's desk has been installed, and a Rapid Wire Cash System." Grenfell Record, 11 Jun. 1918, p. 2 GRENFELL. Western Stores & Edgleys. "This firm, since taking over from Purdie's Pty. Ltd., in July last year, has in no unmistakable way shown its worth in the future of Grenfell... Over the offices has been erected a capacious stand for the working of the cash railway system." Grenfell Record, 14 Mar. 1938, p. 6 GUILDFORD. A.B. Rand. "Cash railway, cheap, will erect for purchaser. A.B. Rand, Guildford, N.S.W." Sydney Morning Herald, 21 Sep. 1901, p. 14 HAMILTON. Gow's. "At considerable expense we are now operating the most modern cash tube express for quick service." Newcastle Sun, 21 Aug. 1941, p. 9 HARDEN. ? "Real estate... Old shop ... fittings plus antique cash railway system." Canberra Times, 23 Oct. 1982, p. 34 HAY. J.P.Baxter. "Under no consideration whatever will .. any parcel leave the shop till the cash railway has returned your receipt." Riverine Grazier, 3 Aug. 1897, p. 3 HAY. Morgan and Co., Lachlan Street. "Hay's new shop... The cash desk is situated near the rear of the shop and a cash railway installed." Riverine Grazier, 5 Sep. 1933, p. 2 HENTY. Clements and Crago. "The additions and improvements to Messrs Clements and Crago's premises in Sladen-street are now completed... The comfort and convenience of staff is considered by the addition of a cash railway system." Henty Observer, 4 Nov. 1914, p. 2 HILLGROVE. William Morgan. "Mr. Wm. Morgan is bringing his business quite up-to-date, the latest improvement being the installing of the cash railway system." Armidale Chronicle, 25 Jul. 1906, p. 5 HURSTVILLE. Barters, Forest Road. "Throughout the building run a net-work of cash railways." St George Call (Kogarth), 26 Mar. 1926, p. 2 INNISFAIL. Nolan's. "We take the opportunity of announcing .. the opening of Nolan's, Ltd., new up-to-date store in Innisfail... Cash railways have been added." Catholic Press (Sydney), 21 Dec. 1916 INVERELL. Burge Bros. "Messrs. Burge Bros. and Co., Limited, are bringing their new stores quite up to date... The cash railway system is being installed. This will operate over all the counters." Inverell Argus, 19 Dec. 1902, p. 2 INVERELL. Hong Yuen's Emporium. See Courtcases INVERELL. Nesbitt's, Otho Street , draper (formerly Nesbitt's). "An aerial cash system, sometimes called a ‘flying fox’ was used to process a customer’s cash payment. Money was placed in a small canister attached to an overhead wire and transported to the cashier upstairs. The change and docket/receipt was then returned to the sales person to give to the customer." Inverell Times website INVERELL. E. Roos [?Ross]. "A photograph of Mr. E. Roos's new store shortly to be erected is given... The building when completed will .. be fitted up with all the most modern improvements, such as acetylene light, cash railways, &c." Sydney Mail, 27 Apr. 1901, p. 1067 INVERELL. Ross. "The cash railway system has also been extended to this department." Inverell Times, 16 Nov. 1915, p. 4 JAMESTOWN. ? "There was a system still in situ in a shop in Jamestown NSW 20 years ago when I was touring. Blocked by a huge modern fridge as I recall. No idea of the shop, though, somewhere near the old railway station." Julian Dyer JUNEE. D. Benjamin & Co. (Great Southern Emporium). "The 'cash railway' has been constructed from one length of the building to the other. Over twenty hands are employed by the firm." Australian Town and Country Journal, 12 Nov. 1898, p. 31 JUNEE. J.S. Taylor. "Why did J.S.Taylor, of Junee, 3 departments, 14 assistants, put registers in his business to supercede [sic] Pneumatic Tubes?" Border Morning Mail (Albury, NSW), 24 Apr. 1911, p. 3 KATOOMBA. Bartles, Main Street. "Auction sale.. at Bartle's old premises ... Cash Railway." Katoomba Daily, 14 Jan. 1933, p. 5 KATOOMBA (?). Bryan & Sons, Katoomba Street. "At Bryan & Sons' store in Katoomba Street, the plant, which will be sold at half price or any reasonable offer, contains .. 1 cash railway and cash desk." Katoomba Daily, 6 Aug. 1924, p. 1 KEMPSEY. Barsby, 8-12
Smith Street. "The store once boasted a change booth and a network
of wires used to centralise transactions - the 'cash railway' as it was
called. Remnants of this were still to be found around the storeroom into
the late 1970s. Barsbys
website KEMPSEY. Savage's, Smith Street. "The visitor will be interested in the working of the cash railway system by which the cash paid throughout the store is delivered to the central desk." Macleay Chronicle (Kempsey), 19 Dec. 1907, p. 4 KRAKOTA, Byron Bay. Old Foodstore at corner of Lawson and Jonson streets. Flying fox system. Shelley Neller in Byron Times LISMORE. Blackwell's. "Blackwell's Auction Sale.... Fixtures, Mirrors .. Cash Railways." Northern Star (Lismore), 10 Mar. 1934, p. 1 LISMORE. F.W. Lance, Molesworth Street. "The firm has also installed the cash railway system throughout the premises." Northern Star (Lismore), 14 Jul. 1920, p. 2 LISMORE. T. McDermott (Mammoth Store). "Very extensive improvements are being effected .. A cash railway on the ball-bearing system is placed." Northern Star, 21 Sep. 1909, p. 3 LISMORE. Moorhead, Nesbitt and McMaster, Molesworth and Magellan Streets. "They have established the largest and most progressive general stores in the northern districts... The cash carrying railway is an ingenious contrivance... The system is known as the 'Eclipse', and is so far superior over all other inventions of the kind that the cash-box is carried up very step gradients without the slightest difficulty. The cashier is stationed at a raised desk at the back of the shop, where, being some 7ft. off the floor, he has a good general view, and wires run from his desk to the various counters. Wedge force is used... Messrs. Moorhead, Nesbitt,and McMaster, who are the first to introduce the principle in the North Coast districts, are sole agents for the 'Eclipse', and are prepared to arrange the fitting of other shops in like manner, on most reasonable terms." Richmond River Herald, 6 Dec. 1895, p. 6 LISMORE. Red Flag (Robertson). "Mr Robertson, at the expense of about £800, has just had installed the Lamson pneumatic tube system, Mr. Hicks, the company's engineer, having only just completed the work. Though the changing from the old-fashioned wire trolly system to the present without disturbing the working of the business was a big undertaking, Mr. Hicks successfully carried out the contract to the satisfaction of all parties. The system provides that the "cartridges'' containing the cash or other matter being forwarded from the counter 'station'' are drawn to the office by air suction, and returned by a vacuum tube. The power required for this is provided by a machine at the rear of the store driven by a 4 horse-power gas engine. The greater part of a mile of cold drawn brass tubing has been used for the work, and the fittings and terminals are of a handsome and ornamental nature. There are twelve stations or places from which the counters can despatch or receive cash, and the time taken for the cartridge to reach the cashier from the furthest station — a distance of some 100ft., is about three seconds. The cartridges are of brass, with felt pads at the ends, and when full power is on they travel through the tubes at the rate of about 30 miles an hour. In the longest line of tubing it is estimated that during busy times as many as six cartridges will be travelling through the tube at one time. As a test, cartridges containing 3s 10d worth of coppers have been sent through to the counter and vice-versa, and it is estimated that fully half a pound weight can be sent through in any one cartridge." Richmond River Express, 25 Jan. 1907, p. 6 LITHGOW. J.G. Conen and Co., White House. "have just installed in their establishment a complete system of the Samson [sic] cash railway. A new cash-desk has been constructed at a convenient point in the drapery department." Lithgow Mercury, 27 Jul. 1914, p. 2 LITHGOW. Co-operative Society. "With the installation of the cash railway .. customers may now rely upon receiving more prompt and efficient attention." Lithgow Mercury, 18 Apr. 1910, p. 4 LITHGOW. Horace Bracey (Excelsior Arcade), Main Street . "The cash railway system has been introduced all over the store." Lithgow Mercury, 15 Mar. 1901, p. 3 LITHGOW. "Mr. James Walker, of the pure food stores, has just effected substantial improvements to his business premises... The Lamson rapid cash carrier system has been installed." Lithgow Mercury, 25 Nov. 1918, p. 2 MACLEAN. Cameron and Co. "A cash railway has been installed in Messrs. Cameron and Co's. store, Maclean. It is on a different principle to the gravitation system, the cash packets being driven up an inclined tight wire by a catapult arrangement, and coming back by gravitation, the process giving increased rapidity." Clarence River Advocate, 24 Dec. 1907, p. 2 MACLEAN. P. Conlon, River Street. "McDonald and Hynes have received instructions to sell by public auction .. Cash Railway System." Daily Examiner (Grafton), 7 Jan. 1928, p. 1 MAITLAND. Capper and Sons (hardware). The main office .. has been fitted with a Lamson's Cash Railway system, and connected with the various sales counters." Maitland Daily Mercury, 19 Mar. 1902, p. 2 MAITLAND. George Galton. "The cash railway system, which is installed throughout, gives 20 cash stations, connected with the cashiers' desks." Maitland Weekly Mercury, 11 Sep. 1909, p. 9 MAITLAND. James Kerr & Sons. "A cash railway system has been installed throughout, leading to a semi-circular polished cedar cash-box, so situated that it commands a full view of the whole length of the shop." Maitland Daily Mercury, 19 Jun. 1909, p. 12 MAITLAND. Riley Brothers. "In the centre of the room is the cashier's desk, with which the Switchback Cash Railway System, which we have already fully described in these columns, has been introduced. The elevated railways suspended from the ceiling radiate to the cashier's stand... The railway tracks extend the full length of the shop on either side." Maitland Mercury, 16 Nov. 1889, p. 6 MAITLAND. Savidge and S.A. Little. "Messrs. Savidge and Little, drapers, who recently purchased Frankfort House .. have just given us a further proof of their enterprise by the introduction of Lsmson's rapid cash railway into their business at Maitland... This novelty is claimed to be the first of the kind in the Northern district." Newcastle Morning Herald, 1 Nov. 1889, p. 3 MAITLAND. Wolfe, Prentice & Co. "The firm have just had their system of cash railways and lines thoroughly overhauled, Mr. Bust having been sent up from Sydney for the purpose, and instead of renting them have become the purchasers of the system." Maitland Daily Mercury, 16 Nov. 1895, p. 3 MANILLA. Cohen and Levy, Manilla/Market Streets. "New premises .. were opened on Saturday... Communication, per medium of the 'cash railway system', is to be established between all departments and the cashier box." Manilla Express, 28 Sep. 1904, p. 2 MANILLA. T. J. Treloar & Co. "The stores have just been fitted up, by the Lamson Store Supply Company, with the 'Rapid cash railway system'." Manilla Express, 22 Nov. 1902, p. 2 MANLY. The haberdashery on The Corso in Manly had a similar [pneumatic] system for payments. Sandy Abbott in posting to Facebook, 29/10/24 MAYFIELD. N.T.Vaisey. "Today there is a frontage of 130 feet and a floor space of 7800 square feet... All the latest appliances have been installed... These include the cash railway system." Newcastle Sun, 13 Dec. 1923, p. 13 MILLTHORPE. General stores, corner of Pym and Victoria Street. "We sold everything - haberdashery, drapery .. groceries, hardware and items for the kitchen. We had three departments - and what you see here in the photo is what the cashier/bookkeeper and the sales people used when a customer made a purchase. It is a Lamson Cash Carrier... That was in the 1950s". Peter Amos in Open ABC website, 5/12/13 MILLTHORPE. W. and E. Hayes (Trade Palace). "The rattle of the cash railways and the click of the balls confirm the impression [of a brisk, citified appearance]."Leader (Orange, NSW), 30 Jul. 1903, p. 4 MOLONG. James Haslam (Australian Stores), Bank/Gidley Streets. "above each counter is fixed one of the cash railway systems... The assistant just pops it and the bill into a round box, and pulls a string. Up shoots the ball towards the ceiling, then runs down an inclined railway to the cashier's desk, situated high up in the shop's centre." Molong Express, 10 Dec. 1898, p. 5 MOLONG. J. S. & A. Parker, Bank Street (Parker's Palace). "The overhead cash railway runs smoothly between the customers' pockets and the fair cashier's desk." Molong Argus, 2 Aug. 1907, p. 16 MOREE. Askin & Co. (Universal Stores), Balo/Heber Streets. "The office is found near one of the Heber-street entrances, and is fitted up with lamps and Lamson's cash railway." Moree Gwydir Examiner, 18 Jul. 1903, p. 2 MOREE. A.C.Reid & Co. "Two great improvements have been installed at Messrs A.C. Reid and Co's store this week. One is the substitution of the Lawson [sic] ball cash railway for the wire railway by which cash was sent to head office and the change returned... The wire railway, worked by a lever, which it replaced, proved very liable to get out of order and was not found to work satisfactorily... The new system is very ingenious. There are four differently colored balls at different stations in the various departments which can be despatched one after the other along an inclined railway." Moree Gwydir Examiner, 25 Nov. 1910, p. 3 MUDGEE. Kellett and Sons. "Messrs. Kellett and Sons, Mudgee, have installed one of the most up-to-date pneumatic tube cash carrying systems, the first of its kind, we understand, to reach this town... The plant, which is most compact and fool-proof, is installed in the basement." Mudgee Guardian, 20 Jun. 1946, p. 2 MUDGEE. James Loneragan. See court cases.
MUDGEE. Thomas Hill & Sons. "The installation of the cash railway system at Thos. Hill and Sons' attractive Church-street business, which was made last week, is an appreciable innovation, and patrons and employes alike are pleased to see it in full working order." Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, 25 Jan. 1912, p. 19 MUDGEE. Starr and Parkins. "Starr and Parkins have just had installed into their premises 'A Cash Railway'. The firm have found this necessary owing to the large increase in their business." Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative, 7 Jul. 1910, p. 20 MURWILLUMBAH. Moneysavers, Commercial Bank chambers, Main Street. On March 1 Moneysavers, Ltd., will be found busy in their newe premises... The cash railway system is being installed." Tweed Daily, 27 Feb. 1923, p. 3 MUSWELLBROOK. D.J. Mc Lean. "For sale by public tender... the stock-in-trade and effects of Mr D.J. Mc Lean, who has been carrying on business in Muswellbrook as a general storekeeper for the last five years... The premises .. are in the main street .. are well fitted throughout, besides the cash railway system." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 12 May 1894, p. 3 NARANDERA. Hankinson & Co., East Street/Bolton Street. "The cash railway system has just been installed, which is not only an ornamentation, but of special service for despatch of service." Albury Banner, 7 Sep. 1906, p. 25 NARANDERA. S. Richards and Co., East/Bolton Streets. "Behind this 'island' fixture is an elevated desk for the superintendent, behind which again at a higher elevation is the cash station, from which the wires of the Shanghai cash carriers reach to every department in the store." Narandera Argus, 24 Mar. 1911, p. 6 NEWCASTLE. Breckenridge's, Auckland/Hunter Street. "The Lawson [sic] cash railways are provided to save customers waiting change." Newcastle Morning Herald, 23 Dec. 1907, p. 6 NEWCASTLE. Diamond Bros., Hunter/Wolfe Streets. "Splendid cash railway, counters, show cases.. all to be sacrificed." Newcastle Morning Herald, 17 Aug. 1906, p. 8 NEWCASTLE. Direct Supply Stores, Hunter/Wolfe Streets. "A grand clearance sale... Counters, fixtures, showcases, mirrors, iron safes, cash railway, etc." Newcastle Morning Herald, 22 Jun. 1906, p. 8 NEWCASTLE. Hamilton Stores, Beaumont/Tudor Streets. "Auction sale at Hamilton Stores... Cash Railway, 7 stations." Newcastle Morning Herald, 28 Feb. 1931, p. 16 NEWCASTLE. Lane and Trewartha, Hunter Street. "The most approved system of overhead cash railway connecting the counters with the desk has been installed." Newcastle Morning Herald, 31 May 1917, p. 6 NEWCASTLE. Lasker Bros., Hunter Street. "Quite recently the cash railway system has been installed, to assist in coping with the large business the firm is doing, especially on Saturdays." Newcastle Morning Herald, 12 Dec. 1908, p. 13 NEWCASTLE. W. Scott (The House for the People), 53-57 Hunter Street . "The Cash Railway. In order to keep pace with a rapidly increasing cash business, and to give patrons my best attention, I have adopted the above system." Newcstle Morning Herald, 15 Sep. 1894, p. 1 NEWCASTLE. Charles Spruce (Big Dividend Stores), Kenrick/Melville Streets. "A long lease will be given of the premises... Electric light installed, also cash railway, 5 stations." Newcastle Morning Herald, 9 Sep. 1920, p. 1 NEW LAMBTON. E.W. Scott (The House of Scott), Brett street. "Mr Scott's firm had .. the first cash tube system." Londonderry Sentinel, 5 Nov. 1958, p. 16 NEWTOWN. Sweet Bros., King Street. "The new premises for Messrs. Sweet Bros., King-street, Newtown .. will be opened Saturday next... The 'cable' cash system has been installed throughout the building, and is the largest of its kind in the Commonwealth." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 9 Nov. 1905, p. 8 NOWRA. Woodhill & Co. "The cash railway system for store purposes is being introduced to Nowra by Woodhill and Company." Shoalhaven News, 17 Feb. 1900, p. 2 OAKLANDS. W.J. Gorman. See courtcases. ORANGE. Dalton Bros. "Yesterday afternoon the firm completed the installation of what is known as the Lamson Pneumatic Tube System... There are only two places in the country [outside Sydney] where the system may be seen, namely Dalton Brothers, Orange and Robertson's stores at Lismore. The plant consists of large brass tubes, which occupy very small space, compared with other systems, and are moreover an ornament instead of an eyesore to any premises. The system is one of air suction, the power being supplied by a "blower," driven by a four horse power Crossley gas engine. The new cash desk, built for the new system, is situated in the offices upstairs. The hollow, round vessels, which carry the cash and dockets are much easier to handle than the wooden balls of the old "railway" system, but the great feature of the whole thing is the economy of time... We put the watch on one instance. A docket was sent from the furniture department, which is furthest away from the desk. It was attended to upstairs and was back again at the department in just 30 seconds, during which time it had travelled just 600ft, and had been handled twice. The system will be in full swing to-day, and will doubtless be the cynosure of the firm's many customers." Leader (Orange), 13 Jun. 1908, p. 4 ORANGE. T. and C. Fisher, Lord's Place/Summer Street. "There is installed the latest system of cash railway leading up to an elevated enclosure for the cashier." Leader (Orange), 22 Nov. 1915, p. 5 ORANGE. E.A. Maguire. "The firm of Norton-Coffil [sic], specialists in cash railways, have just completed installing a very up to date system in cable cash railways at E.A. Maguires store. The machinery, being all in gold, is quite an adornment to the shop, and the swish and buzz of cars going to and fro make one feel they have entered a large city shop." Leader (Orange), 7 Jul. 1916, p. 4 ORANGE. Needhams, Pym Street. "Mr. Needham has had the cash railway system installed at his store in Pym-street." Leader (Orange), 22 Aug. 1911, p. 1 ORANGE. People's Cash Store. "Lampson [sic] five-station money carrier, cheap." Sydney Morning Herald, 19 Jan. 1929, p. 22 ORANGE. Premier Stores. "Messrs Bradley and Atkins are also having a similar [cash railway] system introduced at their well-known Premier Stores." Leader (Orange), 22 Aug. 1911, p. 1 ORANGE. J.F. Utz, Summer Street. "Sensational clearing-up sale... Lamson Cash Railway Service 5 Station." Leader (Orange), 5 Oct. 1927, p. 1 PARKES. Best Bros., The Corner, Court/Clarinda Streets. "The store has also been fitted with cash railways of the most modern design." Western Champion (Parkes), 17 Apr. 1908, p. 10 PARKES. R.S. Howard, Clarinda Street. "Another improvement at Mr. Howard's establishment is the introduction of the cash railway, which was placed in position during the week." Western Champion (Parkes), 16 Sep. 1898, p. 9 PARKES. Popular Shopping Centre. "Messrs Hill & Co., the enterprising proprietors of the Popular Shopping Centre have just had the 'cash railway' system installed in their commodious premises." Western Champion (Parkes), 11 Mar. 1910, p. 10 PARRAMATTA. Grace Brothers Home Service Stores. "Cash railways installed in Grace Bros.' new branch by Engineering Agency Co., 247 Sussex Street, Sydney... Specialists in store service equipment. 'Rapid Wire' and 'Pneumatic Tubes' cash and docket systems." Cumberland Argus, 6 Apr. 1933, p. 4 PARRAMATTA. W.J.Irwin (hardware), 198-200 Church Street (opposite Government Savings Bank). "Important auction sale ... including .. Cash Railways." Cumberland Argus, 11 Jul. 1929, p. 5 PARRAMATTA. Murray Bros. "The greatest attraction of all is the cash overhead railway... The cash railway is similar to that at Hordern's, in Sydney." Cumberland Mercury (Parramatta), 24 Nov. 1894, p. 4 PORT KEMBLA. J.G. Fairley. "The extensive improvements to Mr. J.G. Fairley's store at Port Kembla, include the installation of an up-to-date cash railway." South Coast Times, 4 May 1917, p. 11 QUEANBEYAN. Hayes & Russell. "With their new Lamson Cash Railway System installed throughout all their beautiful new shops .. are worthy of inspection." Queanbeyan Age, 28 Nov. 1911, p. 2 QUEANBEYAN. P.C. Hill and Son. "Messrs. Hill and Son, to keep pace with modern requirements, have installed a Lamson elevated cash railway." Queanbeyan Observer, 23 Jan. 1906, p. 2
RAILWAY TOWN. W.Roberts. "Mr Vt. E. Greyman, of the Lamson Store Service-Company, Grenfell-street, Adelaide, is at present in Broken Hill making installations of wire cash carriers... Mr.W.Roberts, Railway town (five stations)." Barrier Miner, 25 Oct. 1929, p.2 RANDWICK. Percival's, Avoca Street. "Important sale by auction, on the premises .. in the assigned estate of G. Percival... Cash railway (ball system), 2 stations." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 24 Nov. 1917, p. 17 RICHMOND. Federal Store (Glynn), Canterbury Street. "Mr. Glynn believes in keeping pace with the times and not long ago had .. the very latest cash railway system installed." Richmond River Express, 17 Dec. 1909, p. 2 ROCKDALE. Brysons. "The assigned estate of Bryson's Ltd., Rockdale... Included to-day are 3 stations of Lampson's cash carriers, complete." Sydney Morning Herald, 21 Dec. 1922, p.3 SCONE. M. Campbell and Co. "The building is also equipped with a pneumatic tube cash-carrying system." Scone Advocate, 28 Mar. 1929, p. 8 SHOALHAVEN. The Popular (Blackburns), Milton. "Some while back .. Mr Blackburn had the cash railway system installed in his store." Shoalhaven Telegraph, 22 Jul. 1899, p. 2 SINGLETON. Grainger and Falkiner. "An improvement in the working of large shops and similar places of business has been introduced by the firm of Grainger and Falkiner. It is what is known as the cash railway, ball system." Singleton Argus, 22 Jun. 1895, p. 2 SINGLETON. James Moore. "Throughout the various departments of the retail stores of Messrs James Moore and Co., of Singleton, the cash railway system has been installed." Singleton Argus, 28 May 1898, p. 2 SYDNEY. ? 69 Oxford Street. "For sale... Lamson Cash Railway System, in good running order, five lines, 17 stations." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 18 Aug. 1920, p. 4 SYDNEY. Edward Arnold, 362-366 Pitt Street, almost opposite Anthony Horderns. "Lease of Pitt-street premises... Pneumatic tube system (Lamson Store service Co.) is also included." Sydney Morning Herald, 26 Apr. 1933, p. 20 SYDNEY. J.F. Ashwood (grocery), 827-831 George Street - opposite Redfern station. "The cash railway is a new feature in the establishment." Evening News (Sydney), 2 Apr. 1898, p. 3 SYDNEY. H.H. Axtens, The Strand. "We have been instructed by Mr. H.H. Axtens, of the Strand, to invite tenders .. for purchase of the shop fittings and office furniture, comprising .. Lamson Cash Railway and Stations." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 14 Nov. 1914, p. 3 SYDNEY. Ball and Welch, George Street, Brickfield. "A large number of gentlemen .. assembled on Monday .. to inspect the great white building... Pneumatic cash tubes are installed." Evening News (Sydney), 16 Sep. 1913, p. 10 SYDNEY. Beard, Watson and Co., 361 George Street. "Young girl required to attend cash tubes." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 16 Dec. 1922, p. 23 SYDNEY. Bennett and Wood, Pitt/Bathurst Streets. "A vac. for comp. female, some exp. cash tubes and cash reg." Sydney Morning Herald, 3 Jan. 1948, p. 18 SYDNEY. Braschs curtain shop. Oxford Street. "Moira Lloyd remembers the magic of the machine she saw as a child in in Brasch's curtain shop... Her nanna told her it was called a 'flying fox'." Sydney Morning Herald Column 8 SYDNEY. Bennett and Wood Pty., Pitt/Bathurst Streets. "Cashier typiste... Experience on cash register and cash tube system a distinct advantage." Sydney Morning Herald, 28 Jul. 1947, p. 14 SYDNEY. City Fashions, 161 Liverpool Street. "Retail store cash tube suction system. 600ft tubing, 4 stations. Fully complete with large cash depot and 2 h.p. motor." Sydney Morning Herald, 10 Oct. 1945, p. 10 SYDNEY. Civil Service Co-operative Society, Pitt Street. It was formed in 1871, and at first intended to cater mainly for the public service, all grades being represented. "Shareholders and their friends were enabled yesterday to inspect the new and handsome premises... Cash railways traverse every inch of the business spaces." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 17 Nov. 1897, p. 3 SYDNEY. Marcus Clark, 235-237 King Street, Newtown. "Tenders wanted for cash railway." Sydney Morning Herald, 4 Apr. 1888, p. 4 SYDNEY. A.D. Couling(?), 620 George Street. "A highly important sale .. comprising .. complete cash railway, suit suburban shop." Sydney Morning Herald, 28 Jul. 1926, p. 19 SYDNEY. Curzons, 209-211 Pitt Street. "Quotations will be received .. for conversion from direct to alternating current operation .. of one (1) 3 H.P. Lamson cash tube system." Labor Daily (Sydney), 1 May 1937, p. 12 SYDNEY. Dymocks bookshop, George Street. "At this time Dymock's had a pneumatic air system. Each section had access to the air tubes and when a sale was made a docket was written out and this together with the money was put into the tube which was delivered upstairs to accounts. Any change was put into the tubes by the accounts section and returned to the sales floor. This system was abolished shortly after I arrived and each section was given a cash register." [He started in December 1966.] Collecting books and magazines website SYDNEY. Joseph Farmer & Co. (later
Grace Brothers), Broadway (or George Street?). "At Farmers, Ltd. .. the pneumatic cash tubes, which are operated by electricity, were out of operation, necessitating a reversion to the old cash desk principle." Sydney Morning Herald, 21 Nov. 1916. p. 8 SYDNEY. Farmers, Castlereagh Street. "Farmers and GBs still had the vacuum cash system - the salesgirl put the docket and cash in the canister, and Whoosh! ... off it went to some mysterious place, only to return with a clunk soon after with the change. MAGIC!!" David Coggins in posting to AUS-NSW-SYDNEY-L Archives 24/6/11 SYDNEY. Feldhelm Gotthelf, 91A-95 Clarence Street/220-240 Kent Street. "By order of the liquidators... Mammoth warehouse premises... 'Lamson' Cash Tube System." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 11 Oct. 1924, p. 7 SYDNEY. Fishers, 364 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction. "F.R. Strange, Limited, will sell ... Cash railway system. 1 complete 12-track 'Norton,' at present in position, with about 700ft of track, 8 trays and 33 balls." Sydney Morning Herald, 22 Feb. 1930, p. 3 SYDNEY. Fosseys, George Street. "Commencing business .. in April last, .. the firm has been compelled to acquire much larger premises, and the site selected is that recently vacated by Lassetter's, in George Street... The original floor space of 5400 square feet will be multiplied ten times over in the new building... The installation of a 'rapid wire railway' will expedite the handling of cash and change." [Sydney] Sunday Times, 10 Oct. 1926, p. 5 SYDNEY. Mark Foy. Liverpool and Elizabeth Streets. "The click of the cars on the cash railway punctuate the greetings of customers." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 21 Dec. 1896, p. 6 SYDNEY. Fraser and Hughes, ?Taylor Square. "Under instruction from Messrs. Fraser and Hughes, owing to premises being leased. Fixtures and fittings, consisting of .. cash railway." Sydney Morning Herald, 8 Oct. 1932, p. 10 SYDNEY. Goulston Bros. (drapers), George Street. "A considerable sum of money has been expended on .. the adoption of a unique cash railway system, which extends all over the premises, the cashier, who is in an elevated position, commanding an unobstructed view of all that is taking place in the various departments." Evening News (Sydney), 19 Apr. 1897, p. 7 SYDNEY. Gowing Bros., 486 George Street. "Wanted, thoroughly competent lady cashier, for pneumatic tube station." Sydney Morning Herald, 22 Mar. 1924, p. 27 SYDNEY. Grace Brothers, Broadway. See SYDNEY. Farmers. Photograph of cash desk with about 7 pneumatic tube terminals and 7 wire terminals at State Library of New South Wales. SYDNEY. Greigs (haberdashers), Market Street. " I recall one such cash system in the 1960s at Greigs Haberdashers Market St Sydney." MargoZ in posting to Stampboards, 1/1/13 SYDNEY. Hardware House. "Wanted. Young lady, about 16, for Pneumatic Tube Station." Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Jul. 1921, p. 20 SYDNEY. G.H. Hatte, King Street, Newtown. "The hall is fitted up with all the latest improvements, including a cash railway." Evening News (Sydney), 27 Oct. 1893, p. 3 SYDNEY. Robert Hendersons (Silk Centre), 156 Pitt Street. "Smart girl .. accustomed to pneumatic tubes, required immediately." Sydney Morning Herald, 10 Sep. 1929, p. 20 SYDNEY. Henderson's Sweets, Barlow Street, Haymarket. "For Sale. T[w]o station Lamson Cash Carrier. Evening News (Sydney), 18 Jun. 1915, p. 3 SYDNEY. H. Hoadley and Sons, 28 Chalmers Street. "For sale and exchange... Lamson Cash Railway." Sydney Morning Herald, 18 Nov. 1930, p. 14 SYDNEY. C. Holcombe (draper). "For sale .. cash railway, cost £150." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 18 Apr. 1906, p. 3 SYDNEY. George Hodgson Jnr & Co, Ashfield. Lamson Cash Ball system installed towards the end of October 1889. "At this period there were only two firms in the colony, besides Messrs Hodgson's, who had adopted it and one of them stated that it was a saving of $500 a year. The railway.. commenced in the ironmongery department; travelled round to the grocery, the general drapery, millinery, men's clothing, and each department of the business ... We ought, indeed, to be proud of a firm who would evince such energy as Messrs Hodgson are doing by the adoption of an improvement which is even now looked on as a marvel by the merchants of the largest cities of America and Europe...It was understood that the invention was a patent and could only be leased from the original proprietor." Ashfield Advertiser, 2 Nov. 1889 SYDNEY. Anthony Hordern and Sons, Haymarket. There were three generations of "Anthony Horderns" and several family members had sole or joint businesses - see Wikipedia.
SYDNEY. Edward Hordern, 668-670 George Street, Brickfield Hill. "The Bostedo Pneumatic Tube Company of New York and Chicago (represented by Mr. Foyer) has just erected in the business establishment of Mr. EdwardHordern, of George-street, a number of pneumatic tubes, which serve the purpose of cash-carriers. The system is in use in many large stores in America, and is fast coming into appreciation in London, but this Is the first case in which the company has applied it in Australasia. The blower erected at Mr. Horden's - described as a positive rotary blower as distinguished from a fan blower - is sald to be large enough for 20 stations. A ¾ h.p. gas-engine is used. The pneumatic tubes, which are of brass, can be made to run in any direction - either upstairs or down - and can be so arranged as not to be notictable except in the locality of the cash desk, so that they need not mar the display of goods in the establishment where they are used The force of the current of air can be regulated. Twenty feet a second is regarded as a slow speed, the rate which can be reached being as high as 50ft a second. Sydney Morning Herald, 18 May 1898, p. 6 SYDNEY. Hosking and Co., 161 George Street West. "In the matter of Hosking and Co., Ltd. (in liquidation), F.R. Strange, Limited, will sell the whole of the shop fittings .. as contained in the three stores... 'Lamson' cash railway system, 15-station, centrally operated. 'Brandt' automatic change machine." Sydney Morning Herald, 28 Oct. 1936, p. 21 SYDNEY. David Jones, Castlereagh Street. "David Jones Limited require junior girl 15-18 years for their cash tube room... Castlereagh Street Store." Sydney Morning Herald, 14 Mar. 1946, p. 13 SYDNEY. David Jones, Elizabeth Street. "David Jones' New Store... The Lamson cash tube system is installed." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 19 Apr. 1926, p. 4
SYDNEY. S.A. Little and Co., 82-84 Liller Street, North Sydney. "For sale, cheap, Lamson Cash Railway, 6 stations, ball system, also Drapery Counters." Sydney Morning Herald, 1 Jul. 1920, p. 4 SYDNEY. Loneragans (dept store). Lamson pneumatic tube system in use in 1930s."Tags/notches on the capsule identified the sending sales desk and the receiving ststion - in this case the cashier's station.". Posting to Aus-NSW-Sydney-List, 30 Mar. 2002 SYDNEY. W. Lowe & Co., George Street. "Messrs. W. Lowe and Company celebrated the first birthday of their George-street shop on Saturday... As the balls containing the bills reached the cashier by means of the cash railway, an indicator on the barometer recorded the number." Evening News (Sydney), 17 Oct. 1904, p. 8 SYDNEY. McCathie's, Pitt Street. "See the golden soverigns aeroplaning through pneumatic cash tubes." Daily Telegraph (sydney), 21 Oct. 1912, p. 16 SYDNEY. McDowells, 80 King Street. "McDowells Ltd. require smart young lady .. with experience on cash tubes." Sydney Morning Herald, 23 Jul. 1928, p. 18 SYDNEY. Meyers, 269 Pitt Street. "Small cash railway, suitable transfer cash from department to cash desk." Sydney Morning Herald, 30 Aug. 1933, p. 9 SYDNEY. D. Mitchell, 95 Forbes Street, East Sydney. "For sale. Lamson Paragon pneumatic tube system, 2 h.p. motor and blower, tubing, etc." Sydney Morning Herald, 26 Oct. 1936, p. 7 SYDNEY. J.A. Murdoch, 2-6 Park Street (hatter, mercer and men's outfitter). "A cash railway has been established on the ground and first floors." Evening News (Sydney), 26 May 1906, p. 2 SYDNEY. Nock and Kirby, George Street North. "The pneumatic tube system for taking cash has been fitted throughout the building." Sydney Morning Herald, 18 Mar. 1910, p. 4 SYDNEY. F. J. Palmer & Son, 285-293 Pitt Street. "Extensions .. will be completed in December, 1925... The Lamson cash tube system includes the latest gravity type cash desk, with auto control device., ensuring the uniform smooth and rapid cash service." The Sun (Sydney), 3 Dec. 1925, p. 22 SYDNEY. Palmers, 724-728 George Street, Haymarket. "Quantity of fixtures and fittings, suitable for men's wear store, including .. Wire 5-Station Cash System, Tube Bellows 1-Station Cash System." Sydney Morning Herald, 19 Jun. 1929, p. 22 SYDNEY. Paton's, 452 Parramatta Road, Petersham. "Cash railway system for sale, 10 stations, Lamson-Paragon wire system, £10 or offer." Sydney Morning Herald, 29 Jun. 1928, p.18
SYDNEY. Pioneer House (?) "Auction sales... On the premises, 1st floor, Pioneer House, 117 York-street ... 1 Lampson Paragon [sic] cash carrier." Sydney Morning Herald, 28 Oct. 1931, p.8 SYDNEY. Powerhouse. Has some cash balls and track in its collection. Thought to date from ca. 1912. SYDNEY. Public Supply Stores, Pitt Street. "The Public Supply Stores are being rebuilt on modern lines... A part of the general scheme is the installation of a pneumatic cash tube system, with stations throughout the building." Sydney Morning Herald, 5 Sep. 1917, p. 7 SYDNEY. Riley Bros.,614-620 George Street. "A smart youth required for our cash desk; one used to cash railway system preferred." Sydney Morning Herald, 1 Jul. 1890, p. 8 SYDNEY. David Ross, Liverpool Street, opp. Central Police Station. "Important auction sale of all the materials contained in large, modern, two-story building.. now being demolished... 1 cash railway, complete." Sydney Morning Herald, 17 Jul. 1926, p. 24 SYDNEY. Sargood Bros., York/Clarence Streets. "Pneumatic tubes are also installed." The Australian, 8 Feb. 1913, p. 65 SYDNEY. Saunders (Jewellers), Railway Square. "Capable girl for cash desk, tube system, in busy jewellery store." Sydney Morning Herald, 29 Mar. 1951, p. 11 SYDNEY. Silvertown Rubber Co., 33 Margaret Street. "A two-station cash tube service, consisting of 300ft approximately of 2¼ in bore brass tubing, with bends and accessories. 1 Lamson Improved Blower. 240-volt D.C. motor, 1½ h.p.., with Starting Switch. Owing to alterations this installation is no longer required." Sydney Morning Herald, 13 Jun. 1925, p. 18 SYDNEY. Mick Simmons (tobacco merchants), 119 King Street. "Great clearing sale of high-class shop fittings... on account of expiration of lease... Automatic cash carrier with all fittings for 2 floors." Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Aug. 1920, p.5 SYDNEY. Smalls, 243 Pitt Street. "Cash system, 6 station Rapid Wire for shop use, bargain price." Sydney Morning Herald, 18 Oct. 1923, p.15 SYDNEY. Storey's. To be sold by tender ... Lamson cash railway system, 20 stations. Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Sep. 1929, p. 21 SYDNEY. Suttons (music warehousemen), 390 George Street. "Included in the sale are the following: Lamson Tube System." Sydney Morning Herald, 8 Oct. 1932, p. 20 SYDNEY. Sydney Snow Pty. "We have vacancies for experienced cashiers in our tube room." Sydney Morning Herald, 1 Nov. 1947, p. 34 SYDNEY. J. Stanley Johnston Pty., 437-9 George Street. "Young lady, 21-23, for cash desk, tube system, 3 lines." Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Nov. 1951, p. 17 SYDNEY. State Stores, Redfern Hill. Photo of "Manchester Department" with cash ball system in Pollon. SYDNEY. Storey's, 124-128 Castlereagh Street. Storey's Limited .. require for their new premises .. junior cashiers... Those used to cash railway preferred." Sydney Morning Herald, 29 Feb. 1928, p. 28 SYDNEY. Sutton, 9 Parker Street, Haymarket. "Lamson Pneumatic Cash Tube system, complete, 5 stations." Sydney Morning Herald, 6 Jul. 1925, p. 16 SYDNEY. Suttons', 390 George Street (Post Office block). "To let ...Suttons' music warehouse... Every modern convenience and equipment... Cash tube system." Sydney Morning Herald, 13 Oct. 1931, p. 14 SYDNEY. John Switzer and Co., 305-307 Parramatta Road, Leichhardt. "Auction will be held on the premises .. of the balance of stock and fixtures belonging to John Switzer and Co. Glass cases, cash railway system." Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Mar. 1906, p. 2 SYDNEY. Sydney Civil Service Store. Pneumatic tube system. Photo (not very clear) of "where the pneumatic tubes centre (cash tubes collect to here)". Sydney Mail 16 Sep. 1903, pp.762-3 SYDNEY. Turner Bros. (drapers and haberdashers) Railway Parade, Kogarah. Business opened in 1906 and closed 1975. "Dockets, cash and change travelled from the shop assistant to the cashier’s cubical, high above the counters, and returned by the overhead cash railway. A most ingenious device used before the introduction of the American cash register." Turner Bros. Our history SYDNEY. W.T. Waters and Co., 74-80 King Street. "Wanted, junior cashier .. with experience on pneumatic tubes preferred.." Sydney Morning Herald, 5 Oct. 1923, p. 16 SYDNEY. E. Way and Co., Pitt Street. "See the golden soverigns aeroplaning through pneumatic cash tubes." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 21 Oct. 1912, p. 16 SYDNEY. Westcott, Hazell and Co., 225-227 Castlereagh Street. "Special glass showcases and counters have been installed, together with drinking fountains, pneumatic tube system, and a 20 station dictograph." The Sun (Sydney), 16 Nov. 1928, p. 20 SYDNEY. Woolworths, Argyle Street/ Adelaide Parade. Photograph of Bargain Basement with Rapid Wire system. Yesterday's Australia, Reader's Digest SYDNEY. Wong Hing (?), 149 Miller Street, North Sydney. "An important auction sale... The whole of the modern and up-to-date plant and fittings contained in the fruit and greengrocery business including .. elaborate set cash railway." Sydney Morning Herald, 24 Aug. 1932, p. 18
TAMWORTH. State Stores, Peel Street. "A most unique system of cash carrying has been installed at the State Stores, Limited .. and is the only one of its kind at present in operation in Tamworth. Mr. A.E. Linton, of the Lambson Store and Service Company, [sic] of Clarence-street, Sydney, supervised the erection of the new cable cash carrier, which is worked by electric power... The cash cars travel at the tremendous speed of 1000 feet a minute... It comprises 800 feet of cable. There are eight stations, as well as thre home stations. Two stations are located in the grocery department and one in each of the following departments: ironmongery, boot, millinery and show room, haberdashery, drapery and mercery." Tamworth Daily Observer, 12 Jul. 1912, p. 2 TAMWORTH. T.J. Treloar, Peel Street/Brisbane Street. "Twenty-five hands are employed and the main shop is fitted up with Lamson's rapid cash system." Austramian Town and Country Journal, 10 Jan. 1906, p. 27 TAREE. Mark Connell. "The store .. will be fitted with all the latest improvements, including the cash railway system." Manning River Times, 15 Mar. 1899, p. 2 TAREE. Delves and Williams. "The furniture and the cash railway fittings, the property of Delves & Williams, were covered by insurance." Northern Champion (Taree), 18 Jan. 1922, p. 3 TAREE. Alex Moore (Alley's Cash Corner). "Redman and Lee will sell by auction .. Cash Railways." Manning River Times, 25 Jul. 1925, p. 11 TAREE. Peel's, Victoria Street. "The shop is to have all fixtures complete, including a modern cash desk, from which the cash railway will be operated to all counters." Manning River Times, 27 Mar. 1925, p. 1 TEMORA. J. Thom. "A patent cash railway between the counter and the counting house is also in evidence." Freeman's Journal (Sydney), 16 Mar. 1901, p. 19 TENTERFIELD. Tenterfield Pastoral and Agricultural Society. "The cash railway system has been installed." Mullumbimby Star, 26 Sep. 1907, p. 5
TRANGIE. J.A. Carman and Co. "The building has a frontage to Dandaloo Street of 50 feet, with a depth of 100 feet... Cash railways of the carrier system are also installed throughout." Narromine News and Trangie Advocate, 7 Jun. 1929, p. 4 TUMUT, Wynyard Street. Post Office Stores (Fred Baker). "Edward Wilkinson and Son .. have received instructions .. to offer for sale .. Post Office Stores .. complete with necessary fixtures, electric light, Lampson [sic] Paragon Cash Railway System." Sydney Morning Herald, 11 Oct. 1923, p. 13 UKI. Loders. "In 1935 .. the store was modernised with an overhead cash carrier system, operated by a 'change girl', with change cups on wires connected to departmental counters by overhead miniature 'flying foxes.' [Australian] Daily Telegraph website ULLADULLA. Popular Store (H.C.Blackburn). "Mr. H. C. Blackburn .. has just introduced into his establishment a cash railway... The employees place the customer's money with a memo. of the sale in a sma|l cup arrangement, and by sirnply pulling a suspended.handle near to hand the whole is dispatched quickly per wire to the cashier... Mr. Blackburn is the first storekeeper on the south coast to introduce the improvement." Ulladulla and Milton Times, 24 Oct. 1896, p. 4 UNGARIE. F.R. Hayes. "The cashier's department has been raised and the overhead cash railway appliances have been added to, and this particular department is now in conformity with that of much larger business premises." West Wyalong Advocate, 5 Oct. 1934, p. 3 URUNGA. T.T. Saerson (?). "Auction sales... In the Assigned Estate of T.T. Saerson .. Dayton scales. Samson [sic] cash railway." Sydney Morning Herald, 4 Aug. 1926, p. 17 WAGGA WAGGA. D. Copland and Co. "The counting house common to both buildings was in the new building, and cash tubes were connected between the two places." Wagga Wagga Advertiser, 23 Aug. 1910, p. 4 WAGGA WAGGA. T. Edmondson and Co. "Throughout their premises the installation has been almost completed of a pneumatic tube (or vacuum) system for quicker handling of change between the customer at the counter and the cashier in the office. In this project about 4000 feet of tubing is being used, The plant is alreadworking and, when the install tion is complete, every counter in the huge store, 24 in all, will be in direct communication with the cash desk... Five seconds later from the further counter, 141 feet away, it reaches the cash desk... The apparatus automatically records the time of despatch and receipt so that any undue delay in a customer receiving his change can be promptly checked... The power for the plant is provided by an eight horse power dynamo in the basement." Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 21 Sep. 1932, p. 5 WAGGA WAGGA. W.G. Huthwaite & Co. Pty. general store. Cash-ball system. Photograph at Up-to-Date Store, Coolamon WAGGA WAGGA. State Stores, Gurwood Street. "The pneumatic tube cash system is installed, and facilitates the transaction of business." Sydney Mail, 10 Aug. 1910, p. 35 WAGGA WAGGA. Thomas H. Sutton, Baylis Street. "For sale - Australian Cash Railways. 5 stations to cashier, complete with spare parts, including new carriages, rubbers, clips, handles, springs, etc., perfect condition and a bargain." The Land (Sydney), 30 Mar. 1947, p. 21
WARREN. McMahon Brothers. "We have received instructions from Messrs. McMahon Brothers, storekeepers, to offer their Warren branch for sale... The store is .. conveniently fitted throughout with all modern improvements, including .. cash railway." Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 6 Jul. 1901, p. 4 WELLINGTON. Fong Lee, Nanima Crescent. "The cash railway is being installed." Wellington Times, 15 Aug. 1910, p. 2 WELLINGTON. E.A. Fulton. "Mr E. A. Fulton has established the cash railway system at his well-known place of business, and 'The Busy Corner' is now complete and up-to-date in every detail." Wellington Times, 12 Jul. 1909, p. 2 WENTWORTH FALLS. A.E. Parker, Railway Street. "Mr Parker's latest is the establishment of a cash railway by which clients will receive their change at express speed." Katoomba Daily, 25 Jun. 1932, p. 1 WINDSOR. M.H. Pulsford, Manchester House. (Purchased the business in 1904 from Greenwell & Co.) "In order to facilitate shopping, we have connected our two buildings by telephone, and are about to erect a pneumatic cash railway over the bank premises. Windsor and Richmond Gazette, 18 Jun. 1910, p. 8 WINGHAM. J.E. Chapman. "Mr. J.E. Chapman has recently installed in his Wingham Store the Norton-Coffil Grade Line Cash Railway System. The new fixture is an Australian patent, and gives an air of up-to-dateness to the premises." Wingham Chronicle, 16 Jul. 1918, p. 2 WODONGA. Marcus Clark. "Don Rowles, 17, when using a vacuum cleaner to clean some shelves at Marcus Clark's Ltd. to-day, caught hold of a cash carrier, which runs to earth, to steady himself. He cried out loudly, and a member of staff .. switched off the electric current." The Sun (Sydney), 21 Jan. 1930, p. 13. (I'm not clear what kind of carrier could have given him an electric shock.) WODONGA. Manns. "It was used in many a shop, manns in wodonga as well off memory. It was an 'in thing' in those days where the cashier had a lot more control and staff were there just to sell things and not handle the money. Facebook, 24/9/12 WOOLONGONG. Ashleys, Crown Street. Pneumatic tube system - see Reminiscences. WOLLONGONG. Lance & Co. "The cash railway system is being installed at Messrs. Lance and Co's., Wollongong." South Coast Times, 12 May 1900, p. 11 YASS. Corner Store. "Mr Walter Eager has just completed the installation of the Premier Rapid Wire cash railway system at his establishment. There are four stations - two in the grocery and ironmongery, and two in the drapery and clothing departments." Yass Courier, 27 Nov. 1913, p. 2 YASS. Federal Stores. "The Lamson Store Service Co. have just completed the installation of one of their Ball Cash Systems for Mr. F. W. Peterson at the Federal Stores... Stations have been fixed for every department." Yass Courier, 1 May 1911, p. 2 YOUNG. General store founded by Samuel Millard. "Their overhead cash railway is in daily use". D.Tattenham in This England, Summer 1975 YOUNG. C.D.S., Burrowa Street. "Auction sale of valuable shop fittings and equipment. Thos. Reynolds, Auctioneer, will sell by public auction, on account K.F. Davis, Esq. in the C.D.S. shop premises .. Cash Railway." Young Chronicle, 13 Sep. 1940, p. 7 YOUNG. William Weeden. "An application by the Lamson Store Service Company to instal pneumatic working tubes in Mr. W.F. Weeden's store was referred to the Works Committee." Young Chronicle, 16 Apr. 1910, p. 2 Museums
WOONA. Red Diamond Depot, Main Road. "Our new shop is replete with every modern convenience, our cash railway is a marvel of ingenuity." South Coast Times, 4 Jan. 1918, p. 5 YOUNG. C.D.S., Burrowa Street. "Thos. Reynolds, Auctioneer, Young, will sell by public auction .. Cash Railway and Office." Young Chronicle, 13 Sep. 1940, p. 7