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Locations - New Hampshire

HINSDALE. Wordens. "The Worden Company have this week put in a Lamson Cash Carrier into their store. Vermont Reformer, 8 Mar. 1895

KEENE. William P.Chamberlains. "The first overhead cash system was installed in William P.Chamberlain's store in February 1889." Keene History Committee. 'Upper Ashuelot: a history of Keene New Hampshire', p. 143

LACONIA. O'Sheas. Pneumatic tube system. See reminiscences

MANCHESTER. F.W. Fitts. Fitts was Lamson;s brother-in-law and this was Lamson's first system to be installed about 1 April 1881 acording to the Patent Office report of Giles v. Coram.

MANCHESTER. McQuades, Elm Street. Established in 1939 and closed 29 June 2002. "The sales floor had no cash registers. 'When you bought something, the clerks would send the money upstairs through pneumatic tubes.' The store later changed their format to keep up with the times." website

NASUA. Marsh-Parsons, Main Street. See NASHUA. Speares below.

NASHUA. Speares (dry goods), 140 Main Street. "Speare's aging cash carrier system still fascinates young and old alike... An ever-running cable system takes the customer's money to a cashier's office above... The main lines of the system's cables extend across the ceiling of the store, well overhead, and some 25 'drops' descend to departments below. The drops were the invention of the resourceful Mr. Lamson who had originally developed a one-level conveyer which ran along just above the heads of the customers. The salespeople then had to insert the cars on the moving line, the shorter girls requiring boxes to stand on for the purpose... Paul Dean, Reynold's son and employee, can usually fix anything which goes wrong, such as replacing or splicing cables... Dean believes that the cash carrier system is one of very few still in use in the country today. If you don't count the one across the street at Marsh-Parsons, it is the only one in the state and he believed there is none in Vermont." Nashua Telegraph, 26 Jun. 1969, p. 10

ROCHESTER. J.C.Penney, North Maine Street. Wire system. Main office was on 2nd floor. Now occupied by Jan May Chinese restaurant. Fosters Sunday Citizen, 14 Apr. 02.