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The first system in St Louis (and probably the state) was at Penny & Gentles in 1882.
ShopsBUTLER. Levey's (clothing store). Shop opened in 1876 and closed in 2003. Lamson wire system installed in 1906 and there until the shop closed. Carrier has "R-488" stamped on it. Re-erected in museum at Adrian. (T.Hall) CAINSVILLE. G.R.Wilson. In 1904. G. R. Wilson and son erected a commodious two story building on the N.E. corner of the square. The lower floor was occupied by the G R. Wilson and Son Dry Goods and was modern in every respect and equipped with a cash carrier system, very new to Cainsville. Harrison County Bicentennial History, 1976 CAPE GIRARDEAU. Bartels Merc. Co., 430 Broadway. "A new Lamson carrier, or cash exchange system, operating from a central office, was placed in use today at the Bartels Merc. Co. store... To facilitate the operation of the system the store's office has been moved from the main floor to a space on the mezzanine. Southeast Missourian, 14 Jun. 1939, p. 6 CAPE GIRARDEAU. Buckner Ragsdale. "I remember the wire trolley cash cups... The cash and price ticket was put in a cup, twisted to a metal cap, pull a rope to latch to the always traveling wire rope trolley, the cashier would make change and send back. No money on the floor, no cash drawers to balance with the staff below!" Don Neumeyer in posting to Cape Girardeau website, 23/12/11 CARTHAGE. Millers (men's clothing) Town Square. Basket system from early 1900s to 1970s. Gene Davidson CHILLICOTHE. The New York Store, 501 Locust. Overhead cash carriers. Shop had 60-odd departments. Livingstone County History website COLUMBIA. Kress Wholesale Company, 1025 E. Broadway. Built in 1910 to serve as a Kress 'Five and Ten Cent' store. Remodelled ca. 1946 for the Mehomay Furniture Co. "The office and cashier stations were located in a balcony near the back of the showroom. As was the case for many of the stores in the area at that time, the Kress store used a 'Lamson' system, which involved having sales clerks send cash up to the cashiers in small containers attached to wires. The cashiers would make the required change and send the cup back down to the floor." U.S. Department of the Interior. National register of historic places CORINTH. Rubel (dept. store), corner of Fillimore and Cruise Streets. Built in 1873-4 and demolished in spring 1961. "Proceeding through the first floor of the store, a child would next notice the wire baskets with leather pouches holding sales tickets and cash flying overhead suspended on a wire network which carried them to the second floor. The 'central cashier' handles the transactions, making change and returning the baskets to the clerks below." Corinth information database IRONTON. Lopez Store Co. "The Spring Millinery Opening at Lopez Store Co.'s last Saturday was an out-of-the-way event for this town... The click and whiz of the 'cash' trolley was incessant." Iron County Register, 31 Mar. 1910, p. 5 JACKSON. Stedman & Co. "Among the recent improvements made in the store of Messrs. Stedman & Co.. is the introduction to the Jackson public of the Lamson Parcel Carrier, which is a system intended to do away with cash boys and other mediums of communication between the salesman and the cashier. This system consists of steel wires running from convenient stations in his commodious store to the cashier's desk and bundle counter. On these wires are suspended on grooved wheels, wire nbskets large enough to hold bundles of usual size, and in these baskets are little tin boxes for the cash. When a purchase is made the article purchased is placed in the basket, as is the money to pay for it, and the basket is then elevated to the wire running from the station being used, by pulling a cord which not only lifts the basket, but changes the inclination of the wire and starts the basket on a down grade to the bundle counter, where the bill is checked off and the goods wrapped up and shipped over the same lin to the point from which they were received, accompanied by the 'change' if any be due. The store of stedman & Co. has nine of these stations located at convenient points." The Clarion (Jackson), 23 Jun. 1886, p. 3 JACKSON. E. and S. Virden "have made a progressive addition to their handsome store - the Lamson Cash Railway." The Clarion (Jackson), 19 May 1886, p. 3 JASPER. Conrad Mercantile Co. "The Conrad Mercantile Co. and R.L. Roberts and Son will install in a few days the Lawson [sic] Air-Line Cash Car, a cash carrier system that is in use in many up-to-date business houses." Jasper News, 7 Nov. 1912, p. 8 JASPER. R.L. Roberts & Son. See JASPER. Conrad Mercantile Co. JOPLIN. Newmans (dept. store). Opened 1910. Postcard photographs of millinery and men's clothing departments with basket system on Missouri Digital Heritage website
KANSAS CITY. The Model (clothiers, shoers, hatters and furnishers), 10th and Main Streets. "Midway between the first and second floors the cashier's desk is situated, to which run six tracks of cash cable system, one from each floor." Kansas City Journal, 8 Sep. 1895, p.5 KANSAS CITY. Owl Drug Store. Wire system. Photograph at All Posters website. KANSAS CITY. George B. Peck Dry Goods Co., Main Street. Until 1901 was Doggett Store Co. "Before the store installed overhead wires carrying baskets with purchase and money, young boys and girls were employed to run with these items to a central cashier." Store closed 1964. Kansas City Times, 12 Sep. 1970 KANSAS CITY. John Taylor's Dry Goods Co. Overhead wire basket system. Taylors was founded in 1881 and taken over by Macys in 1947. Kansas City Times, 24 March 1978. Postcard showing silk department at Kansas City Library website. KANSAS CITY. Weavers. "From the pneumatic tube system it uses to process transactions to the chief executive who goes by Joe, everything in Weaver's 140-year history speaks of traditional, high-quality customer service." Kansas City Star, 8 Sep. 1998, p. D1 KIRKSVILLE. Doneghy. "The Doneghy house was the pioneer cash house in Kirksville... As time went on the cash boy was discarded and the cash railway system that quietly and rapidly does the work of half a dozen boys took his place." Weekly Graphic, 27 Feb. 1891 MEXICO. "The store downtown that had the track system in it that you put your money into a small carrier and it took it by track to the upstairs office, and your change was sent back to you the same way." Audrain County Historical Society website ST LOUIS. Famous and Barr Dry Goods Co., Railway Exchange Building bounded by Olive, Locust, 6th and 7th streets. The company ocupied the first seven floors of the 21 storey building. "In the general office is a pneumatic tube system, in which two cartridges are used, one for cash and the other for charge accounts... The sub-basement, housing the pneumatic tube blowers .. is thirty-two feet below the street level." Construction News, 6 Dec. 1913, p. 9 ST LOUIS. May, 6th Street/Washington Avenue. "One of the new features which attracts marked attention is the wrapping and pneumatic tube cash system... A cashier's desk and wrapping counter are situated side by side in the middle of each floor." St Louis Republic, 22 April 1904, p. 5 ST LOUIS. Meyer. "At Broadway and Washington, auction sale of entire fixtures, etc., of the Meyer store, Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1904 ... air line cash carriers. St Louis Republic, 21 Feb. 1904, part III, p. 5 ST LOUIS. J.C. Penny, 14th Street. Cash carrier. Bob Proost in posting to Facebook ST LOUIS. Penny & Gentles, 5th Street/Franklin Avenue. [From St Louis Evening Chronicle] "The railway is a frame track of about five inches in width. The rails, made of stout half inch white ash, are suspended from the ceiling... Nine balls can roll on one track by means of an ingenious switch, which throws the ball where it belongs, this being done by the size of the ball... Eleven stations were in operation Saturday and everything worked well." Public Ledger (Memphis Tenn.), 3 Aug. 1882, p. 2 ST LOUIS. Schroeter Bros. (hardware). Wire line carrier used to a cash desk on the balcony. Lamson brochure ST LOUIS. Scruggs Vandervoort & Barney. "Lamson brass pneumatic tube from the store Scruggs Vandervoort & Barney ... Once privately owned, they were absorbed into the Denver Dry Goods Company. DDG was merged into and became part of the Foley's nameplate after a May Company Conversion." Caption in Retail Memories blog SCRANTON. J.D. Clark. "Those who visited our store during the week preceding Christmas .. witnessed the phenominal trade we were enjoying - fifteen clerks, a 5-station cash railway." Pascagoula Democrat-Star, 5 Jan. 1894, p. 3 Museums