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BARRE. Boston Bargain Store. "A Lamson cash carrier system is being put up in the Boston Bargain store." Barre Evening Telegram, 21 Nov. 1901, p. 5
BARRE. Co-operative Society. "The store will be one of the best equipped in the city... A cash railway system... One side of the store will be given to the meat, fruit and provision department, the other to groceries." Barre Daily Times, 18 Jun. 1903, p. 1
BARTON. Gilman. "An electric Lamson cash carrier system is being installed in the Gilman Company store." Orleans County Monitor, 6 Dec. 1916, p. 11
BATTLEBORO. Goodnow, Pearson and Hunt, Lower Main Street. "Men also are putting in an electric cash cable system throughout the store to replace the old system." Battleboro Daily Reformer, 23 Mar. 1922, p. 1
• "An added treat when shopping at Goodnow's was to watch the money container that snapped onto a wiring system and sped on its way from the counter to the cashier's office and back." Battleboro Historical Society. Battleboro remembers (Charleston SC: Arcadia, 2001) p.13. Includes photo of exterior.
BATTLEBORO. Houghton & Simonds. "Houghton & Simonds closed a contract today with the Lamson Consolidated Store Service company to equip their stores with the Lamson cable cash carriers. The system will be operated by an electric motor. It is the finest cash carrying system yet produced." Vermont Phoenix, 17 Feb. 1905, p. 4
BATTLEBORO. "Robbins & Cowles have moved their office to the rear of the store and installed a Lamson cash carrier system, the first in the town." Windham County Reformer, 9 Jan. 1903, p. 5
BENNINGTON. Drysdale. "Their cash railway system which has always proven adequate for all demands was not equal to the occasion." Bennington Evening Banner, 28 Dec. 1906, p. 1
BURLINGTON. Star (Miles & McMahon), Barrows block, Church Street. "The large double store with its complicated cash railway system." News and Citizen (Morrisville, VT), 12 Apr. 1888, p. 2
MONTPELIER. A.D.Farwell Co. "A Lamson cash carrier system with four stations was installed at A.D.Farwell Co.'s store on Monday." Vermont Watchman, 26 Mar. 1903, p. 1
NEWPORT. Gilman & Co. "An electric LAmson cash carrier system is being installed in the Gilman Company store." Orleans County Monitor, 6 Dec. 1916, p. 11
PROCTOR. Vermont Marble Co. New store opened 1915. "A Lamson cash carrier system served both floors." Wire system with curve visible in photographs. Rutland Historical Society Quarterly, vol. 40. no. 2, 2010, p. 8
ST ALBANS. Richardson, Twigg & Co. (dry goods), 148 Main Street. "This representative house was opened by the present firm in 1889... The business premises comprise two floors of 25 X 125 feet each, elegantly fitted up with .. the Lamson cash carrier system." A local newspaper quoted on Twiggs Gastropub website
ST ALBANS. F.F. Twitchell & Co., Main/Bank Streets. "The store is more attractive than in former years .. and provided with all the modern conveniences for transacting business, such as cash railways, etc." Windham County Reformer, 9 Feb. 1894, p. 3
• "This firm began business in St. Albans in 1881... A rapid cash railway facilitates operation." Henry K. Adams. A centennial history of St. Albans, Vermont. (St Albans: Wallace, 1889), p. 53
ST JOHNSBURY. E. & T. Fairbanks (dry goods), South Main Street. "The store will be open early next month... The first floor has the Lamson cash carrier system while a pneumatic tube runs from the second floor to the book-keepers' desk." St Johnsbury Caledonian, 27 Nov. 1890, p. 1
ST JOHNSBURY. L.P.Leach. "The store of L.P. Leach & Co., has been equipped with the Lamson cash system." St Johnsbury Caledonian, 5 Apr. 1905, p. 1